《Bi-Curious (BoyxBoy)》♥︎ Chapter 14 • Mortality ♥︎
I don't think I've ever felt immortal,
Deep down, I've always known that I don't have long
It influences the way I think,
The way act
No, I've never once felt immortal,
But maybe that's more a problem,
Because I've always told myself...
I'll be gone in a blink
"Ethan, Ethan, Ethan, wake up," I say softly, tickling his nose with my fingers.
Ethan scrunches up his nose and sneezes, his eyes opening. "Whaaaaaat?"
"It's ten and I want to go out for breakfast," I say excitedly.
He smiles and sits up. "Okay, where do you want to go?"
"The cute little diner in the university town. They have really good coffee and hot chocolate. Their biscuits and gravy are also cheap as hell, fill me up, and taste like greasy heaven." I bounce.
"Sounds delightful." Ethan hops out of bed. "Let's do it."
"I'm all ready." I grin, adjusting my shirt.
"Well, damn." Ethan chuckles and grabs his clothes off the floor to put on. "Whose car?"
"Gross. You're wearing the old clothes that smell like cigarettes."
He quirks an eyebrow. "You got something better for me to wear?"
I go to my bedroom where Momo is exercising in her wheel. Chuckling, I greet and feed her before grabbing clothes for Ethan.
"Did you not think my clothes were suitable to wear?" I ask, handing him the outfit I wore to look like him.
"I just didn't think about it." He takes the outfit and puts it on. "Nice."
"We can take your car." I stretch before twirling my earrings and hooking elbows with Ethan. "Care to leave, my good sir?"
"Indeed!" Ethan shouts and walks me out to his car. The drive is short and sweet, Ethan growing more excited the closer we get. He parks and unbuckles his seat belt before checking his wallet. "I'm so ready for this."
"Saaaame. Their food is so good and cheap." I pat my pocket to make sure I have my wallet before walking out of the car and coming to Ethan's side to open the door.
"Why, thank you." He smiles and gets out. "You know I'm never this content in the mornings, you truly are a miracle worker."
"You're welcome." I grin and grab his hand, pulling him inside and asking the sweet old lady for the booth in the corner.
She obliges, taking us to the seating and handing us each a menu. "Do you know what you'd like to drink?"
"A mocha with extra whipped cream, please."
"Coffee. Black." Ethan orders.
"Do you know what you want to order by chance?" She asks.
"I'll have whatever he's having." Ethan gestures to me.
"Biscuits and gravy with bacon on the side, please," I order giddily.
"Sure thing, sweetie." She grins before leaving.
I giggle. "She called me 'sweetie.'"
Ethan smiles. "You are a sweetie."
"Aww, thanks."
"Just tellin' the truth." Ethan says. "What's got you in such a good mood?"
"Hmm. I don't really know. I tend not to question it. Maybe because when I woke up, you were here this time."
Ethan smiles brightly. "Well I like it. And I'm pretty sure being woken by you had an effect on my mood as well."
"I know. I'm pretty fantastic when I want to be." I nudge his foot with mine. "I'm glad we don't have class at the buttcrack of dawn."
"Me too." Ethan sighs in relief.
"You're surprisingly cuddly in your sleep." I note, playing with a sugar packet.
He blushes. "Is that okay?"
"I love cuddling. It makes me feel safe and secure."
"I like it too."
"Cute." I grin.
Ethan tosses a sugar packet at me. "You're making a softie out of me."
"If that's a problem, I could make you hard, but we are in public." I laugh.
Ethan chuckles. "That'd be hot, but I'm not gonna ask you to do that. We came here to eat."
"Food can be as good as sex," I agree.
Ethan nods.
Our drinks get dropped off and I grab my mocha and grin. "They have really good mochas here."
"I don't even know what's in a mocha. Can I try it?"
"It's basically coffee and hot chocolate in one." I hand it over to him.
"That sounds delightful." Ethan takes a sip. "Mmm, that's good." He hands it back to me.
"I know." I drink more, careful of the whipped cream.
Ethan nurses his coffee. "Can I ask you a personal question?"
"You can ask; whether or not I answer is up in the air."
"That's fair." He nods. "Why are you against having a romantic relationship?"
"It's actually really complicated," I confess. "And because of how complicated it is, it's like really personal. Not even my brother knows."
"Okay." Ethan stares down at his coffee.
"I miss it sometimes," I confess. "I... I'm just not right for them, I've come to find out."
"Yeah... well, it's your life and there's nothing wrong with not wanting that." He smiles reassuringly, but there's a hint of disappointment in his eyes.
"I just don't want anyone to fall in love with me."
Ethan pauses for a second before returning to his usual posture. "Yeah, okay."
"Maybe you should ask me more positive questions so I don't ruin the atmosphere." I sip my coffee, hating his somber expressions.
"Yeah, sure." He smiles. "How about music, what kind of music does Charlie King listen to?"
"Pretty much everything. It depends on my mood."
"Cool, so you won't mind if I blast mine in the car?" He smirks.
"No, I won't. Unless you make my ears bleed." I chuckle.
"Wouldn't dare, your ears are too cute."
"Pfft. How can ears be cute?" I laugh.
"They're small and go perfectly with your face! Perfect for nibbling."
I blush, looking away.
"Awww, you're blushing now!" Ethan smiles brightly and boops my nose. "Too cute."
"Yeah, yeah. Keep it in your pants." My blush grows.
"Only if you can keep it in yours." He winks.
"Pfft. What are you talking about? I'm celibate."
Ethan bursts out laughing. "Sure, pretty boy."
"Your nicknames for me are so odd."
"Why? You're really pretty. Do you not like it?" He asks worriedly.
"No, I like them. They're unique. I've never been called them by anyone but you." I grin.
"Good." Ethan grins back.
Our food gets set in front of us and I bounce eagerly, barely able to contain the urge to just dig in. The smell is borderline ambrosius and I can feel myself salivating as I thank the waitress and start eating, getting a refill of my mocha.
Ethan starts eating as well. "This is delicious." He tells me, his mouth still full.
I hum my approval, finishing my bite. "If you could eat as much as one thing you like forever without having any negative health effects, what would it be?"
"Chocolate, obviously."
"Rude." I pretend to be jealous.
"Would you rather I eat you?"
"No. My brownies, dumbass."
"You're right, I change my answer."
"No take backs." I fake cry. "I'll never bake again!"
"No! I can't survive with your baking!" Ethan falls down across the booth.
"I mean, you did it just fine for like twenty-two years, so I think you'll live, Superstar." I take another bite.
He sits up. "Maybe. Though, now I have a new thirst." He licks his lips. "For you."
I blush. "I see. A cannibal."
He rolls his eyes. "Not like that, weirdo."
"Whatever. Stuff your face with food like a good boy." I pat his cheek from across the table. "If you're so thirsty for me, then I hope you've been doing your research."
"I have, actually. I'll be ready soon." He winks.
"Mm, can't wait." I bite my lip before finishing my plate.
Ethan finishes as well. "Me either."
"Ready to go to school?" I ask.
"I'm never ready." Ethan slides out of the seat. "But yeah."
I head to the front to pay before hopping into Ethan's car. "Do you think anything interesting will happen today?"
"God, I hope not."
"Why not?" I ask.
"I thought by interesting you meant Tony's revenge." He wiggles his fingers.
"Oh fuck, I hope not." I shiver.
"Yeah me too. You still got your knife?"
"Okay. If you need me, just call me, okay?" He grips the steering wheel.
"Don't worry, Ethan. I have this. I'm like a superhero." I pat his shoulder and then kiss it.
"Okay," He forces himself to relax. "I trust you."
"Thanks." I grab his hand until we reach the parking lot and head to the science building. We sit in our usual seats and I get to work right away.
Ethan reads over the assignment before pulling out his phone to check something. He looks tense as he reads and nudges me. "Charlie, I got a text from O'Malley."
"Oh. Does that mean you're friends again?" I smile.
"No. I haven't talked to her since." Ethan shows me the text. "She wants to see us."
"Whenever we can, I guess." Ethan shrugs. "You think it's a trap?"
"I think that whatever it is, we'll have each other's backs." I grab his hand and squeeze it.
"Yeah." He squeezes back.
"I'll go whenever you want me to."
"We can go after class. Wouldn't want to kill your project boner." He snickers, texting her back.
"You heard me." He taps my laptop. "Working hard."
"Oh, whatever. It's a good trait." I continue working. "Just take me there when it's time."
"It is a good trait." Ethan agrees. "What should I work on?"
"What you can, as long as you help."
"Okay." He starts working.
I keep at it until the class is over and quickly put my things away and wait for Ethan.
Ethan shoulders his bag and takes my hand. "Ready?"
"Ready." I grin and squeeze his hand back. "You sure you want to hold my hand there?"
"Yes." He looks at me.
I nod and let him lead the way, holding his hand tightly. Ethan leads me out to the field where O'Malley is waiting under the bleachers, alone. We walk up to her.
"What do you want?" He asks her.
She looks at our hands, then at me. "I didn't know. I didn't know he had the gun."
I smile bitterly. "Yeah, that was kind of intense."
She gulps and stuffs her hands in her pockets. "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't expect it to get that intense and I shouldn't have contributed to it. He scared me too. I didn't know he had such pure hatred for people like... you."
"I mean, I'd rather you call me gay. I kind of feel like uh... like I'm less than when being called that." I scratch my head awkwardly, hyper aware of my hand being in Ethan's. "But it's... okay."
She kicks the dirt. "Sure, whatever. Gay. The point is, I'm done with Tony."
"And now you've got no one." Ethan says. "So you come to us and beg for forgiveness."
"Ethan, be nice." I squeeze his hand. "Let her explain herself."
"You didn't even try to stop him." Ethan growls. "Why should I believe you? You've always preferred him, even when we were together. You left me for him."
O'Malley sighs. "Ethan, you know I hate fighting. And what happened back then... I was young and stupid."
Ethan lets go of my hand and grabs her shirt. "I loved you, I was loyal, and you spat on me. Did you ever even love me in the first place?"
O'Malley shoves Ethan off, tears in her eyes. "I did, Ethan, you know I did. It's complicated."
"Ethan, calm down." I hold him back. "Let her talk. I'm not going to tell you again."
Ethan backs down. "Sorry."
O'Malley wipes her eyes and looks at me. "You said you could help me."
"I can. We will." I rub circles into Ethan's chest, trying to calm him down, rid him of the anger.
"I take back what I said about not wanting help from a... you know. I need your help." O'Malley looks into my eyes. "You're so kind. You came to help me even though you knew how we felt about you. And we just threw your help back in your face. I'm sorry."
"I accept your apology," I say quietly, continuing to hold Ethan. "I have her card. Just say that Charlie sent you and she'll set up an appointment with you. Don't worry about the cost; I have it covered. Just be the friend to Ethan that I know you can be. He missed you." I feel myself tear up and I just smile through it.
"Thank you. And just for the record, I don't hate you. I was just... scared." She glares at the ground. "I'm shit at feelings so I take it out on other people. You're clearly a good guy and you didn't deserve it. And Ethan, I'm sorry you got your ass beat over it. If you need me, I'll be there." She holds out her arm.
Ethan grips her forearm. "Thanks."
I hand her the card. "You're... part of the community, aren't you?" I ask, finally letting go of Ethan and stepping back so that they can have their moment.
She pulls her arm away and turns towards me. "I... I... I think so." She hugs herself.
"Ethan and I can support you. Ethan's found himself in a similar situation." I laugh, ruffling Ethan's hair. "I think he's what you need right now."
"Okay. Maybe I should give acceptance a try. You look happy enough. Are you guys, like, together?" She asks.
I laugh awkwardly. "Not exactly. We're friends. We've also... slept together, but obviously I'll back off if you two become a thing again." I smile.
Ethan stares at me, befuddled, before turning to O'Malley. "We're not becoming a thing. I don't fuck with cheaters."
O'Malley nods. "Fair enough."
I play with my hair and shuffle awkwardly, feeling out of place.
"Well, I've got shit to do." O'Malley announces. "Just watch out for Tony. He's planning something." She tells us and leaves, heading towards the parking lot.
"Looks like something interesting did happen." I laugh. "So, do you think you two will be friends again?"
"Maybe," Ethan pulls out a cigarette. "You know, she's never apologized for anything in her damn life."
"Then it's a milestone." I look at his cigarette. "How does it feel... to smoke?"
"Well, I'm an addict, so it feels pretty damn good, but it feels shitty when I don't get one when I need it." He lights it. "I wouldn't recommend it. It's a bad habit. I tried to quit once when Ry caught me, but it didn't work out. As far as he knows, it did so don't go blabbin'."
"Sounds like slow suicide," I mumble.
"What kinda dumbass wants to die slow?" Ethan blows out smoke. "If you really wanted to die, I'd think you'd do it quick."
"You wanna get back to class or head out?" Ethan asks.
"Class. I need to do my stuff." I sigh. "Sorry. I can get a cab or something."
"No worries," Ethan pats my shoulder. "I can pick you up if you want, but if you need space, that's cool too."
"I'm fine." I hug him. "I don't need space."
"Okay," He kisses my neck. "I'll see you after school then."
"Yeah. See you then." I grip him tighter.
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