《✨Anime Oneshots✨》🌹My Bunny~ Tamakixfemreader


♡Anime: MHA♡

"Hey Y/N! Let me get that for you!" You hear a familiar manly voice shout from behind you. You turn around and see Kirishima rushing towards you. However, before he could reach you you feel the box you were carrying leave your hands.

"Stop carrying such heavy stuff by yourself dumbass." You hear Bakugou say in his usual grumpy tone. Despite being a third-year you've already given up on trying to get Bakugou to address you with more respect.

"This is for our class anyway right? Let me take care of it." Bakugou adds as he walks off towards the classroom. You smile widely as you watch Bakugou yell for other students to get out of his way. He always shows that he cares in the strangest ways.

"Dang it, I wanted to help you out too. Why'd you have all that stuff anyway Y/N? I saw Nejire and Mirio with some boxes too." Kirishima says as you smile brightly.

"Us third years wanted to do something special for you first years. Especially since you've all been through so much lately. That box Bakugou took had some treats in it." You inform Kiri who's face practically glows with excitement.

"For real?! That's so sweet of you guys. Hey, where's Tamaki isn't he usually with you?" Kirishima asks while suggestively wiggling his eyebrows. It's no secret around UA that you and Tamaki have gotten closer over the past few months.

Mainly because Mirio and Nejire immediately spread it around the school once they saw Tamaki blush more than usual when you accidentally bumped into him. Ever since then he's been extra anxious around you in public.

A part of you understands how much he hates the attention, but you also wish that he'd be more at ease with you. The two of you hadn't started dating officially but you don't have eyes for anyone but Tamaki.

"Ah, he actually didn't walk to school with me today. I think he came a bit earlier to help out with the food for your little party." You tell Kiri while trying your best to keep a straight face. You and Kirishima enter class 1-A to find that Nejire and Ururaka had just finished putting up the decorations.

You smile as you scan the excited faces of your juniors. However, you still don't see any sign of Tamaki. It wouldn't surprise you if he tried to avoid the party, but he hadn't even messaged you at all today either. However, the food has already arrived meaning that he was around here somewhere.

"Looking for your other half?" You hear Mirio ask as he suddenly appears behind you. You jump slightly before turning around and rolling your eyes. Mirio has made it a daily habit now to tease you and Tamaki as much as possible with your attraction to one another.

You don't mind it as much, but Tamaki always gets flustered whenever he or Nejire says that the two of you should hurry up and go on a date. A part of you is growing a bit anxious that at this rate the two of you will graduate before one of you makes the first move.

"Oh hush, I'm actually a bit worried. I haven't heard from Tamaki all day, I know he hates parties but he was so excited to cook for the first years yesterday." You say as Mirio frowns slightly.

"Huh? He was just outside a few minutes before you came in. Maybe he went to the washroom. Should I go find him?" Mirio offers as you shake your head.


"No I'll go look, I'll be back soon," you say before leaving the classroom. You make your way down the hall before feeling someone suddenly grab your arm before pulling you towards the supply closet. The door slams shut behind you leaving you locked in the dim room with a random stranger.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" You yell as you hear a familiar whimper.

"Ah sorry Y/N, I didn't mean to scare you. I just thought grabbing you would've been easier than calling after you if you passed me." You hear Tamaki's voice say as you quickly turn around and see Tamaki gazing towards the ground.

You instinctively throw your arms around Tamaki's neck and feel his body tense. You know how uncomfortable he gets with physical touch, but a part of you secretly loves his awkward hugs.

"Why are you hiding in here? Did something happen to you? I've been so worried." You say rapidly as you let Tamaki go and grab him by the shoulders so that he can't escape you. Almost immediately he covers his face with his hands.

"It's...really embarrassing. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you worry about me though. I forgot to charge my phone last night so it died and I couldn't message you as usual." Tamaki manages to get out lowly as you quickly soften your grip on his shoulders.

"Ah I see, that's understandable. I'll forgive you for that then. Though you didn't really explain why you were hiding in here though. Mirio and the others are waiting at the 1-A party." You say as Tamaki sinks deeper into himself.

"Whatever happened you can tell me, you should know that by now Amajiki. I won't judge you." You say gently as Tamaki seems to blush even harder. You adore how cute Tamaki gets whenever you call him by his first name, however, it also seems to push him to speak his mind more with you.

"Well, I uhh wanted to say hi when I saw you earlier but then I saw you with Bakugou and Kirishima. I guess I got kind of...insecure about talking to you in front of them. Especially since they're both so cool and manly. So I kind of hid in here to cool down." Tamaki informs you as you smile sadly.

You grab Tamaki's hands gently before slowly pulling them away from his face. His eyes still stare at the ground but he at least doesn't pull his hands away from yours.

"You don't need to feel insecure Amajiki, besides, I think you're a way cooler hero than those two anyways. Your quirk is super versatile and strong, not to mention your hero costume makes you look ultra cute too." You say encouragingly as Tamaki manages a little smirk.

"Y-you really think I look cute in my costume? You always compliment me so much Y/N, but wouldn't you be better off being with someone who can confidently compliment you back? I can barely even look you in the eyes." Tamaki says hesitantly as you release one of his hands before placing it on Tamaki's cheek.

"I don't need a bunch of compliments from other guys, just hearing you say my name makes me happy. You mean so much more to me than you think. I really like you Amajiki." You say casually as Tamaki's indigo eyes meet yours full of shock. If someone had to make the first move, why not let it be you?

This is the first time Tamaki's looked you in the eyes and maintained it for longer than a few seconds. The indecisiveness in his eyes is clear, but they just make you want to...


"You actually like me? Even though I'm shy and awkward? Why? You deserve so much better than me Y/N. I know Mirio and Nejire joke about it but you don't have to force yourself to..." You cut off Tamaki's rambling by pressing your lips against his.

You smirk a bit as Tamaki whimpers as you press him against the wall. You entwine your hand tightly with his as Tamaki slowly begins to respond to your lips. You hear Tamaki let out a muffled moan against your lips that makes you pull away while breathing heavily.

The sound he just made, if you had kept going you're not sure what would've happened.

"W-Wow Y/N I wasn't expecting that. I'm not saying it was bad! I actually really enjoyed it...your lips are softer than I could've imagined. Not that I daydreamed about kissing you before or anything!" Tamaki rambles on as you chuckle and observe the flustered look on his face.

"You're so cute Amajiki, just like a bunny." You say playfully as Tamaki looks away from your eyes.

"If anyone looks as cute as a bunny, it's you Y/N," Tamaki says lowly as your heart jumps at the sudden compliment. For the most part, you've always refrained from teasing Tamaki, but in this situation, a part of you wants to see how red he can get.

"Are you sure you want to be with me though Y/N? I'm not sure I'd be a good significant other." Tamaki says hesitantly as you smile and gently start to play with Tamaki's ears reassuringly. You know that they're sensitive, and judging by the faces he's now making his mind has drifted away from those negative thoughts.

"I only want you Amajiki, I don't want anyone else. All I want is for you to be yourself. Your adorably intelligent and gentle self." You say as Tamiki begins to whimper softly.

"Y/N you can't just say all those nice things and expect me not to get extra flustered. I might...oh God I might pass out."

"Don't do that! Just think about happy things, like how you can call me bunny now. I like the way it sounds coming from your lips." You say cheerfully as Tamaki looks away embarrassed.

"Oh, sure if that's what you want. B-Bunny my ears are really sensitive right now, if you keep playing with them I might..." Tamaki's face reddens more as you quickly realize that your action seems to be giving him a different effect than you originally thought.

"Hmm? Oh right! Should I stop then?"

"N-no, I actually really like it when you play with my ears. But B-Bunny? Can you kiss me again?" Tamaki asks in a needy voice as you quickly oblige. You press your lips slowly against Tamaki's and are surprised by his neediness. However, you maintain a slow pace despite Tamaki wanting to speed it up. You never knew he'd be so eager to push forward...

"B-Bunny, please. Are you going to keep teasing me like this?" You hear Tamaki say as he lets out a tiny gasp as you pull away finding it hard to hold back a sadistic chuckle. Tamaki suddenly grabs your shoulders before switching places with you so that your back is pressing against the wall.

He grabs your wrists tightly before pressing them against the wall. Your eyes widen at Tamaki's sudden aggression, things are getting steamier by the second.

"Amajiki...we're going to get carried away if we stay in here any longer." You say half-heartedly as Tamaki's grip on your wrists tightens.

"I want to taste more of you Bunny, I want to prove that I can be more than just cute. I want to be worthy of being your b-boyfriend." Tamaki declares seriously as you silently watch his eyes grow more confident. It seems you've unintentionally awoken a sleeping beast.

You begin to squirm as Tamaki's lips and tongue trail down your neck and to your collarbone. You let out a soft moan which incidentally acts as the signal for Tamaki to begin sucking and biting on your neck more aggressively.

"Amajiki...it feels so good." You moan out as Tamaki's lips suddenly leave your neck and meet your ear.

"Shh bunny. We can't get caught in here, but...I don't want to stop just yet. I want to make you feel even better, I want to hear you moan my name more. Will you give me permission to make you feel better?" Tamaki asks as you feel something tickle your ear. Your eyes widen as Tamaki smirks at you while showing off his tongue that had now transformed into a tentacle.

You're rendered speechless as your mind tries to process how quickly things are moving. Only a few seconds ago you were teasing him, so when did Tamaki suddenly become so seductive and bold?

"I..." You start as the door to the supply closet suddenly bursts open making you squint as the light from the hallway pours inside.

"So this is where you two ran off to!" You hear Mirio exclaim as Tamaki abruptly releases your wrists and makes his tongue normal again. You half expect Tamaki to run out of the room covering his face, but to your surprise, he grabs your hand and squeezes it gently.

"My my Tamaki I never knew you had it in you, tentacle tongue huh? Or was this all Y/N doing? Either way, I have to go tell Nejire what I stumbled in on. Shall I tell the first years that you two won't make it to the party?" Mirio teases shamelessly as you open your mouth to chew him out.

However, before you could say anything Tamaki walks over to Mirio and whispers something in his ear. Mirio glances over to you before nodding and patting Tamaki on the back as he blushes.

"Understood! Leave it all to me, you kids just go have fun." Mirio says before walking off leaving you once again shocked.

"What was that about?" You ask while walking over to Tamaki who chuckles awkwardly. It seems as if he's gone back to his usual shy nature.

"Ahh well, I asked Mirio to come up with an excuse for us to miss the party. I wanted to spend some more time with you alone, is that ok?" Tamaki asks as you suddenly start laughing.

"B-Bunny? Are you upset? Did you still want to go to the party?" Tamaki rambles on as you once again cut him off with a quick kiss.

"Not at all, let's go before someone catches us. Besides, I can't shake the fact that I'm curious as to what your quirk is capable of behind closed doors." You say bluntly as you grab Tamaki's hand before leading him towards the dorms.

Let's be honest, Tamaki SIMPs have definitely thought about the ahem ✨benefits✨ of his quirk 😳

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