Playing heavy metal in his car, Blake was driving towards his house. Had it not being today, he would've shaken the whole car with his moves, in the driver's seat, and with the metal banging on the stereo and putting everyone in danger. But not today as his mind was preoccupied with "stuff". Not a few minutes ago, Easton confessed that he missed him and Blake understood the feeling he had been craving for the whole day. Yet, that realization wasn't the thing that disturbed him. It was the question that why did he miss the man he met three days ago. The man who was his mate.
Blake was still frightened to admit that Easton was his mate. He was afraid to ruin the image of the perfect family he had in his head. But, now everything has changed. He found his mate, and it was Easton. It didn't matter whether his mate was a woman or a man anymore. All it mattered that it was Easton Knight.
Then again, were all these feelings of longing, wanting to touch him all the time, feeling possessive if anyone lifts an eye at him, also because of the mate bond? The answer was 'yes' and Blake was well aware of this. He was glad that he could blame all of his behavior and feelings on this mate bond and can argue that he yet wasn't gay. Regardless, somewhere deep down in his heart, he wanted all those to be true without a mate bond.
He still wanted to be with Easton and miss him when they were pulled apart, he wants to touch the man for however long to wanted to, he wanted to shout out to the world Easton belonged to him without the mate bond and it terrified him.
How was this possible when it's only been three days since he met this man? How was this possible if he never wanted him in the first place? Wasn't this too early for anything close to even 'like'? Did he like Easton Knight? Does Easton Knight like him?
"No, no, no" Blake repeated as the emotion invaded his thought process. "It doesn't even make any sense. I know nothing about him except the fact that he makes the most amazing strawberry pancakes in the world and is an irritating stupid discipline freak" he shakes his head furiously. "It's not even possible. It's all the mate bond"
Blake reached the house and parks the car in his usual spot. Unbuckling his seat belt, he watches Easton pulling into the yard. Unknowingly, it raises his heartbeat to face his mate again. Especially after that realization.
[Blake: It wasn't any realization
A: Whatever you say]
He quickly rushed out of his car and ran inside into the house without waiting for Easton. Easton stood blinking at the speed his mate has just shown. He knew Blake was on the football team of the school but the pace he just showed would beat a vampire too. He can run when he wanted to. He shook his head as he carried Blake's backpack from his car.
The house was painted grey with cream. It was a typical American house with modern architecture and seemed too big for two people.
[Not my picture, credits to the owner]
Easton walked himself inside the house as Blake left the door open. He walked into the living area with was neatly organized which Easton pleased. The interior was done with blue and white with a cream-colored L-shaped couch in the middle of the room and a beautiful expensive looking glass center table. A 55-inches television was positioned aligning to the couch, home theatre system attached to it. His eyes fall on the pictures that were hung right next to the tv. Most of them were of Brianna and Blake. One of the pictures had Blake's crying face while Brianna laughed brightly, two of her front tooth missing. Another one had Blake taking bath in a tub filled with water and a lot of plushies. A chuckle escapes Easton's lips as he captures the picture with his phone.
His eyes shift to the right where a picture of a young couple and children hung. A girl stood next to the huge build man while a very beautiful woman held a child in her arms. Similar toothy smiles plastered on each of their faces. A sad smile appeared on Easton's face knowing exactly who were the ones in the picture.
Christopher and Cora with Brianna and Blake.
Easton then shuffled his way to the dining area to get Blake but, he wasn't there. He silently hiked the stairs looking at the pictures that were plastered all along with the steps. And stopping now and then to capture his mate's cute pictures. He reached a white door that was closed but not locked. The door held a signboard written, "SOMEONE BETTER BE DEAD IF YOU WERE TO KNOCK".
Easton laughs at the sign that screamed Blake Jensen in a thousand languages. Cautiously he knocks on the door and enters when a 'come in' was heard. He pokes his head inside the room and finds Blake in between a very neat room.
Note the sarcasm.
Blake stood in between a pile of clothes while he looked for something on the table that looked more of a trashcan than a trashcan can ever look. He scratched his head throwing the t-shirt that was in the way, backward. The material landed on Easton's face as he stood at the doorway.
Easton slides out the t-shirt and looks around the room to step his next foot. But, unfortunately, the floor went invisible after the entrance. "Wow," Easton says as he shivers to witness the state the room was in. "You inhabit here?"
"What do you mean "inhabit"? Am I some wild animal?" Blake asks without turning towards his mate.
"Well, the room doesn't particularly explain "human" either. Maybe Beast?" Easton says picking out the clothes from the floor one by one.
"We are cleaning this mess," the older alpha says inspecting the clothes and putting them away.
"What?" Blake turns dropping everything and stares at the alpha who had already begun the cleaning. "Why?"
"Because it's dirty?" Easton shook his head with scrunched brows.
"I won't even live here"
"That still doesn't give you the liberty not to clean your room, Blake. Imagine if I kick you out, at least you will have a cleaner room to cry at. No?" Easton says with a smirk. It takes Blake by surprise as he throws the next thing he finds on the table which happened to be his superman boxers. Easton catches them with ease. "Oh, kinky" he winks with laughter.
"Asshole" Blake grumbles with red cheeks, before walking to the bathroom. He brings a big black garbage sack and starts putting the empty snack packets, chocolate wrappers, and other trash inside the bag.
"Where do I put away these clothes?" Thinking any of them being usable, but the smell coming from them said otherwise as his face twisted in disgust. "Where the washing machine?" Easton asks holding a bundle of clothes.
"Get out of the room, to the right, in the bathroom," Blake says looking into something.
"Got it and don't you dare eat the leftovers from those packets. Eww, Blake" Easton grumbles before leaving the room.
"I wasn't planning to" Blake yells after him and drops the Doritos packet, having two to three chips left, in the trash bag. "Damn". After cleaning one side of the table, he walks to the side stand of the bed and removes the overflowed trash. One by one, everything goes into the bag. His hands pause when he finds a used pack of condoms. It falls back on the ground in panic as he picks it up again. "Why didn't I put this away after using?" he throws the box in the bag and cleans away the trash as nothing happened.
"I'm back. You didn't eat that, did you?" Easton teases upon coming back into the room after putting the laundry in the washing machine.
"I did not" Blake shouts putting away the things in the bag in anger.
"I need a bag too," Easton says in between chuckles. It was so fun teasing Blake.
"In the bathroom, left cabinet, the third shelf," Blake says checking the last date of the coupon he received at Mc Donalds a year ago. He throws it away finding it got expired after two months of the visit. "Stupid people"
"Got them. At least you have a clean bathroom. You should better sleep there" Easton says walking to the other side of the single bed.
"I do not possess any of your habits, Mr. Knight. Especially of sleeping on the toilet seat. Thank you very much" Blake says flipping his imaginary long hair.
"I have heard of your sassy attitude before," Easton says putting away the expired biscuit box he found on the table.
"Hmph" Blake oozes with confidence.
"I must say it's way funnier to watch it live" Easton breaks into laughter making Kai joins in. Aziel on the other hand snickers and coos at how his mate looked cute when angered.
"Fuck you"
"Nah, I'm good. Oh-" Easton stops and lifts another empty box of rubber. He gawks at the box surprisingly as if he has never seen one in his life.
Blake casually glances towards his mate's stilled posture and drops his bag on the floor with a thud. "Fuck-" he mutters as his face heats up rapidly. "Uh- um- that-"
"At least you played safe. Not like we could get infected but imagine you getting someone pregnant and walking up to me for help. *shivers*" Easton chuckles throwing the box in the trash and clear up the table.
"You are fine?"
"Umm... Yeah?"
"Like you are not jealous and all?"
"No, why would I be?"
"Y-yeah, why would you be. Sorry" Blake's voice all low as turns continue the work. Easton standstill with Blake turned his back to him, his extended claws dig into the sealed packed fruit and nut biscuit box, tearing it in half. And which unfortunately had its expired date yet to come. Blake would cry. The powered biscuits fall to the floor as some of them enters the alpha's lengthened nails. The box long dropped into the bag, Easton's anger still wasn't in control as his claws dig into the inner side of his hand drawing out blood.
He tried not to lose his calm for two reasons, one, Blake was already mad at him for reasons. Two, he had no right to judge Blake when he didn't even meet him. But, his wolf and his ego had other plans. Imagining Blake thrusting into someone, naked and moaning out their name made Easton's blood boil with rage.
"I'm done" Blake announces tieing a knot to the garbage bag.
"Me too" Easton replies keeping his voice static. "I'll put this outside," he says walking to his mate and picking up the bag. Blake's face scrunch in distaste as he looks from place to place. "What's wrong?"
"I smell blood. It's fresh-" he stops midtrack watching the blood dripping off Easton's hand. "Oh, goddess. What did you do?" Blake panics as he holds Easton's hand in his.
"It's nothing" Easton tries to avoid the topic and withdraws his hand. He had no reason to state when asked why he hurt himself. He couldn't shamelessly admit that he was jealous of the situation that happened when he wasn't even in the picture of Blake's life.
"Nothing? You call this nothing. Easton, you have at least an inch deep wound or worse. What were you thinking playing with your claws that way" Blake scolds as he drags the other alpha to the bathroom. He opens the cabinet on the right and pulls out a first aid box. Easton watches Blake in awe without uttering a single word. Usually, he was the one scolding people for being careless, so this was new for him. To be scolded and lectured like he was a child.
Blake cleans out the blood from the wound and applies some alcohol. His face scrunched as if he was the one feeling the pain. On the other hand, the one who was hurt had no idea of the world or the pain, other than his mate. He stared with amusement at the other alpha. The tingling feeling in his heart seemed so good. The feeling that showed he was been taken care of. That, someone was there to take care of him.
"Why did you do this?" Blake asks once he bandages the wound. "What were you even thinking?" He packs the box and puts it away in the cabinet.
"Thinking about you" Easton admits in a daze.
"What about me?"
"Nah" it was now that knew what he was talking about. "It's nothing". He had his insecurities but he didn't want to share them if they make his mate any uncomfortable. Imagine being asked about your ex by your lover. Was he even his lover? Did Blake even see him like one? This was all a bond. Nothing more, nothing less. "I will go and check the laundry" with that, Easton stepped out of the room leaving Blake more curious and confused than before.
"What the hell?"
"It started raining" Easton walks into the room but stops when he finds Blake all curled up in a ball on the bed with no part of him shown and covered in a blanket. "Blake?" The ball shook frantically with fear. Easton stands quiet at the entrance for a minute before watching the other end of the room where the windows hit back and forth due to the storm. Easton's brows pull together as he walks to the window to close and lock them. He makes sure both the pair of windows are closed and then step towards Blake. "Blake?" he sits down next to his mate and touches his shoulder. Blake relaxes in his touch as the shaking lessens. Not gone but lessen.
Easton notices the change and moves closer to the other alpha. He goes behind Blake and encloses him between his stretched legs and hugs him. "Shhh. It's all okay" he coos his mate without even knowing the reason. "I'm here with you" he swings both of them which indeed calms Blake. With occasional rubs and kisses to his temple, Blake finally stops shivering. He moves his head from inside of the blanket to look at his mate who was actually looking at him. They had mere distance between their faces while Easton held a glowing smile. Blake's face was red with all the crying he's done inside the blanket, he sniffs once and wraps his arms around Easton's waist. He rests his head on the older one's chest listening to his hurried heartbeat. Easton smiles and tightens his hands around his little mate. One settled on his back while the other goes to his head. They stay in that position for a few minutes as Easton still swings them side to side. He lets his hand massage the scalp on his mate making a relaxing sensation run through Blake.
"M-mom" Blake was the one to break the silence with his words which weren't forced. He wanted Easton to know him and so carry on. He gulps loudly, as the fresh tears follow recalling the day these attacks started."S-she went missing on a r-rainy day and n-never came back" Blake's hold onto Easton's shirt tightens as he cries louder than before as Easton tries his best to comfort him. He strokes Blake's head saying incoherent words.
"It's okay, let it out" were also one of those many words that made Blake feel at peace. He cried and cried while Easton didn't even try to loosen his grip on his mate. It broke his heart to watch the fun-loving, big-mouth guy cry like this. He barely had any idea of Blake's laugh but he was sure that this wasn't something he wanted to witness ever again. He would fight anything just not to make his little one cry again.
After a while, Blake pulls back from the hug and looks at Easton in the eye. "T-thank you," he says rubbing his red nose and holding a sad smile which Easton replies with a peck on his lips. He pushes Blake's forehead with his, making the younger one scrunch his nose.
"Why would you thank me, idiot?"
"Because this is the first time I ever calmed down during a panic attack. Usually, it goes for hours but not this time. All because of you. So thank you" Blake pecks on Easton's lips this time.
Easton smiles genuinely while he nods in understanding. "And this is how I will be there whenever you need me"
"Promise?" Blake asks with an honest smile.
"Hmmm... No" Easton denies shaking his head.
"Haww!" Blake hits on the chest he was resting at. Both of them burst into laughter as Blake hugs Easton back and lay in his previous position.
"I promise" Easton rubs his mate's back making him feel more comfortable. Easton lay his back on the bed with Blake resting on him.
"Hmm... Maybe I can marry you for the pancakes" Blake mumbles getting his head comfortable and drawing rubbish patterns on Easton's chest.
- In Serial33 Chapters
On a short hiatus. Will return with more chapters soon! Voracity - A low-fantasy romance steeped in pain, misery, and an internal hunger bent on consuming the most sane of us all. Thomas is a gentle person, too innocent for his own good. He's kind, thoughtful, and caring. Tragedy befalls the compassionate man and he's torn from his peace by the violent, strangling grip of anguish. Can he remain the kind-hearted man he's always been, or will he slip into dark depths occupied only by those with cracked minds and wicked thoughts as he embarks on the journey of a lifetime, or does he even have a choice? The story is a bit of a slow burn to start, but I promise you'll be rewarded for sticking around. I hope you enjoy Thomas's journey through the dark as he slips into madness.
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Her New Doll (Completed)
(( Updates Weekly on Mondays!)) (( +18 Chapters Will Be Marked))The life of Donna Beneviento has been one of tragedy and fear. Even when gifted power she remained locked in a fantasy prison of her own making, spending her days creating and treasuring her dolls. An unfortunate soldier left behind after a paramilitary sweep of the area falls into mother Miranda's hands. With more than a few pieces missing she's useless to the priestess, but not to her Donna.
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His Little Mischief
They say opposites attract.But what happens when a rogue and an Alpha who both crave chaos end up being mates?It seems like Moon Goddess has made her first mistake.______I tilt my head, scrutinizing him. He did the same. A frown tugs on my lips. He did the same. "Copycat," I breathed out. A smile reaches his face and his eyes twinkle with curiosity. His stares bore into me as he eyes me up and down, pride swelling in his chest. He opens his mouth to speak, "Pleased to meet you, mi amor." "It's a pleasure to meet you, too, mate."______I'm definitely not a professional writer or any of that sort so mistakes in terms of grammar and plotholes will be inevitable
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One Moment, One Breath
Aleesia is cast out from her pack and shunned because of who her father is and what she was born to be. With no other options she moves on, making her way to a little nowhere town in Alaska. Her first day in school take a dramatic turn when her whole world shifts and focuses on A boy with golden curls and an energetic pixie.JasperxOCxAliceThis story is unedited and is a first draft.I might change some details, I'm really trying to make the story my own. The town is made up by the way, i have no idea if there is actually a town there call Lakeford.I DO NOT OWN THE ORIGINAL CHARACTERS FROM THE TWILIGHT SERIES OR THE ORIGINAL PLOT! THIS IS A FAN FICTION!
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Watch Me ✔️
"I would prefer not to hurt you, but I will if I need to." They said. I felt cold metal on my neck moving lightly against my skin. My emotions were a wreck, I felt anger, fear, and adrenaline all within me at once. But I knew I was not going to die today. Let them think I want this, I'll play into their delusions, and work towards the best plan of escape. Someone had to know I was missing, so now I would just have to start the long game. *************************************************Trigger warning: some scenes contain mention or detail related to sensitive topics. Story is rated mature for the mentioned topics*#1 in editing 5/23/2019#9 in scary 7/10/2019#11 in pride 1/10/2021#27 in stalker 5/9/2019#40 in fiction 1/22/2019
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Mindlessly Wandering (Shinso x Reader)
What happens when a girl who has been hurt her entire life gets adopted by a pro hero and then meets her soul mate? Will she be saved by her hero? Or will she end up hurt again? Let's find out together!ALSO THIS STORY HAS A LOT OF ABUSE AND DEPRESSIVE TOPICS SO READ AT YOUR OWN RISKThis story was a way for me to vent my problems and ways that I feel, so it gets dark a lot.
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