《Bi-Curious (BoyxBoy)》♠︎ Chapter 21 • You Take My Breath Away ♠︎
It feels good being Charlie's one and only, almost like we're a real couple. I hate that he's hurting but I can't lie, the fact that he broke it off with Jamie makes me feel so light and relieved. I love knowing that I'm all he needs and I'm willing to give him anything to keep it that way. Hell, I've already given him more than he knows.
I slept like a baby in his arms so I wake up before him in the morning. I had the idea last night to take him out somewhere, like a real date, and I'm excited to plan it. I stay in bed while I plan, using my phone. I still have enough money left from the gas station robbery to treat him so he won't have to pay for his own date.
An hour later, I untangle myself from his arms and check his liquor cabinet to find out his favorite drink. Once I know, I head to the store and buy him a whole new bottle and hide it in my car before going back upstairs into our apartment.
I crawl back into bed and kiss Charlie's nose. "Baby, wake up."
Hazel eyes open up like Sleeping Beauty and the princess smiles lightly. "'Mornin'. How long have you been awake?"
I smirk. "A while."
"Why didn't you wake me?" He asks innocently.
"I had things to do." I pull him closer. "Like getting my surprise for you ready."
Charlie hums, soaking up my warmth as his hands soothingly caress my hair. "You didn't have to get me anything, Ethan. Staying in with you is more than enough."
"I wanted to." I promise him, practically purring. "You don't go out very often, so I thought it'd be fun to take you somewhere. A couple places, actually."
"Oooh. Where?"
"The first place is a surprise but then I wanted to take you to the local amusement park. Do you like rollercoasters?" I ask, hoping he does. It'd really put a wrench in my plan if he doesn't.
"I do. I just have really bad motion sickness, so I'll have to take some pills beforehand." Charlie lights up.
"Okay." I kiss him and get up. "I'm going to make you some breakfast. You can have it in bed if you want."
Charlie sits up, rubbing his eyes. "I want to be around the world and you."
"Okay." I smile gently and wait for him to feel ready.
Charlie stands up and grabs my hand. I lead him into the kitchen and he sits at the bar while I get out the supplies I need. "I may not be a cook like you but I can make a mean omelette."
"Yum." He swings his legs.
I smile and start cooking. Once I finish, I serve him his and sit next to him to eat mine.
"Thank you. It's delicious." Charlie grins.
"You're welcome." I smile. "How are you feeling today?"
"I'm fine. What about you?" He gets up to make coffee.
"I'm great." My eyes scan over his body. "You're gonna feel fucking amazing by the end of the day, I promise you that."
"I have no doubts." Charlie returns with two mugs, handing me one and wrapping an arm around me as he drinks.
I wrap an arm around him as well and drink mine. "Thanks."
"No problem." He kisses my neck.
"We can leave whenever you want." I tell him. "Today is all about you." I purr.
"It's not my birthday yet, Cowboy. It doesn't have to be about me." He plays with my hair.
"I want it to be. Let me spoil you." I kiss him. "You deserve it."
"Thank you." Charlie grins and smushes my face.
"You're welcome." I ruffle his hair. "Anything you wanna do before we go?"
The blond ponders. "Uh. I guess shower, get dressed, brush my teeth, deodorant, feed Momo, change her water, give her some pellets with vitamin C, think about shaving, and then only shaving things that aren't my face."
I chuckle. "I can help with Momo if you want."
"You're her daddy, so I suppose." Charlie hums.
I smile and get up, the fact that he trusts me with her means more to me than that he trusts me with himself. "Thanks. I'll get started. You can take your time and if you want me, just call." I kiss his neck.
He salutes and disappears.
I get to work, greeting Momo kindly before I resupply her food and water. I take her out and set her on my lap while I feed her the pellets. After she's eaten them, I place her back in her home and close it, watching her inspect her new food while I wait.
"Ethan, have you seen my flat iron?" Charlie asks, a towel around his head.
"Uh," I look around the room. "Yeah." I grab it off his dresser and hand it to him.
"Thank yoooooou."
"I like your natural hair too, by the way." I tell him with a soft smile.
He blushes. "Okay. I'll just leave it curly." Charlie grabs new piercing sets that all match each other and his outfit before disappearing again.
I turn back to Momo who's now drinking
her water.
Charlie returns with his appearance all done and plops down on his bed, burying his face in my shoulder. "Where are we going first?"
"It's a surprise." I kiss his head. "Unless you hate surprises, then I'll tell you."
"I just like feeling properly dressed." His fingerless-gloved hands with the mitten attachments play with my own hands, the fuzzy purple fabric tickling my skin.
"So you're ready?" I ask.
"Mhmm." He adjusts his gray and black checkered beanie, some of his curly hair poking through the front. "Take me away."
I stand up and take his hand. I lead him out to my car and open his door for him before getting in the driver's seat and pulling out the brown bag holding the alcohol bottle. "This is your first present." I hand it to him.
"First present? Ethan, I don't need all this. It's not even my birthday yet." Charlie blushes, covering his face before whispering, "Thank you."
"It's to help you through the day." I smile. "Look. I figured I get drunk on your watch way too often, I thought it was time to give you a chance."
"I'll do it at home. Public intoxication is illegal." He laughs.
"Okay." I start the car and head off towards a history museum. Once we're close, I have Charlie close his eyes. I park and take his hand, leading him over to where they have a real pirate ship on display. "Open your eyes."
Charlie's jaw drops and he grabs my side and hugs it, stuttering. "I-I-Is real? Ethan? Oh my go— It's a—? No— I'm— Fake? How?!"
I chuckle, holding him up. "It's real."
"Oh my— Ethan." Charlie hugs me. He keeps looking at it and blinking, like it'll disappear if he looks away.
"They had a hell'a'va time gettin' it here." I tell him and pull a pamphlet out of my pocket that I'd snagged on the way in which tells him everything they know about it. "It's not Blackbeard's or anything, but it's something."
The blond leans more into me. "No, Ethan, it's perfect. I love it."
"That's good." I check my watch. "Cause the tour starts in about five minutes."
"We can go?" He bounces excitedly, like a kid who was just told he was going to Disney World.
"Yep." I motion towards the tour guide who's gathering a crowd. "They'll take us aboard. You can't touch anything, but I'll cover you if you wanna sneak a poke or two." I wink.
Charlie blushes lightly as he mumbles something that I just barely catch. "We couldn't hide to fuck in there."
I smirk and take his hand. "Maybe some other time."
His blush grows and he closes his eyes tightly, disappearing into the small crowd of mostly young boys and guardians.
I keep by his side as we board the ship, the guide going over the rules before explaining the history of the ship.
"I should take you to this museum I used to go to as a child. They have a bunch of stuff from the old south, some things from the Wild West, and some wax figures wearing some pioneer clothing and stuff." He plays with my hand, absorbing every word the tour guide says.
I smile, soaking in his joy. "I'd love to go sometime."
The tour guide takes us into the captain's cabin and I nudge Charlie and point at the bed with a devious smirk.
His eyes darken as I'm sure multiple scenes play out in his mind and he just grips my hand tighter, looking everything over with a childlike wonder.
I lean in to whisper, "I'll take care of you when we get home. Or in the car if you can't wait." I nip his ear, cooking up my own fantasies.
Charlie's body blushes and he jabs me lightly with his elbow. "Pervert."
I chuckle and the tour guide takes us below deck. The rest of the tour goes smoothly, Charlie whispering random fun facts along the way, and by the end he seems reluctant to leave, causing us to be the last ones off the boat.
"That was perfect." Charlie laughs contently, swinging our connected arms together. "I don't need a birthday anymore. This is more than enough for the whole year."
"Oh, you're still getting a birthday." I promise him and wiggle my eyebrows. "I'm so glad you're having a great time."
"Yeah. I feel special." He hums, his open hand resting on the car door handle as he waits for me to unlock it.
"You are special." I kiss his cheek and unlock the car, reluctantly letting go of his hand so I can get in on the other side. Once we're settled, I take a breath and smile. "Ready for the next stop, or would you like to take a break?"
"How is there more?" He shakes his head, still in denial.
I nudge him. "Theme park, remember? We could go there, get lunch, or I could blow you."
Charlie crosses his legs. "Theme park first."
I nod and start the car, letting Charlie have control of the music as we drive. It takes about a half hour, but it'll be worth it. I park as close to the doors as I can and check my wallet before unlocking the car. "You ever been to this one before?" I ask, since he's lived here much longer than I have.
He thinks back and shakes his head. "I usually went to the state fair and ate a bunch of fried food like fried pickles and stuff." Charlie giggles. "I love roller coasters. I loaded down on my motion sickness medicine."
"Ah, so that's what you were poppin'." I swing my keys around my finger before stuffing them in my pocket, the black lanyard they're attached to hanging out. "I love roller coasters too."
The eighteen year-old grins. "Good. That means you'll enjoy yourself too. Want me to buy lunch?"
"I think I got it." I check my wallet. "Today is your day."
"My day will be sad if you don't have money anymore for emergencies." He hugs my arm.
I stuff the leather back in my pocket and sigh. "It's not even my money."
"Do you want to get rid of it?" Charlie asks. "Does it make you feel bad? I'm sorry for bringing it up..."
"Yeah, I wanna get rid of it." I punch him lightly. "And don't apologize. You don't ever have to apologize to me, unless you, like, hit me or something."
"Hit you? Out of malicious intent? Never." Charlie kisses my shoulder. "If I ever hit you, it wouldn't do damage and it wouldn't be due to malicious intent."
I kiss his head. "Thanks, Charlie. I didn't think you would. I'd never hit you either."
"If you hit me, Xander would find you."
"You're little brother?" I rub his back. "Sounds like a good kid."
"My brother is a little taller than you and his doctor says he's still growing. You should work out with him. He's crazy. The only thing I can beat him in is running and he thinks it's crazy because I have asthma." He chuckles, pulling us into the ticket line.
I chuckle and pay for our tickets. "I can't wait to meet him, then. And I'd never hurt him either, so it wouldn't be a very fair fight."
"Where to first?"
"Wherever you want." I pull him down and nuggie him lovingly. "What part of your day did you not understand?"
"I've never had a day before..."
"Well, you have one now!" I release him and spread my arms wide. "The world is yours!"
"Hell yeah." I smile and take his hand as we start walking. "You know, I used to dream I got shrunk and got stuck in warm liquids like tea or soup."
"That's really weird."
"Is it?" I chuckle. "Huh." We get in line for the cups. "Do you want to be squished or the squishier?"
"You choose because I have no idea these words that you speak of." Charlie giggles.
"I'll get squished then." We reach the front and I follow Charlie to whatever tea cup he chooses and sit in my spot.
Charlie takes a shaky breath, mentally preparing himself for victory. He sits down and just as the ride starts, he begins spinning like his life depends on it.
I keep a tight hold on the outside of the cup and laugh maniacally, resisting the urge to flip off children.
The ride goes on and it's clear that we're the obvious winner and when the ride ends, Charlie's panting, holding a finger up to signal 'one minute, please.'
I chuckle and let him catch his breath before helping him off, keeping his stumbling form from collapsing. "That was some damn good spinning, captain."
"Th... Thanks," He wheezes, holding on tightly to me before straightening out to allow his lungs to fully expand before laughing.
I laugh along with him and plop him down on a bench. "Well, lunch is off the table." I snort.
"Why not?" Charlie asks.
"I would assume the spinning made you a little sick." I clap his shoulder.
"I took medicine. I want chicken strips, French fries, a shitload of barbecue sauce, and enough soda to share." Charlie blushes, seeming to remember something. "Or just like fries if that's too much."
"It's not too much." I smile and pull out a map so I can find a good food place.
"Okay. If it is though, I could eat at home later and have a snack here." Charlie leans on my shoulder. "There are so many children."
"Why don't you want to indulge?"
"I do. I thought we were getting lunch!" Charlie straightens.
"I am a fan of big lunches." I wink.
"What?" Charlie brings his eyebrows together before his eyes widen in recognition. "Are you coming onto me?"
"More like just making a sex joke." I ruffle his hair. "I want you for dinner."
"I always considered myself more a dessert." Charlie hums, pulling me up. "To some lunch food place!"
"You're right." I nod and lead the way to a fast food joint, letting Charlie pick a seat while I order our food. I order what he wants along with a bacon cheeseburger for myself and pay before bringing the tray to the table he chose. "Daddy's brought home a feast!" I smirk and stuff two straws in the large soda.
"You're Momo's daddy, not mine." He takes a long sip of his drink.
"Damn, I would've bet money that was your thing." I chuckle and pour ketchup on my burger.
"Nope. Don't want to picture my father telling me how to be a lawyer he's proud of when your dick is inside me." He pops a fry into his mouth.
"Good point." I take a huge bite and wipe the sauce off my face with a napkin. "Mmm. Fuck, I love shit food."
"I keep meaning to cook for you more. We basically just have sandwiches and something from the crockpot." He pouts.
"You can cook when you feel like it." I shrug. "Honestly, you could serve me your shit seasoned up and I'd probably eat it. I don't mind waiting."
"You have a feces fetish?"
"Good." Charlie eats a chicken strip. "What are your kinks?"
I shrug, blushing. "Maybe we should talk about this in a more private setting."
"You'll have to remember to tell me then. I have to make all of your dreams come true." He winks.
"And I, yours." I wink, halfway through my burger.
"Like you could keep up with them." Charlie shrugs innocently, continuing to eat his food.
"I will." I tell him, determined.
"I'll look forward to it." Charlie makes eye contact with me and drinks the soda.
I smirk and finish my food, balling up the wrapper and tossing it into the trash.
Charlie eats for a few more minutes before throwing everything away except the soda. "I feel like I ate more than you."
"Maybe I'm trying to soften you up." I pat his stomach and chuckle. "You eat as much as you like, bab-buddy."
"Don't soften me up, I like my tummy." Charlie scowls.
"I like it too." I kiss his cheek. "Don't worry, I was just joking, but I'd never mind if you put on an extra few pounds."
Charlie hums. "I wouldn't care what you did, but I do like your body right now." He massages my chest through my shirt.
"Thanks." I smile and pull out the map. "Where to next?"
"A rollercoaster." Charlie makes a wave with his arm.
I take his hand and lead him to the second highest one, getting in line and jumping on the railing. "I've heard this one's super fast."
His eyes light up and he quietly 'oohs.'
I scoot as the line moves along, being the bad example that I am. I see a couple children try to climb the railing as their parents scold them and chuckle. Little rebels in the making. "How long do you want to stay?"
"Not too long, but you spent money on the tickets, so I don't want to waste money." He hums.
"It's not a waste if you enjoy yourself."
"I am doing that," he says thoughtfully.
I clap. "Then money well spent!"
"I'd enjoy myself if we stayed home all day playing tic-tac-toe." Charlie giggles.
I roll my eyes and we reach the front of the line. "I'd rather play twister." I comment as I strap in.
"I like tic-tac-toe." Charlie scoffs and buckles up and makes sure he's secure. "I hope this is good."
"It will be." I reach out for his hand as the employees check all our seats.
Before long, the ride is starting and Charlie grips my hand and starts screaming during the first drop. I throw my hands in the air, dragging his with me and let out a whoop, smiling widely.
When we get off, Charlie's wobbly in the knees. "That was awesome!" He smiles happily, wrapping his arms around me.
"Sure was!" I hold him securely. "Next one or again?"
"Hmmm... Next one!"
I drag him to the tallest coaster and get in line, pulling him against me and kissing him deeply. "I love seeing you happy."
When Charlie looks at me, his expression is dazed. "Happy, I'm happy."
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