《How to Love Fame》Chapter 25


~ Miss Porter ~

"And, cut!" I heard these words from the director for the hundred and third time today. I was really getting tired of filming it. I adore acting, but I sure need some rest after six hours of constant shooting. Plus, the image of a naked Nicole in my mind sure doesn't make it easier focusing on my work. They don't call me The Goddess for nothing. On the stage, there is no Diane Porter. I am who they tell me to be. Considering how stubborn I am, it is odd that I listen to someone that much, I always do what I'm told while filming. Well, I also do it in bed with a certain someone... No, Diane! Focus.

I got into the scene with the middle-aged, very handsome man named Timothy Davis. He is all that a girl can dream of. Sky blue eyes, a fearless smile that can get your panties off and wavy black hair with grey shades. Not this girl though, I'm as gay as it gets. So for me, he is a friend and a colleague. One of the rare ones I actually like. In most cases, actors are snobby little bitches.

After we did the last scene together, Tim and I got to talking.

"So, that's your sugar over there?" He said, pointing at Nicole. I laughed at his reference.

"Yes, that's my sugar."

"How's that going?"

"Pretty well actually. Except the fact we have to hide from the public."

"Oh dear, that's just how fame works. You have to learn how to love it. Besides, everyone already knows about you two." It made me sad remembering how they actually know. She is now standing there, not even being able to protect me, just watching me film the ending of this movie.


"I know, but still. We have to be careful. She can't even appear alone in public anymore."

"That's shitty. But hey, after the filming is over, you get to spend more time with her. I can only imagine what you two do all day." An evil smirk appeared on his stupid face.

"You're so nasty!" I slapped him playfully. I looked over to Nicole at the moment and found her speaking to the same bitch she talked to when she first came to my shooting. It made my blood boil, but I had to play it cool and handle it after I finish shooting.

"Let's just finish this." Tim said while holding his hand out so I can put mine around it.

"Okay everyone, that's a wrap." Everyone applauded. And with that, the shooting was over. The movie premiere will be in less than three weeks. So I have time to spend with my girlfriend, to travel together and well, other stuff... I glanced in her direction, and she stared back at me, waving lightly. It made me happy seeing she was alone this time. I waved back and headed towards my dressing room.

When I finally got out of the enormous dress of mine, I was just in the corsette and silk stockings with high black heels. Kind of like a porn actress. And just then, someone oppened the door.

"Hey!" I yelled at whoever barged in while covering myself up.

"Well hey there." Nicole came in, fully eye sexing me.

"Don't you know how to knock?" I was furious with her.

"Do I really need to? Plus, I was hoping I would catch you at this moment." She wouldn't stop staring at my breasts, that were pointing out from the corsette.

"Just help me get out of this, I'm really hot..."

"That you are, Miss Porter." She smirked again and kneeled in front of me. I just knew what was coming.

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