BLOOD WAS matted in her hair, just some. Nothing worrying. Amara had been training for a few hours, she wasn't even sure. She was covered in dirt and sweat. When she was spotted by someone, she was unlucky to find that it was her mother who noticed her.
"Amara," Leia says, "What happened?"
Amara a little out of breathe from training gives a small smile, "Uh- um training." She says.
Leia looks at the small scratch on her forehead.
Amara brushes it off, "A branch, mom. I wasn't paying attention for one second."
Leia touches the scratch lightly and looks at her, "Are you sure you don't want me to give you any input from my training with Luke?"
Amara shakes her head, "I'm good, mom. I am going to figure this out myself, but if I need guidance, I'll let you know."
Leia brushed some of Amara's hair behind her ear, "I wish you wouldn't push me away."
Amara held onto her mom's hand, "I need to do this on my own," She says, "I need to figure this out myself."
Leia just nods in support.
3PO comes over, "General Organa," The droid says, "I've been informed that Commander Dameron has arrived at the base."
"Poe?" Amara asks looking at 3PO.
Amara's eyes drift from the droid to her mom.. Leia turns to the droid and gives him a small smile.
"Thank you, 3PO." Leia says.
SHE RAN down the halls without a care in the world. She bumped into people as she sprinted down to the medics. She needed to see Poe.
Amara's body hits another commander, "Oops, sorry-!" Amara called at them.
She turned a corner and then found herself at the door, she watched as the door slid opened and saw Poe being care to by the same medic who looked at her last night. Poe had dried blood on his forehead from his wound there. There looked to be some bruising on that same side near his eye. He had a cut on his lip. Poe winced when the medic touched the cut on the forehead, which only led Amara to slightly wince.
Poe's eyes shift from the floor to her, "Captain Solo," He had a grin, "What do I owe the pleasure?"
Amara couldn't help but smile and take a step forward, but then indirectly hesitated. She looked from Poe to the medic in the room.
"I uh- Can we have a moment alone?" Amara asks.
The medic looks at her and then nods. Amara and Poe watched the female medic leave them alone.
"Alone? What's so important you had to wait for someone to leave us-," Poe was cut off.
Amara had thrown herself onto him and hugged him tightly. She rested her head on his shoulder and her hands were on the back of his head and back. Poe seemed stunned by this.
"Um- didn't know we were at the physical part of our friendship." Poe says.
Amara shakes her head, "Shut up," She says, "Shut up, I was so damn worried."
Poe looks at her. He rested his hand on the back of her head, lowering it to the back of her neck. His other hand rested on her upper back.
"I told you I'd come back," Poe says softly, "I always do."
Amara nods, "I know," She frowns, "But- But you almost didn't."
Poe pulls her out of the hug and looks at her. Tears have been building around her eyes, which was now red.
"Hey, hey." Poe used his sleeve to wipe the tears away, "Don't cry, Amara. I'm okay."
"You're hurt," Amara says frowning at the wounds.
Poe couldn't help but grin, "Hazards of the job," He says.
Amara watched Poe lower his sleeve from her eyes to his sides. Amara reached her hands and grabbed his hands, the two stood in the room. Alone. Amara looked at his hands, she watched her hands interlock with them.
"I need to tell you something," She says.
Poe furrows his eyebrows, "What?"
Amara looks at him, "Before you deny it to everyone here," She says, "I know you're not okay. I know it's going to be a while before you fully recover mentally."
"Wait- Wait, what are you talking about, Amara?" Poe asks in utter confusion.
"Your wounds. The pain you endured." She gives him a sad smile, "I saw it happen and I felt it."
Poe looks confused.
"Call it familial Jedi power voodoo," Amara says with a sad smile, "But I know, I know what you endured."
Poe let go of her hands, his hands slowly rest on his hair. Poe seemed to be rattling through the last forty-eight hours or more, thinking of all he dealt with and considering that Amara also witnessed.
"You- You saw it?" He asks as he glanced at her.
Amara nods, "Yeah." She says, "Jakku, The First Order, the torture, and Kylo Ren."
The last part made Poe tense and Amara knew it. She used her hand to stroke his cheek. He had looked away at the mere mention of Kylo Ren, but when he felt her touch on his face, his eyes returned to her.
"I- I didn't tell anyone how bad," She says, "But they could tell based how I reacted."
Poe sighs, "I'm sorry," He says, "I'm sorry you had to endure that."
She shakes her head, "Don't apologize," She says, "My feeling of your agony and Kylo Ren means nothing in compared to-,"
"Wait, what did you say?" He asks, "Feeling my agony and Kylo Ren? What do you mean?"
Amara moved from him and sat on the bed, he followed her action and looked at her. She sighs and looked from her hands to him.
"He sensed me in that vision limbo place," She says, "I still don't know how it happened or why."
Amara shakes her head, frustrated that she doesn't understand it.
"But he sensed me and I felt his rage and pain," She says with a confused look on her face, "I- I can't shake it off."
Poe reached over and grabbed her hand. He doesn't say anything. He doesn't need to. Amara looks at his hand resting on her hand and then back to him. Something in his eyes were comforting. It made her feel safe. The door swooshed opened.
"Commander Dameron," Leia spoke, "Glad to see you in one piece."
Poe quickly pulls himself away from Amara and stands up. Leia gives the pilot a gentle smile, Leia may not admit it, but she sees Poe as a child to her. She has seen him grow up into the man he is now.
"I think it'll be wise to do the debriefing," Leia says.
Poe nods, "General Organa," He says with a sadden look on his face, "I'm sorry, I don't have the map and- and I told them where it was."
He lowers his head and made his hands into fists.
Amara slowly stood up and moved next to him, she reached over and grabbed his arm. He tensed for a moment before feeling Amara rub his arm. Her eyes only on Poe.
Sure, Leia was still in the room, watched this. She knew the two were close, but not this close. Poe and Amara have thirteen year gap after all. But for whatever reason, when Leia stared at her daughter and the pilot in front of her, she saw herself and Han from years ago.
Leia then says, "You did your best, Poe. I'd rather you be alive and empty handed than dead." She looks at him.
Poe lifts his head to look at Leia, sort of a bit shocked that she'd say that.
"Now, the debriefing?" Leia asks.
Poe nods, "Of course, General Organa."
General Organa begins to leave the room, glancing back at Poe and Amara. Now the mother and general takes note that Amara is holding Poe's hand.
SHE WAITED outside General Organa's private quarters, inside the quarters were not only Poe and Leia but a few other officials. She leaned her back against the wall and had her arms crossed on her chest. She fidget as she waited. She kept glancing at the door and then looking at the ceiling. The sound of the door swooshing got her attention. First came the other officials and lastly was Poe and General Organa.
"Head back to your quarters and rest, Poe." Leia says.
Poe gives a small smile, "With all due respect, General, I feel fine."
Leia saw her daughter standing there.
"How about this," Leia says, "Captain Solo."
Amara's head snapped at her mom. Poe turned around and saw her still there. He had said before going inside that he'd see her later, but didn't expect her to wait out there for the hour or so it took debriefing everything.
Amara stepped over, "General-?"
"Escort Commander Dameron to his quarters," Leia says, "Make sure he gets there despite protest."
Poe turns to protest, "General Organa-,"
Leia turns to him, "You've been through a lot, Poe. Now go, rest. We'll call for you if we need you."
Leia motions Poe to go, even gesturing with her hands. Poe glanced at Leia and then turns to Amara, who shrugs her shoulders.
The two begin walking down the hall, in silence no less.
Amara fidgeted with her fingers as she kept glancing from the floor to Poe as they walked. Her eyes seemingly going to the wound on his forehead, feeling her eyes on him, Poe glanced over at her.
"This wasn't your fault," Poe says.
Amara nods with a frown, "Maybe if I got that vision sooner we would've been able to prevent you from being captured."
Poe halted his steps and turns to her. She stops and turns to look at him, he stood a few feet behind her. Amara saw something in his eyes, it wasn't anger or anything, he just looked exhausted. He sighs.
"Don't do that," Poe says, "Don't go down that path. It'll only make you upset and angry."
Amara nods and says, "I know, Poe. I just- I just feel bad."
Poe gives her a small smile, "It's not your fault, Amara. You didn't do this." He says as he walks again.
He patted her head as he passed her and so Amara quickly ran to catch up with him. The rest of the walk leading to Poe's quarters were silence, no less.
When the doors of Poe's quarters opened, Amara followed in despite Poe not expecting her to.
"You don't have to watch me, Amara." Poe says as he strides through his messy quarters.
Amara noted that. She had never been in Poe's quarters, heck never been in a boy's quarters before. She looked around. She saw clothes on the floor, some paper work, blue prints, tools, and a holograph photo of his parents by his bed.
"Poe," Amara says softly, "I know you don't want to be alone right now."
Poe frowns, "Please don't be in my head."
Amara frowns and went to reach out but hesitated. She lowers her hand to her side and looked down, almost defeated. She knew he had someone going through his head, a man invading his thoughts and secrets just to find the map. Poe sat on his bed and huffed out an exhausted breathe. His eyes dart over to Amara, frowning at his words he sighs. He knows she isn't the man who tortured him, she is different. She is sweet.
"I- I know you're concerned but after what happened," Poe says, "I- I don't want people invading my head."
Amara slowly lifted her head up. Now she was getting a good look at Poe. He looked much different than she saw him in the hallway or with the medic. He looked defeated, beyond defeated.
Amara began to walk over and move through the mess that is Poe Dameron's quarters. She made sure she wouldn't trip over his clothes on the floor or anything else. She sat down on the bed next to him. His gaze away from her now, he appeared to be looking at his hands which are resting on his lap. Amara reached up slowly with one hand and placed it on his back, she felt him tense up by her touch.
"It's okay," Amara says, "You can cry."
Amara had tears building in her eyes. She didn't need to know what he was thinking, she felt it. She could sense his feelings. Out of the pure silence of the room, Poe choked out a sob and collapsed his head into his hands that are resting on his knees. Poe was shaking as he sobbed. Amara rubbed his back as a form of comforting him, she rocked him back and forth to the best of her ability.
"I- I tried to fight it off," Poe cried, "He was too strong."
Amara leaned down and pet his hair, she was looking at the side of him. She stroked her hand through his curly hair. Slowly she rested her head on the side of his head.
"It's not your fault," Amara says, "It's okay."
Poe continues to shake, "I failed," He choked out a sob, "I failed the Resistance. I failed General Organa. I failed everyone."
Amara shakes her head, "You didn't let us down," She says tears sliding down her face, "We've been trying to find BB with the map. You gave us a lead, Poe."
Poe lifts his head and Amara backs off to give him space. He glanced at her. Tears staining his face and eyes are red, Poe looks at her.
Amara used her sleeve from her jacket and wiped away the tear on the side of his right eyes. She looks at him and gives him a small smile.
"Poe Dameron," She says, "You are the most devoted person to the Resistance. You are the most compassionate person to not only fellow Resistance members but to his droid. You are the best pilot the Resistance has."
Poe listens to her.
"Poe, you're everything I want to be. I want to be brave and strong like you." She says, "Don't say you aren't, because you are."
Poe felt Amara reached over and hold his hand. He looks from his hand to her.
"This is a set back," She says, "And you'll have to get over it now and move ahead with the mission. Getting the map back."
Poe nods silently.
"But, it doesn't mean you have to be normal again, because you're not. I know it." She says squeezing his hand a little tighter, "If you need anything. I'm here."
Amara leaned over and kissed the top of his head before getting up. She let go of his hand and begins to head to the door of his quarters, allowing Poe to have some space.
"Wai- Wait," Poe says.
Amara halts and turns to look back at him. He is looking at her. He still looks hurt and barely keeping it together from crying again.
"C- Can you stay with me for a while?" Poe asks, "Just for a few minutes?"
Amara looks at him and gives him a small smile, "Of course." She says, "Anything."
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How to Save a Star [BxB]
“Do you know that stars die?” I asked, breaking the silence. I didn't know where the question came from, but that's the only thing that came to mind. “Yeah,” he answered. “And some stars we see in the sky may be already dead. But they're so far away that their afterglow can still be seen above. Some of them may seem glowing but they’re truly dead.” We all have a little gallery of photographic memories inside our hearts. An exhibit of things we could never forget through our short moments in time. Some were so good, we held it like they were the best part of our lives while some were things we desperately ran away from - they hunted us, and killed our hopes. The beginning of my life ended on my tenth birthday, the day when my childhood was stolen away from me. I longed to run away from that nightmare that held me tightly in my neck and made me helpless under its grasp. Going to college had become my final chance to run away. On my seventeenth birthday, after enrolling at a university, my life took another shift. I met a man who showed me the glimmer of hope I always wanted to see. And this was our story. A narration of first love, bittersweet and worthwhile. DISCLAIMER: This novella primarily contains gay romance. Read at your own risk.
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