《How to Love Fame》Chapter 20


~ Nicole ~

It's 4 AM and I'm sitting in the emergency room. They're wrapping my hand up because I hurt it pretty badly. That's not as bad as the fact that my wound reopened. Apparently, earlier tonight I got up in my dream and started hitting the bed post. The pain from my wound woke me up when it already started bleeding through my T shirt. So I called Dr Lance and she came to get me here.

Now I'm looking at her worried face, her pacing in front of me. "Could you please calm down? I'm fine." I winced in pain when the nurse touched my bleeding stomach.

"How can you call this fine?" Wow, I guess I'm the therapist here.

"Just... It's gonna he okay, this happened before, remember?"

"Yeah, I know."

"We're just lucky no one else got hurt." I found that fact very relaxing. What if I was with Diane? God, I hope she doesn't find out about this.

"Look, there's no reason to tell anyone about this, so..." I looked at Dr Lance's worried face, bitting her nails. "What?"

"Please don't be mad, I..." Just on queue, a raging familiar blonde barged into the emergency reception, yelling.

"Where the hell is she?!" The receptionist of course knew the situation, I mean we were on every news report with this scandal. She pointed towards us and Diane's face went from angry to very sad.

"Oh my god! Sweetheart, are you okay?" She came running towards me and kissed me immediately. Oh, how I've missed those lips. I noticed the two gorillas behind her. They better watch out for my girlfriend or I'll kick their ass when I come back.

"Yes, babe, I'm okay, I just had a crisis."


She then turned to Dr Lance, ready to attack. "You. This was all because of you. You're lucky we're in a public place with paparazzi following me probably, so I won't break your nose."

"Miss Porter, I'm also sorry this happened. But it was expected either way and now we know that she shouldn't be alone anymore."

"What?" Diane and I both looked at her strangely, remembering it's only been a week.

"Well yes, it's safe to say you shouldn't be alone anymore, we'll still monitor your state of course, but you surely won't be sleeping alone tonight. That is, of course, if the doctors say you can go home."

The nurse interrupted. "Yes, I finished wrapping it up, there's no need to torture you to stay here. You'll just check on it every night and make sure to change the bandage."

I was over the roof right now. This meant I get to be with my love again. I looked at her and she had a huge evil grin across her face and we both knew what that meant.

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