《Her Racing Heart (Part 1)》5


"I want you Meera," he said and pulled her so close to him and roughly placing his lips on hers. She tries to push him but she couldn't. She tried to come out of his grip but she couldn't.

"You're weak, you can't get away from me, Meera because you're mine!" he stated intimidatingly and laughed wickedly. Meera feared like she has no escape.

"No...no," she mumbled and opened her eyes and found it's just a dream. A mixer of her past and her guilt.

She looked around and it was still dark, Renu was sleeping peacefully beside her. Checking her phone Meera noticed the time is 5.45 am in the morning so again she closed her eyes to sleep but Vikranth's face popped in front of her eyes.

Thinking about the past yet again she realized how foolish, selfish and helpless she was at that time.

What am I going to do now? I can't face him tomorrow, I am really scared and embarrassed. No matter what, I am going to beg Rani mam for taking leave, Meera made her decision.

She couldn't sleep after slowly getting up from the blanket she came out of the room. Shanthi was not there in the living room so she went out, there she's watering the plants before her house.

"Ma," she called her.

"Oh, you are up. How you're feeling now? Are you okay?" she asked.

"Hmm, I am fine."

"Wait I will make a coffee for you," she told.

"No I don't want I am going to sleep again," Meera said and turned to leave.

She went up looking at the road which is damp, it has rained in the midnight and still, the sky is not clear. She thought today also it will rain again, and should take her umbrella while going to work. Entered her house she saw the place is all messy so she started to clean up and washed her clothes. After doing all her chores, her stomach started to make noise, she is hungry and prepared her breakfast and went to take a bath.


After eating she got ready for her work, wearing her uniform saree and braiding her hair she came down locking the house.

"Renu," she called so that they can go to the bus stop together.

"Yeah, I am coming," Renu shouted from inside.

She came out of her house hurriedly and Shanthi was chasing after her to drink at least a glass of milk before going.

"Renu at least drink this milk or I will not let you go to the college," Shanthi warned her.

"Mom, I don't want anything please," she begged.

"Renu, drink that milk there is time," Meera said smiling.

"Here drink," Shanthi gave a warning look and Renu half-heartedly did that.

Seeing that it reminds Meera, her old days where her mom won't even allowed her to skip meals and always strict when it comes to food. The thoughts retold how much she is missing her mom and plastered a weak smile on her face she hidden her emotions.

Then they waved bye to Shanthi and walked to the bus stop.

"I am so happy today since my holidays start from tomorrow to Monday," Renu smiled happily.

"For what??"

"Diwali holidays, don't you know that?" she asked.

"Oh, I forgot about that and when exactly," Meera enquired.

"Coming Saturday," Renu replied and they reached the bus stop.

During the ride, Renu was busy reading a book on how to analyze people's mind. Meera was just simply thinking on how to ask permission for taking leave.

In the middle of busy day, Meera finally gathered to talk about this to Rani Madam, Priya was also busy working since many of them have taken leave and went to their native city so Meera believed this is the right time.

Will she give permission? The question bothered her a lot while walking to her cabin.

"May I come in Ma'am," she felt very nervous and have never been in this kind of situation in the past three years.

"Yes," she replied. Meera awkwardly stood in front of her.

"Ma'am, I can't come tomorrow for the work," Meera told looking down. Anyone can guess she's lying. Poor Meera can't even lie.


"Why is there any important work for you?" Rani asked sarcastically.

"Ma'am, I am planning on going to my relative house," she lied.

"Oh even I am having a family and relatives but I am still working here right, look if you want to take leave tomorrow then don't come to work here after," she retorted in a cold tone.

Meera don't know what to speak and she did a terrible mistake today by asking this. She doesn't want to lose her precious job for her stupid fear.

"I know you're lying Meera. Why you don't want to come tomorrow you never asked this kind of permission before," she asked in a little calm tone then.

"Mam that...." how she can tell that stupid reason.

"Whatever, I can't give permission and try to come even if you don't want to come," she said like it is her final decision.

"Ok, Ma'am," she replied and came out of her cabin.

There's no way that I can escape from this,

Why I have to afraid of him who is he?? He's nothing to me and I am nothing to him. It's all over on that day itself... I can face him, I can do it courageously, she repeated and consoled her nervous self.

The day went off as usual while she's going to leave, Priya and Arun were discussing about something.

"Hey Meera I am going to my house today and I won't come tomorrow," he said.

"Okay enjoy," Meera told.

"Advance happy Diwali," he said and waved goodbye to Meera and Priya.

"Bye happy Diwali," they said and they both left as well.

"Hey, I will drop you in your home today because I am going by your way," Priya said.

"Okay, my dear friend, thanks," Then she drove Meera to my house and left.

Meera couldn't sleep for the whole night and thinking about the possibilities on how to avoid him tomorrow.





Next day she got ready for her work, she is nervous like she's going to see a ghost or something.

She went down and informed Shanthi that she will be late to return home today and she advised her to come home safe, for that Meera said that Priya will drive her in the night. Hearing that Shanthi relieved.

She got in the bus and she doesn't know why she can't be at peace. Her head is in a commotion.

She walked blankly into the hotel and noticed they have started decorating the entrance for the party.

Now itself she started wondering when the clock going to reach nine but still ten more hours are there for that.

Meera and Priya were following the instructions of Rani mam she asked them to do several things and they can't even have a single moment to sit and were running after her instructions.

"Really I am going to resign from this job," Priya said while they were walking to the party hall.

"Me too, but when this party is going to start?"

"Five or six I think," she said.

"Oh, then we have to be here for till nine right?" Meera asked.

"Yeah," she answered.

And when they entered into the hall she saw the person who was with with Vikranth in the temple.

Priya was walking towards him and Meera is following her looking down.

"Sir, our supervisor asked us to meet you," she told to Arjun.

"Oh, that's just to invite guests, stand there in the entrance and just do that," he said in a hurry because his phone is kept ringing.

"Vikranth where are you?" he shouted annoyingly and hearing that she felt something in the pit of her stomach.

"You already came? where are you?" he asked and turned to see the entrance. And she slowly turned her hear in a hesitation to see where he was looking at.

What am I going to do now? My nightmare was standing in front of me... she thought while Looking at him

Please god make me invisible, she prayed but she knows God is nowhere to hear her words.

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