"You are my mate" the words stuck like the storm that was ongoing then. Their heavy breathes and the equally heavy raindrops were the only sounds in the woods with of course the hailing thunders. Ezra still had his legs around Duncan's pelvis as the beta held his mate against the tree. Ezra had an emotion held in his eyes with a lot of hope. He had no idea of Duncan being his mate as the older beta never hinted at it. But, now after such a passionate kiss, he was sure of this one thing. Duncan Long was indeed his mate.
On the other hand, Duncan was calculating his doings. He had promised himself not to lose this battle of temptation but he was here getting his tongue down his mate's mouth. He had no idea what made him act like that. One moment, he was sitting in the car banging his head and the next moment he was sucking on to Ezra's lips. But, did he regret it now?
Duncan loosens his grip around Ezra and lands him down. "Duncan?" Ezra needed answers. Duncan took a step back and looked at his bewildered mate. "What's wrong?"
"I love you," he says dazed looking at his beautiful mate who looked ten times more pretty.
"What!?" Out of the trance.
"I didn't mean to" Duncan covers his mouth shocked at the words that just left his mouth.
"Huh?" a flash of hurt across Ezra's face.
"I mean I do love you but- how?" Duncan looks around perplexed. He again had no idea what just happened.
Blake and Easton were tucked under the white blanket with their legs cuddled at the very end and peaking out. The older alpha had his mate pulled close to him while he had a protected hand on Blake's shoulder. Blake had his head resting on Easton's bicep while he snored away in the crook of the other alpha's neck inhaling the calm scent. One of his hands clutched on the shirt Easton wore yesterday, while the other was against his own chest in a loose fist. Stroking his mate's cheek, who was still in the dreamland, Easton kissed his temple. He smiled to himself looking at how adorable his mate looked. Blake's eyes were all red and swollen after all the crying he did last night while his pink lips formed a pout. Easton chuckled as he removed the hair out of Blake's face to look at it clearly.
It was past his waking time and normally he would fuss over it but now he just wanted to sleep some more in this warm embrace or just stare at the man that laid carefree in his arms. The promise that he made last night to Blake was something he thought the second thing after waking up. First was Blake.
He laid deep in thought with brows furrowed at how many years have been since his mate has been going through something this bad all by himself. All alone. His facial expressions changed rapidly and furiously to kill anyone and everyone behind this. He did have an idea of it been the rogues that took away Mrs. Jensen a few years ago. And the raising issues here kind of connected to the patterns back then. The only new fact was about teleporting thing.
He was still pondering when a finger gently touched his forehead right between his eyebrows and started massaging in a circular motion. "Why this irritated first thing in the morning?" Blake's addressed in a hoarse voice. Easton looked down at his mate and his mood changed instantly. He caught the finger, which was still putting away his facial lines, in his hand and smiled gently towards the younger.
"Morning" Easton said which bought a mirrored smile to Blake's face. He tightened his embrace around the younger's body and pulled him more towards him like he was almost laying on Easton. He then kissed Blake's forehead which bought a twinkly shine in his eyes. "Slept well?"
"Like a log" Blake replied with a pick on the lips. "And good morning". Getting out of Easton's grip, he stretched out his refreshed body. "Let's go for a run," Blake said making Easton sit right up.
"You want to go for a run?"
"Shut up and get up" he got off the bed and then opened the window of his two-story house.
[a/n: That rhymed]
He turned back to watch Easton dragging himself from the bed. Making eye contact with his mate, he seductively smiled before taking off the red t-shirt he was wearing, revealing his pale white skin making Easton stop in his tracks. He threw another smile towards his mate which raised the temperature in the room. Easton was all set to pull the man before him in his embrace but before he could react Blake jumped out of the window.
He landed safely on his ankles and fingers. He looked up to watch Easton all serious with his hands folded to his chest. He smirked knowing that his little show earlier did boost the blood of the alpha. "Oops-" he grinned and shrugged off. Kai took over the wolf form in the next moment.
He shakes off the fur in the chill air that surrounded the tall trees. The early sunlight made his white fur shine more than ever while he closed his eyes enjoying the wind. A growl is heard which makes him look up to find Easton jumping off the window too. Aziel took over the body in mid-air making Kai witness the big black wolf he was a fan of. As he landed on the ground on all fours, the thin air of dust lifted around them followed by a winning growl. He slightly pushed Kai with his weight who was still in shock with the stunning showcase.
After several pushes and grunts, they finally commenced their morning run.
"Happy birthday" Duncan was the first one to wish Ezra this year. Well, of course when the person is right next to you and in your arms, you don't really have an option.
"T-thank you" Ezra ducked inside the blanket. Duncan chuckled at the innocence the boy was sporting after yesterday's publicity stunt. Well, God bless the animals. He leaned back on the chair he was sitting in, right next to his mate's bed.
"Get up now, it's almost time for the morning celebration" morning celebration was a ritual done to the werewolves when they turned eighteen. They were granted the powers they were meant for. "Did you meet him yet?"
"Oh yeah!" Ezra sat immediately and regretted the second he did.
"Slowly, the alpha body changing might be there. You should be careful" Duncan made sure to tuck two pillows to his mate's side before leaving the room to give him and his wolf the privacy they needed.
[a/n: for the people thinking, they did not do the "deed" but they were very close to it *fans*]
Ezra longingly looked at his mate while he stepped out of the room. He hesitantly tried concentrating to communicate with his wolf but there remained only silence through his mind. "Umm.. hi?" he greeted to break the ice when no response was heard. Ezra felt a pang of pain in his chest. Sure, he didn't want to lead a pack but he always wanted a wolf. People say wolves are the best friends a werewolf could ever get. Everyone he knew had their own wolves. Duncan had Arion, Easton had Aziel. What about him?
He dejectedly rose from the bed and walked to the ensuite bathroom. The room was empty which meant, Elias was gone for the day. Checking the time on his phone he knew that he slept in today. Maybe spoiling himself once in a while was not that bad.
A stupid smile came onto his lips when he remembered the strange events that happened last evening. Both, Ezra and Duncan confessed their love for each other but then it was out of nowhere. So sudden and strange. But, he was glad it happened. A flush of red took over his face when he remembered the things that happened after the called "confession".
"Bad, Ezra. Bad"
"What is?"
"Easton!!" a big smile appeared on his face to see his elder brother right in the morning. "I thought you were in Blackwoods," Ezra said once he got out of the bathroom while wiping his mouth off.
"I was. But, Blake rushed me here right after we woke up. Later on, that idiot says he wanted to wish you" Easton chuckles at the new friendship that sprouted between his mate and his brother.
"Ugh! Is he here? He will do something stupid again" Ezra groaned putting away the towel.
"Not you calling my mate stupid when yours is stupider"
"Well right-" his head shot up while Easton had a smirk sitting on his face. "You knew?" Ezra asked with his eyes huge.
"Well, yeah. And I am about to murder him right now" Easton casually shrugs off and turns to exit the door and end Duncan today.
"What? W-wait" Ezra rushes and stands in front of his brother. "Why?" he was extremely confused as to why his brother wants to kill his mate.
"Well, the bruise on your neck explains a lot" he eyes the hickey on Ezra's neck suggesting last night's events. "He dared to touch my brother when he was still a minor" Easton growled. "He promised me not to"
"I'm not a m-minor anymore, Easton" Ezra retorts as his words come with struggle. His cheeks were bright red.
"That's bruised enough not to be made today" Easton tapped his foot against the floor for a comeback.
"N-no, Easton. It was not-"
"Yeah and I was born yesterday " he glared. "He's so dead-"
Ezra ran every possible way, to stop his brother, in his mind. He knew how overprotective was his brother towards their siblings including him. If not stopped now, Duncan would get at least a punch. Before he could make up something. Easton was already working his way downstairs. "Duncan!"
Duncan stood up from the kitchen seat where he was flirting with Aurora. They both had a friendly match of who would make whom blush first, Aurora won. A wave of fear crossed Duncan's face. He knew exactly why his alpha was marching towards him looking that furious. He saw Ezra helplessly calling after his brother wearing the tank top which gave too much for cleavage for his wolf's liking.
He looks hot.
"Well, yeah but Easton looks boiling"
"Bastard..." he watched as the alpha paced at him. A punch was delivered right at his jaw making Duncan catch his jaw in pain and stumble back. "You gave into it, huh?"
"What are you doing, Easton?" Aurora tried to intervene
"Easton, let me explain-" he raised a hand for another punch when a frantic growl echoed the house. Both the alpha and beta were shocked at the growl and looked back at the sound. Ezra stood there with his hands clutched to his sides, and eyes glowing a glittery shade of white.
Arion was the one to speak as the sight of his mate-wolf dragged him out. He stumbled back at the glance of the wolf he thought he would never see again. "How-" the words were hard to form with Silver standing there. He looked at Arion once and diverted it right away. The sight of Arion was not digestible for him. Though he came out when he sensed there was some harm surrounding his mate, he didn't want to look at him now.
"Oh-" Blake walked into the room and sensed the unusual tension in the room. His eyes shifted to Easton who stood between Duncan and Ezra. And looked quite shocked. He walked to his mate and dragged him out by the collar to leave the new mates alone. Which was obvious because Ezra was oozing with Duncan's smell.
"Blake- wait" Blake dragged his mate out while Aurora left for the packhouse to meet some of her friends before the celebration. "Why did you drag me out?"
"Why, you ask? Wasn't it awkward being stuck between two mates? I literally got shivers looking at Ezra, or was it his wolf?" Blake said.
It was his wolf, Silver.
"Why you sound so down, Aziel?"
It's gonna get really complicated for both of them.
Long story short, they both used to hate each other ever since we were in the before life.
"And why is that?"
No one knew. Silver can't stand Arion at all.
With that Aziel faded away. The look on Blake's face told Easton that Kai was still talking to him. And the way his expressions changed he knew the topic was the same. "Oh boy"
"Yeah..." Easton nodded along with Blake as he walked out of the house onto the packhouse.
The atmosphere was made with the chairs arranged in the biggest free place they got. The wolves from both the packs came flooding in, followed by the former alphas and luna of the packs. Christopher along with Aurora and Austin sat in the first row with Elias and Elena to their side. Duncan's parents were next to them. Zander and his family were seated not so far away. Likewise was the whole Black woods pack. The members who had friends in the other were talking and enjoying the rare time they had together. But, most of them held on to the grudge of their pack being the best.
Easton and Blake were all set to take over the meeting. There was a lot of nervousness and stress of the pack members going against them. But, the presence of their mate bond was reassuring. "It's gonna be fine" Easton assured as he took the younger alpha's hand in his.
The pair walked onto the stage once everyone was settled. "Greetings to the Blackwoods and Blood moon pack. We are gathered here for the birthday celebration of my younger brother, Ezra Knight" Easton announces as Ezra walks on the stage. He was now changed into a blue button-up shirt tucked in formal cream pants. He had a supreme aura around him. He was still the same all-time silent Ezra but now the air surrounding him could actually make the one in the front shut for life.
He looked at the crowd for his mate when he could neither smell the lavender scent nor see him. Though his wolf didn't want to see Arion. He needed to. It broke his heart not to see him.
We don't need them.
"Yes we do, Silver. I love him"
I despise him.
Silver faded away making Ezra groan in frustration. Easton on the other hand went on with the speech about his brother's greatness. "But, before Ezra takes in his powers I, more like we..." he looks at Blake who was already looking at him. "We have something to announce" the crowd broke in murmurs making the place echo more. Easton raises his hand which makes them stop immediately. "We have planned to merge the packs" he right on points making the people uproar. He let them talk for a minute before raising the hand again. "I know you people might have a struggle settling in this fact but trust us when we say we don't have an option"
Blake steps forward to continue, "I and Easton are both dominant alphas. Our wolves would never submit to the other when it comes to leading the packs. So the best option for us is to lead with two alphas"
"Likewise, the positions will be doubled at every level, starting from our betas Zander and Duncan followed by Derek and Luther and everyone else. No one would lose their positions" Easton completed.
"I wish if you may raise any offense, you better do it now" the younger alpha addresses. The crowd once again breaks into chaos as the alphas step backward to give them the space they wanted. After a lot of discussion and talks, they go halt.
"Now if you have any disagreement you may leave the pack," Easton says which results in no one responding. "I repeat, if you any sort of disapproval you may leave right here"
"Great. Now I request the elders to commence the ceremony"
The ceremony went well and ended with the celebration lunch. The packs were now willing to get involved with each other. They chatted throughout the lunch and then dispersed.
Duncan showed up at the end of the ceremony to announce the location of the pack along with Zander. Ezra pleading looked at his mate and ached to touch him. Not only his heart but the bond wanted him to be in his mate's arms. He left the ground of the celebration and ran towards the house.
Silver took over Ezra's form and stood on four legs. He was a huge alpha wolf with his fur brown with black strikes. His eyes glowed the silver color just like in the morning. He ran through the woods jumping over the branches and loops. He knew Ezra was weak for being with his mate on the first day of his change. But, he wasn't any good either. He also ached for Arion but he would die rather admitting it.
He wished time would take down the memories that included him and Arion.
"Tired?" Easton asked as Blake hit the couch as soon as they entered the suite. He bought them two glasses of chilled water from the fridge.
"Very" Blake groaned as he sat up for the glass of water. "Thank you".
"I did not expect them to not react at all," Easton says while sitting down next to Blake and sipped the chilled water.
"Me too. But, I guess they actually thought about your words. They were very effective. And no one would like going rogue" Blake shrugs off jugging down the glass.
"Well, true" Easton agrees as he rests his head on the couch.
"Let's rest for the day," Blake says watching his mate.
"Yeah" Easton stands up and puts away the glasses in the kitchen after washing them. He starts walking to the stairs but stops when he didn't find Blake following. He walks back to the couch where he sees Blake passed out on the couch. He chuckles at how his mate had fallen asleep all curled up.
He walks to the couch and picks Blake up gently as the younger alpha holds on to Easton's neck for support. "Don't carry me bridal style" he mumbles in his sleep but further move in to inhale his mate's smell. Easton laughs at the incoherent words and starts walking them to the room.
Laying his mate down on the bed, he tucks him in gently and closes the door.
He walks to the study and dials Duncan. "Alpha?"
"Found what I told you to?"
"Yes, alpha. He is with me now" *muah* "Stop it, Mr. Brown"
"You did catch the right one. Enjoy"
"I mean, I will meet him in the morning"
"Sure, alpha" Duncan walks out of the room leaving Mr. Brown in.
"Yes, Easton?"
"Are you okay?"
"I'm trying to be" he hangs up the call as he makes it to the packhouse from the deserted house.
I'm trying to be.
- In Serial194 Chapters
The Simulacrum
"He who fights with harem tropes should see to it that he himself does not become a harem protagonist. And if you gaze for long into a narrative, the narrative gazes also into you." --- Friedrich Nietzsche (probably?) How would you react if one day you woke up inside an environment running on tropes and clichés? For allegedly average high-schooler Leonard Dunning, this question became quite relevant when one day he woke up in a pristine city on a strange island in the middle of the Atlantic, without any memories, surrounded by classmates who are barely more than characterless placeholders, and with a classic indecisive harem protagonist and his impossibly beautiful love interests for friends. That would be hard to deal with already, yet his investigation into the tropes governing the world, trying to avoid harem shenanigans, and his odd blend of outside-context knowledge, unique abilities, and a penchant for causing trouble wherever he goes ends up dragging him into the center of the action anyway. Disclaimer: This is a tongue-in-cheek, slice of life romantic comedy, with occasional sprinkles of combat and mystery to spice things up. Please do not expect a straight up deconstruction beyond some in-universe meta-commentary by the characters.
8 401 - In Serial25 Chapters
The Big Book of Yanderes
No one asked for this and I know its a bad idea to handle like 5 books at once but I honestly don't care :3. I'm afraid someone's gonna take my idea so basically this is a bunch of one-shot scenarios but they're all yandere and they're all different types (neko, shy, stalker, demon etc.). I wouldn't mind doing SOME real anime characters but I'm scared they'll all suck :). The art work is mine I'm sorry its kinda sorta really really bad but I tried! Hope you enjoy~ ;))
8 130 - In Serial19 Chapters
Madara & Hashirama
Madara is a uni student in Tokyo. He is from a nearby village/small town. He's very intellectual and has the highest grades, but he's only doing it because that's what his family desires. His family isn't much of a rich one, so they hope that one day Madara will be successful and help for the family. One day, when Madara takes a different bus on his way home, he meets a stranger who will change his life.
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Sir (Man X Man) (Teacher x Student) ✔
It is the first day of Ryan's college. He's feeling anxious and nervous. After all, it's his first day in the new city, he and his mother just moved so that it'll be closer to his college and they knew no one except each other in this city. Feeling out of place he entered the class and saw a man whom he thought he would never see again."Mr.Dildo?" was the only thing he could get out in his confused state............................................................................................................................Ryan is a 17 year old boy, who is good at academics. His life is as normal as it can get with a mother who has cancer and a late father. One day at a bus station he meets a man. Who seems to be a constant in his life. Who is that man? How does that man become a constant in his life? Read to find out the story of Ryan.~~~#1 in LGBT (08/03/2021)#1 in bxblove (28/04/2021)#1 in Homosexual (06/08/2021)#2 in feelgood (22/05/2021)#1 in Versatile (10/11/2021)#1 in Demisexual (17/01/2022
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His Precious Mate.
{BOOK ONE OF THE WEREWOLF SERIES}Dayanara Arabella Cordero is the daughter of the Alpha and Luna of the Blood Moon Pack. Her parents were murdered and soon, her pack followed. She moved in with her aunt but she passed, leaving her with her abusive step uncle. What happens when she finds her mate? Who happens to be the Alpha of the strongest pack in the country. More importantly, what happens when he finds out about her step uncle?Started: 23-11-2017Finished: 31-12-2017
8 262 - In Serial107 Chapters
Lost Luna
This entire book is FREEonly with paid BONUS chapters Book one of the Lost Luna series ~Nova Hope was an Omega. An orphaned child that was found floating in a river by a pack who doesn't care for her. Bullied and abused for being an outsider and unable to shift, she finds every day an anxious filled wreck. One day, a group sent from the Werewolf King arrive to assess her pack, sending a dark and brooding Alpha into her midst. What she thought would be a death sentence from a champagne and coffee spill, turned out to uncover more truths and secrets than she ever expected. *** 'I swallowed deeply before making my way round the desk to the man that could only be described as the Alpha. He was dressed in black jeans and a blood red button shirt. His arms were large and tan, a hand clasped the arm of the sofa and the other awaited the drink on my tray. Stopping before him, I took a deep breath as I picked up his drink. The scent of him was intoxicating. So intoxicating, in fact, that when I got closer to hand him the coffee, my breath caught in my throat. All it took was the gentle brush of his finger against mine for my world to come crumbling down...' Complete✨ 2022 ~ undergoing editing. 1,000,000 reads ~ 17/07/21! 2,000,000 reads ~ 27/07/21! 3,000,000 reads ~ 07/08/21! 4,000,000 reads ~ 20/08/21! 5,000,000 reads ~ 09/09/21 6,000,000 reads ~ 10/10/21 7,000,000 reads ~ 22/10/21 8,000,000 reads ~ 01/11/21 9,000,000 reads ~ 12/11/21 10,000,000 reads ~ 27/11/21 11,000,000 reads ~ 13/12/21 12,000,000 reads ~ 31/12/21 13,000,000 reads ~ 20/01/22 14,000,000 reads ~ 26/02/22 15,000,000 reads ~ 20/05/22 16,000,000 reads ~ 22/08/22 17,000,000 reads ~ 01/11/22 Top Ranked Tags : #1 werewolf (for 10 weeks) #1 lycan #1 mates #1 luna #1 king #1 omega #1 alpha #2 wolf #15 romance #19 love word count 210,000 ~ 230,000 ✨
8 1020