《✨Anime Oneshots✨》🍋FWB~SakusaxFemReader
♡Anime: Haikyuu♡
"Kiyomi!" You scream out as your nails claw Sakusa's back while you orgasm intensely. You hear Sakusa curse lowly as he leans away from your neck and presses his lips against yours sloppily. His already deep thrusts seem to hit even deeper making you moan messily against his lips. Your hands trail away from his back and instead find their way into Sakusa's messy curls. You pull back on his roots as he bites down on your bottom lip.
"You're not done yet, are you? Cum for me again," Sakusa whispers to your lips as your orgasm once again reaches its peak. You let out soft whimpers as you release again, your eyes roll to the back of your head and you breathe heavily as you feel Sakusa leave a trail of kisses along your collarbone.
"Good girl," Sakusa says as you manage to grab your wits and sit up before pushing Sakusa onto his back and quickly straddling him with a mischievous smirk on your lips as you prepare for revenge.
"That was fun and all, but now it's your turn to be a moaning mess," you declare as you position Sakusa back inside of you before slowly rocking your hips in a circular motion just how you know he likes it. It doesn't take long for Sakusa's breathing to pick up and for his pale complexion to gain a rosy tinge as he succumbs to the pleasure you're providing him.
You place your hands on Sakusa's chest and throw your head back as you feel yourself reaching climax once more. You bounce up and down desperately trying to get yourself there but feel as Sakusa pulls you down against his chest before wrapping his arms around your torso and thrusting roughly inside of you. You hear his moans directly next to your ear as you moan into his as the two of you orgasm together.
The two of you lay pressed against each other for a few seconds before chuckling. You go to quickly head into the shower as is routine with the two of you, however, Sakusa keeps your naked sweaty body pressed against his chest.
"Omi?" you say his name as a question and look up at Sakusa only to be greeted by his lips pressing against your forehead. The two of you are definitely comfortable with each other's bodies and likes and dislikes, but Sakusa has never held you this long after a heated session. You don't hate it, but you fear you may grow to like it too much.
"Hey, are you alright? Usually, you talk non-stop after we mess around, did something happen?" Sakusa asks after the two of you finished changing his bedsheets and you gather your things to head to the front door. You finish putting on your shoes at the front door but paused before turning to face Sakusa awkwardly. You knew that once you started this kind of relationship with him it was bound to happen eventually, but you hadn't expected your feelings to develop so strongly.
"Oh no you didn't do anything wrong Kiyomi, I'm just gonna be super busy travelling for work so it'll be a while before I'm back in Japan,"
"Kiyomi? Even though it kind of bothers me since it reminds me of a certain idiot, you usually call me Omi. Y/N are you sure there isn't something more than that going on?" Sakusa asks pressing only as far as he knows you're comfortable with as you shrug casually in response.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just a bit concerned that while I'm gone, you'll get needy but it's totally cool if you want to see other people while I'm away. I know you'll stay safe of course," you say while chuckling lightly despite the tightening of your heart at the thought of someone else doing the kind of things that you and Sakusa do. However, Sakusa scrunches up his face at the idea as you expected.
"Huh? Do you not remember how long it took the two of us to even get to this point? You should know better than to assume I'd be so willing to have another body on my bed," Sakusa points out as you laugh.
"Yeah, I guess you're right, I'm usually the one that leads otherwise you don't really seem to have any libido at all," you say as Sakusa shrugs and takes a step closer to you making your heart jump.
"Well yeah, I only really make time for volleyball, cleaning, and you. So, I guess I'll see you whenever you get back alright?" Sakusa says nonchalantly as you suddenly feel a tad bit aggravated that he's being so casual about you leaving. Though in the back of your mind you know that's just how Sakusa is. Besides, this entire relationship was supposed to remain casual since you're both too busy for a stable relationship anyway.
"What if I'm gone for more than a year? What if I hit it big and I end up staying out in the west or Europe or something and forget to come back and visit? What if I end up meeting someone else?" you ramble on as Sakusa gently places a hand on the wall behind you before leaning in to kiss you. You're caught completely off guard and feel butterflies form in your stomach despite doing much lewder things with each other not too long ago.
"Stop overthinking everything, you idiot. Whatever happens, will happen, just be safe out there," Sakusa says softly to your lips as you feel your cheeks burn. All you can manage is a tiny nod despite how much you want to be able to just blurt out how you feel before you go. There's no telling when you'll be back, it only makes sense to get everything off your chest now right? You take one step towards the door before grabbing the handle and freezing still unsure of what to do or say.
"Omi, I..."
"You know I haven't really had that many friends in my life before. I'm glad we got the chance to be friends Y/N, so make sure to check in from time to time, ok?" Sakusa says as your heart drops down to the ground in the span of fewer than five seconds.
Friend, just friends with benefits. That's all the two of you are and you know that's what's best, but your heart just won't listen. You bite down on your inner gum to try and stop the tears from falling as you put on your face mask which thankfully helps you mask your emotions even more. You turn around to look at Sakusa one last time with a forced smile on your face.
"Of course! I'm glad that we became friends too Omi! Do your best ok, I'm expecting to see you on some sports magazine covers as well," you say playfully as Sakusa nods.
"Yeah, sure thing," Sakusa says before waving to you as you step out of his house and make your way towards your car. You wave to Sakusa as you get inside and wait until he closes the door before pulling off. However, you stop a couple of blocks away in a parking lot and allow the flood of emotions to overthrow you. The tears don't seem to stop flowing and your heart feels as if it's about to shatter any second.
You wanted more than just physical fun, you wanted to be able to go on dates with him and sit in on all his practices and matches if you could. You wanted to help him find the best diet to balance his high-calorie burning and desire to be as healthy and strong as possible. To just lay cuddled up with him all day and occasionally piss him off by making little messes. Just to cheer him on to be the best version of himself while he did the same for you.
The sound of your phone ringing makes you cut your emotional breakdown short and answer with a clear voice. If it's one thing adulthood has taught you it's how to mask your emotions for the greater good of survival.
"F/N L/N speaking,"
"Y/N! Come on you were supposed to be at the airport an hour ago! We have to keep your schedule, there's a lot of shots we have to get on and to do that you need to get on this plane that takes off in thirty minutes," your manager says as you roll your eyes and take a deep breath before starting your car up again and driving towards the airport.
"Yes, I apologize, I'll be there as fast as I can," you say while sniffling.
"Wait...you're not doing co...ahem. Y/N I know you haven't been in this industry for too long, but I assure you drug consumption is not the way to go..."
"No, I'm not doing drugs ok! My nose was just itchy, I'll be there alright!" you snap slightly before hanging up and sighing heavily. There goes for professionalism. However, despite Sakusa reminding you of your place in the friend zone, you can't help but still have hope that maybe things can be different once you come back home. Maybe...
Two Years Later
You walk slowly into the MSBY practice gym and are unsurprised to find the team hard at a variety of different practices ranging from serves to spikes. Immediately the sounds of squeaking shoes and the impact of a ball being spiked remind you of all the time you spent watching the Inarizaki team practices and games. It's been six years since you graduated but you never stopped loving the world of volleyball.
You had been back in Japan only for a couple of hours before deciding to check up with your old friend Atsumu. While you'd been out of the country modelling you caught glimpse of him on the face of a sports magazine as one of Japan's most promising up-and-coming setters likely to join the Japan national volleyball team. You glance around the surplus of training courts before your eyes settle on a familiar yellow-haired setter.
"Tsumu!" you scream without thinking it through first and watch as the ball he was supposed to set bounces off his head. Atsumu's eyes dart over to you full of agitation, but you pull down the mask that was covering half of your face and watch as realization washes over Atsumu's face.
"Y/N!" Atsumu yells before running off the court towards you with his arms spread apart widely.
"Agh wait Tsumu you're all sweaty!"
"Too late!" Atsumu yells as the two of you finally collide and Atsumu wraps his arms around you while laughing joyously.
"I didn't believe it when I saw you on the cover of that sports magazine, the starting setter for the MSBY Black Jackals huh?! Look at how far you've come since high school! I'm so proud of Tsumu!" you say as Atsumu and you step out of the hug but still stand close to each other while smiling.
"Oh, you saw that article huh. Don't worry I won't steal any of your modelling gigs, I'm still focused on becoming the best setter in all Japan," Atsumu says as you roll your eyes and punch his shoulder playfully.
"Still shooting for the stars huh. I know you can do it Tsumu! Oh man, I totally just barged in here and interrupted your practice though, I don't want your teammates to be peeved at me. We could grab a coffee after you're done though," you say noticing that the other guys in the gym are staring at you and Atsumu curiously.
Your eyes are drawn back over to the spiker that Atsumu was going to set and notice that he found someone else to toss for him as they prepare themselves for a spike. The player wears the number 15 and has oddly familiar short wavy black hair and even from a distance, you notice two moles positioned almost perfectly above his right eyebrow. Your heart drops instantly.
"Nah it's fine, we were just thinking about taking a break anyway. I'll even introduce you to the guys, chances are they probably know who you are too," Atsumu replies but your focus remains on the player who noticeably analyses the set before jumping and contacting the ball in such a way that the booming sound of the impact makes you flinch. The ball smashes onto the opposite side of the court with the player's opponent unable to block it in time. Despite the amazingly powerful spike, the guy seems nonchalant about the play as he just walks away from the net before shooting a passive glance in your direction that makes you hide behind Atsumu.
You're not sure if he recognized you, but you have the strong urge to run away. Even after being away from Japan for two years none of the model partners, or guys you met at parties ever made you feel remotely close to how Kiyomi did. You had spoken to your manager about it and while she doesn't recommend dating at all, she did say that it doesn't make sense to hold onto someone and wait for them when they gave you the ok to move on.
Admittingly you and Sakusa hadn't messaged much after you left either, though you're sure it's because the two of you were so busy which is one of the main reasons you didn't want anything tying you down, to begin with. However, seeing him in action again on a 1st division volleyball team does make you want to reconnect but after all this time have his feelings changed? Does he even remember you?
"Huh? What's up with you? The guys are staring at you, aren't they? But you've been a model for years and now you're shy? How cute,"
"Oh, shut up I'm not shy. It's just...I remembered that I have a couple of emails to make. Super important info I need to send to my manager, I'll just meet you at a café after you're done practice and..."
"Hey hey hey tsum-tsum, is this your girlfriend?! She's super pretty, totally out of your league though man!" A tall guy with black hair and silver tips says as a shorter guy with vibrant orange hair follows closely behind him.
"Oh man even Atsumu got a girlfriend before me?! What kind of messed up joke is this?" the orange-haired guy exclaims as Atsumu turns around to face them clearly annoyed.
"Huh?! What do you mean she's out of my league?! Y/N would be lucky to have me as her boyfriend..." Atsumu says making you burst out laughing obnoxiously.
"Me and Tsumu?! As if! We're just old high school friends. I'm F/N L/N but you guys can just call me Y/N," you say introducing yourself as the frosted tips guy let out a sigh of relief.
"Oh, that makes a lot more sense. Of course, there's no way someone as pretty as you would date someone like tsum-tsum," the tall guy with broad shoulders says as the copper top nods in agreement.
"Yeah, that does make me feel better,"
"Huh, Bokkun that's so mean! And don't use that stupid nickname in front of Y/N it's embarrassing!"
"But you just used mine in front of her..."
"...also shut it shrimpy at least I've had a girlfriend before unlike you!" Atsumu goes on as he starts bickering with the two-toned hair guy and tangerine head both of which you're certain you've seen before. You bite down on your lip before finally processing who these two guys are and snapping your fingers.
"Wait a minute, you're Bokuto from Furokodani and Hinata from Karasuno right?!" you exclaim loudly as all the guys stop bickering to look at you surprised.
"Oh yeah, sorry about that. It really is nice to meet you Y/N, I'm Hinata Shoyo," Hinata says as you smile sweetly at him.
"I knew it! I was there during that game Inarizaki played when I was a second year. Your team was the one that beat them in the second round of nationals," You recall as Atsumu makes a face at you.
"Hey Y/N did you really need to bring that up again? Now the dummy's gonna go and get a big head about it," Atsumu says to you as you smirk unapologetically.
"What are you upset about; you got your wish didn't you? You told me that you wanted to set to him after seeing how that other setter tossed for him," you remind Atsumu as Hinata blushes and places a hand over his mouth dramatically.
"Aww, I remember that. You really did want to set for me badly huh? I'm so flattered,"
"Oh, shut it!" Atsumu snaps as you notice Bokuto getting a bit antsy to jump into the conversation.
"Oh and Bokuto your spikes were amazing back then too. I admittingly didn't get to see you play much but in the few plays I did see you looked incredible, I'm sure you've only gotten better since graduating right?" You ask as Bokuto's face immediately lights up.
"You little lady have an eye for amazing spikers. I do miss my days as the ace of Furokodani but someday I'll be the ace of Japan's national team you mark my words!" Bokuto announces as the short wavy-haired number 15 appears behind him making you tense. You got carried away and completely forgot about hatching your escape plan before Sakusa saw you.
"You'll have to become a better spiker than me first," Sakusa says bluntly as Bokuto noticeably gets annoyed but oddly Hinata does too. However, before the bickering could start up again, Sakusa's dark eyes meet yours.
"It's good to see you again Y/N, how long have you been back in Japan?" Sakusa asks you casually as if it had only been two days as opposed to two years since you last saw each other. Atsumu, Bokuto, and Hinata all exchange a glance before looking at you and Sakusa and back.
"You two know each other?! How?!" The three guys yell almost in unison as you try to find the words to explain but Sakusa speaks up before you can.
"It's none of your business really. Hey Y/N can we talk in private for a while?" Sakusa asks as the others continue to stare at Sakusa with a bewildered expression. Sakusa was never really the type to initiate things, and if he did, he'd usually whisper it to you instead of saying it in front of other people. Perhaps Sakusa has changed a bit but if these extroverted guys are his teammates, it's safe to assume that he's learned to stop caring as much.
"Oh, um yeah of course. I'll see you Tsumu, and it was nice meeting you Bokuto and Hinata. Hopefully, we can all go out for drinks sometime," you say while waving to the guys before following Sakusa's lead which seems to be somewhere in the gym locker room area.
"Tsum-tsum did you try to steal Sakusa's girlfriend?"
"What?! Of course not! Y/N went to Inarizaki, I don't even know how those two know each other," you hear Atsumu say as you bite down on your lip a bit nervous to speak with Sakusa alone. He eventually stops at a door and opens it for you allowing you to step inside first.
"This is the locker room we use for visitors but it's empty since we're just doing practice today. I also cleaned it up a bit earlier so I figured this would be the best place to sit and talk a bit. Is that ok?" Sakusa asks as you nod and sit down on a bench while looking around with a small smile on your face.
"MSBY Black Jackals huh? How come you never told me you made it onto a team like this?" You ask as Sakusa sits down not too far from where you are. He grabs a towel and drapes it around his neck drawing your attention to the fact that his neck had been glistening with sweat. Flashes of the last time you were sucking on his neck fill your mind, but you push those thoughts away as Sakusa smirks.
"The phone works both ways you know. I had to hear from some of the guys just recently that you apparently had a big photoshoot with a famous lingerie brand. Congratulations," Sakusa mentions as your cheeks burn.
"Oh yeah, I spent quite a bit of time in LA doing shots, even a few commercials but I don't think those would air in Japan considering their context you know," you say while laughing shyly as Sakusa nods and glances away from your eyes to run his towel through his damp hair.
"True enough, you seem pretty good considering how you were acting with Atsumu and the others back there. How come you never reached out? I tried to call a couple of times, but your manager always picked up saying you were too busy to come to the phone," Sakusa comments as you raise your eyebrow noticing the slightest hint of jealousy in his tone.
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