《I'm in Lesbians with You (momoJiro)》She Might be Worth the Risk


Jiro pov)))

I'm breaking up with Iida today, for Momo. She's currently in my room and freaking out a little. I calm her down and leave for his room. When I get there and take a deep breath. I knock and the door opens shortly after.

"Oh Jiro, what brings you here?"

"It's about Momo. Can I come in?" His eyes widen as he nods and steps back.

"What's wrong?" I sit on his bed and take a deep breath.

"She wants to end things with you." His eyes widen.

"I- she what?"

"She wants to break up with you." I see his eyes gloss over.


"She's just overwhelmed with stuff going on in her private life. A relationship on top of that isn't helping her." He nods slowly, looking away.

"Thank you for telling me." He clears his throat. "You can go now." I get off the couch and leave. I go back to my room. The second I open the door I hear a phone alarm and see Momo freaking out.

"Oh that god you're back. Hang up for me, I can't do it." I rush over and hit the red button, claiming next to her in my bed.

"You're okay. I'm here. You're okay." She hugs me and curls into my body. I rub her back, calming her down. "You can stay in my dorm tonight if you want." She nods.


??? Pov)))

"I would like to join the League."

"Why would a wanna be hero suddenly become a villain? How should I know you won't take our information and give it to the hero's?"

"To answer your first question. Something of mine got taken, well removed from me and I don't like that. Secondly, because I'll give you all of UA's information. Right now if need be. That, and I'm changing my appearance, attitude. I still understand if you don't want to trust me."

"103rd street, behind the QuickTrip. Meet me there and we can discuss your offer."


"You have 30 minutes to be there. Come alone and leave your phone and any device behind. We'll make sure you aren't mic'ed up. If you aren't there we will know you're fake and will leave. Understand?"

"Yes Sir. See you there." The other line goes dead. I throw on a sweatshirt and pants, grabbing sunglasses to hide my face. I slip out of the dorms without anyone knowing. Or seeing. I find where I'm going and get to the back, leaning against the dumpster.

"You came, surprising." A voice comes from the alleyway and I straighten up, raising my hands.

"I don't lie. I want what got taken." Shigaraki appears with Dabi and Toga out of the darkness.

"Check him for devices." Toga steps forward with a wicked grin.

"If I find anything I get to mark you up! Doesn't that sound fun?!" She skips over and tugs my sweatshirt off, looking around my body. "All good boss!"


"Good. Now, tell me a little about UA."

Dabi pov))

I gotta admit, of all students to join the last person I suspected was the half car guy. He's a kiss ass and a rule follower. And didn't his brother die to Stain? Whatever. I'm sure Crusty Bitch will get rid of him once we get information. My phone buzzes and I take it out, fucking tease.

I sigh and put the device away.

"Oh Dabi!~ you talking with your boy toy?" Toga skips over and I sigh.

"You have sex with a person one time and suddenly they become your boy toy. Don't you have anything better to do?"

"Nope! The boss wanted some 'alone time' with the new member and you're the only person around." She throws a knife and it lands by my head in the wall.

"I told you not to use me as target practice." She shrugs.

"But you don't flinch. All the others do!" I sigh, resting my head back on the brick.

"So find a fucking manikin, don't use me." She frowns.

"You are no fun!" A noise from the back of the alleyway make us snap to attention.

"Who's there!" A red feather floats out and I sigh. "Jesus Bird Brain, I could've burned the shit outta you." Hawks walks out and Toga smiles.

"I knew you were texting him!" I sigh as the hero/villain walks over.

"He doesn't seem to happy to see me though. What a shame~" Hawks throws his wings around my back and tugs me closer. I sigh and break out of his grip and immediately reach for the base of his wings.

"Hush." I run my hands through the feathers and he shivers and bites his lip. "Not so strong now are we?"

"I hate you." I huff a laugh.

"Uh huh. Sure."

Momo pov))))

She's to bright, to loud, to lovable. I snuggle into her chest more as her cords run up and down my back.

"You okay now?"

"Yeah, thank you." There's a comfortable silence that falls over us as we sit with eachother. I want her, I want her so bad. I just want to be with her but I can't. My parents, they'll find out and I can't have that happen. So I'm gonna bite my feelings back and keep my front up.

Time skip))

"Yes Mr. Aisawa. Thank you. I'll tell her." There's a door closing and I yawn, rolling over and trying to go back to sleep. I feel a hand slip onto my shoulder and shake me lightly. "Hey, Momo. This is important, you gotta get up." I turn my head and open my eyes.

"What's up?" She smiles and sits down by me.

"It's about Iida. He went missing last night and the last call on his phone was to a old diner. We have no idea where he went." I sit up quickly.

"He what?" She hugs me.

"I'm sorry. But Aisawa thinks if you call him there's a chance he'll come back." I nod and sigh.


"Maybe ending things was a mistake." She shakes her head.

"You followed your heart. Don't take it back now." I loll my head back and sigh.

"I know. I'm just, I'm scared. Iida is still a classmate and a friend. And as far as I'm concerned he left because of me." Jiro rubs her hand across my back.

"Do you wanna go to class?"

"It would be good to take my mind off things."

"Alright. Let's go then." We eventually get up and walk to class, sitting in the back. Everyone stares at me and I know why. Word probably spread that Iida and I broke up and now apparently it's my fault he's gone. Uruaka seems then most upset. Not sure why.

"Alright class. Grab you homework out."

While going to class kept my mind off things the moment it ended my mind went straight back to it. Iida disappeared after I broke things off. As far as I'm concerned it's my fault.

"Momo, hey. You okay?" Jiro pokes me with her cord and we're walking to lunch.

"Huh? Oh, sorry. Just thinking." She sighs and looks around before tugging me closer with her cord.

"It's not your fault. You didn't do anything." My face heats up as I realize just how close we are. "You know that right?" I nod and pull away.

"My logical brain knows that, but, I just can't help but think it." I squeak as I'm being pushed against the wall. "J-Jiro?" She shakes her head.

"I talk you listen. You didn't do anything. You did what your heart told you and you can't just take that back. I won't let you. It was Iida who ran away, not you. As far and I'm concerned he doesn't deserve someone like you, strong and confident. So show me the Momo I know, the badass that always knows what to do and doesn't over think things. The Momo who knows how to keep her head cool is bad scary situations. Got it?" I just nod, to dazed to speak. "Good. Now let's go to lunch." She backs away just as Bakugo and Kirishima turn the corner.

"No, Eijiro. We can't skip cl- did we interrupt something?" Bakugos looks between us and Jiro shakes her head.

"Nothing, we were just going to lunch. Right Momo?" I nod and get off the wall, dusting my skirt.

"Yeah." I walk to Jiro. "Was the wall really Necessary?" She huffs a laugh.

"Would you've listened any other way?" I look away and cross my arms.

"I dislike you." She snorts.

"Uh huh. Sure."

"I do!"

"You're a really bad liar you know that?" I frown and turn to her.

"Hmp." She just laughs again, shaking her head.

"Jesus just k-" Both our heads turn to see Kirishima with a hardened hand over Bakugo's mouth.

"Sorry about him. He's a bit antsy today." We both just shrug and turn back around.

"Do you wanna come over this weekend? My mom said it would be fine." Jiro turns her head to me and quirks a brow.

"You trust me in your million dollar mansion?" I huff a laugh and roll my eyes. "Kidding. Sure, my mom'll say yes anyway."

"Mom will say yes. But great, I'll tell my mom."

"Why do you correct me all the time?" Jiro whines, which i have to admit is adorable.

"Because you have to learn one way or another. Repetition is the best way to do that." She huffs and looks away.


"Awww, are you mad?" I tease, smirking lightly. She huffs again and turns to look at me.

"Yes." I laugh and quickly clap a hand over my mouth as we turn into the cafeteria. "You're insufferable." We get in line to get our lunch when a hand on my shoulder makes me turn. It's Bakugo wearing a knowing smirk. I blush and shake my head.

"Earlobes I'm borrowing Pony Tail for a little." Jiro turned to us and shrugs.

"What do you want?" I look ahead.

"Regular Ramen please." She nods and turns back around.

"Ei, get me something spicy you know what I want." He tugs me to the hallway just outside the lunch room. "When are you gonna ask?"

"When I feel comfortable and the whole Iida thing blows over. I feel kinda bad about that and just she knows about my whole, gender preference thing now. And I have no idea how to ask someone out."

"So don't." My head snaps up to meet Bakugos.


"So don't. Do what I did and just kiss her." I gasp.

"I think you're forgetting who I have a crush on. It's Jiro. She's a badass, pardon my language, I'm to intimidated by her to just do that." He barks a laugh and leans against the wall beside me.

"Kiri thought the same thing, now he practically hugs me everywhere we go. You just gotta be confident. Come on, let's go eat." He walks back into the lunch room and I get caught in thought as I sit down.

"Something on your mind Momo?" I nod and take a bite. Be confident.

"How would you wanna be asked out? I want to ask someone out and I don't know how to go about it....." I avoid eye contact, waiting for a response.

"Well, ummmm. I guess I would just want to be asked. No beating around the bush or anything fancy. Who's the lucky person?" I huff and look away.

"You'll know soon. If it goes well." I finally make eye contact with her and she smiles.

"I hope she treats you right." I smile.

"I know she will."

"And how do you know that."

"Cause she's sitting in front of me."

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