《✨Anime Oneshots✨》🌸Memories~SunaxFemReader(edited)
♡Anime: Haikyuu♡
I bet the twins are still in practice. I should go visit them, you think to yourself as you leave your class and make your way downstairs. You stayed a bit later to get a few more hours of study time in. However, now it was dusk outside and the school was silent except for the sounds of yelling and thundering footsteps echoing from the gym. You slowly peak into the gym unsurprised to find a small group of the Inarizaki boys volleyball team still hard at work.
The boy's volleyball team is the pride of Inarizaki, however to you they're just a group of annoying high school guys. However, those same annoying guys just happen to be your best friends. You lean against the doorway as you watch Atsumu set for Osamu who powerfully spikes the ball to the ground. However, Suna quickly jumps up and blocks the spike making it rebound off his hands and fall onto the twin's side of the court.
"Don't mind favourite twin!" You shout playfully as everyone in the gym turns to look at you with fatigued expressions. You wave politely at everyone who seems to cheer up at your sudden appearance. However, Suna's grayish-yellow eyes stare at you side-eyed for a few seconds before looking away. You're not sure why but whenever you're around it always seems like Suna gets even quieter than usual. You don't know what you could've done to make him dislike you though.
"Hey Y/N, I thought I was your favourite!" Atsumu shouts at you while pouting dramatically as you roll your eyes.
"As if idiot! Now are you guys done, it's late and I want someone to walk home with," You say as Osamu nods as the remaining guys agree to finish up for the night. Though it surprises you that Kita even let them potentially overwork themselves in the first place.
"I don't see why you need an escort, no idiot would want to kidnap you anyways," Atsumu says as Osamu punches him over the head since you don't have the proper shoes on to go do it yourself.
"That's not how you talk to a girl, idiot. At this rate, you're bound to die alone," Osamu says as you chuckle.
"This is why Samu is my favourite," You say before sticking out your tongue at Atsumu as Osamu walks over to you while stretching his arms. Meanwhile, the bootleg Barry bee Benson follows after him while still making childish faces at you.
"What are you even doing at school this late Y/N?" Osamu asks as you shrug.
"It's easier to study at school as opposed to home. I only ever want to sleep when I get to my room," you admit as you notice a slight smirk lift Suna's lips as he finishes folding up the net before getting called by Aran to help elsewhere. He shoots you another passive glance before rushing away leaving you feeling a bit flustered.
You and Suna haven't spoken much in the two years you've been around the twins and other team members, but every now and then you'd catch him staring at you with a hard-to-read expression. Especially when it comes to your interactions with Atsumu. Everyone knows that you, like Aran, have been friends with the twins since middle school. Though as time passed on Atsumu seemed to develop an irritating desire to mindlessly flirt with you at any opportunity.
"I can help you solve that problem," Atsumu chimes in as you groan in disgust despite fully expecting a comment like that from him. Though as annoying as Atsumu can be sometimes, you can't help but laugh since you know it's all just a joke.
"In your dreams perv!"
"Oop how did you know, did Samu tell you that?" Atsumu quickly replies as the other guys try and fail to hide their laughter. All except Suna that is, his sharp intimidating eyes once again find yours but he quickly looks away after locking eyes for less than a second.
"Hey don't encourage him! If he thinks he gets this kind of reaction from you guys he'll think he's funny or something and never shut up!" You complain to the others who quickly rush back to cleaning the floor and putting the balls away.
"We'll still have to stretch and clean up in here. Do you mind waiting a while?" Osamu asks as you shake your head.
"I'll be fine, it's still a bit warm out here. Don't rush your stretches, I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself Samu," You say sweetly as Osamu smiles and pats your head before walking off. Even though the twins are only a month older than you, you don't mind Osamu acting like an older brother to you. That is when he's not being childish like the other twin.
"You got it Y/N. Come on pervert, if you don't stretch and end up hurt Kita's gonna kick your ass,"
"Hey, Y/N why don't you say that kinda stuff to me?" Atsumu asks while pouting as your smile drops and you place a hand on your hips.
"Because even if you get hurt Samu would just be setter in your place," You respond swiftly making Atsumi pout even more.
"You're so mean to me Y/N! Kita Y/N's being mean!" Atsumu cries as Osamu pulls him away by the back of his Jersey. You roll your eyes and step out of the doorway before smiling to yourself and gazing up at the moon. Your brain reminds you of all the good times you've had with the Miya twins and the rest of the Inarizaki boys. However, your mind once again wanders to Suna who you barely have any memories with.
Any of the times he's addressed you personally they've been brief moments with no meaning. You can't help but want to ask him why he doesn't like you or why he'd just stare at you sometimes. Especially since you've always had a tiny crush on him since seeing him play for the first time. As a volleyball lover seeing his technique as a spiker and blocker are unique in many ways, though you also admittingly love to see the wicked smile on his face when he effectively manipulates the other team's blockers.
"How can I talk to him?" You ask yourself aloud in a whisper before sighing softly.
"Hey Y/N," You hear a deep voice say from behind you as you let out a yelp and turn around while accidentally throwing the water bottle you were holding. You cringe slightly as you see Suna standing in front of you holding the water bottle you just flung. Did he hear what you said? And even if he did would he know that you were talking about him?
Even though the panic-filled questions flood your mind, this is the first time you've noticed just how large his hands are. Then again as a middle blocker, it's probably a useful asset in blocking as well as spiking. Though you can't help but wonder what it'd be like if his hands were wrapped around something other than your water bottle right now.
Suna's eyes continue to watch you curiously as you look down at the ground finding it almost impossible to hold his gaze this close to him. His gaze is so intimidating you can understand why his opponents fear him.
"Oh, sorry Suna. You jumped me," You say stating the obvious as Suna nods awkwardly before looking down at the bottle in his hands.
"It's fine, but since this is in my hand now can I have some? I ran out of water a bit earlier," Suna says as you quickly oblige.
"Yeah sure, I don't mind though I did already drink from it so..." Your words trail on as you watch Suna uncap the bottle and press it against his lips. He surely heard what you said, but still chose to put the bottle to his lips as opposed to doing a waterfall.
You feel your cheeks burn up at the thought that Suna just indirectly kissed you. However, the look on his face once he finishes is unphased as per usual. He's acting really weird right now, most times he'd just nod at you and leave.
"I actually came out to tell you that the twins started fighting again. It might be another few minutes before they can walk you home," Suna says as your mouth forms the shape of an 'O'. He promptly pulls out his phone before showing you a picture of the twins wrestling on the gym floor.
The image immediately makes you chuckle and you can't help but feel Suna's eyes watching you. You noticed that Suna had a habit of pulling out his phone whenever something funny was happening. The amount of blackmail he must have on the twins alone is unfathomable.
"Thanks for letting me know. I don't mind the wait, you have a great night though. Get some rest, you guys have a big game tomorrow right?" You say cheerfully as Suna nods but pauses to stare at you for a while. You can't tell what's going on in his head but you feel your heart speed up the longer he looks at you.
"Would you mind if I walked you home instead? It's impolite of those two idiots to have you waiting this long," Suna offers suddenly as your eyes widen. This is really unlike him, especially considering the cold expression he shot you just a few minutes ago. However, if you had to choose between walking home with the twins of chaos or getting time alone with Suna. I think you know where this is going.
"Oh, sure. I don't live too far from school, I hope it's not out of the way for you," You say as you and Suna begin to walk off in the direction of your house. The first few minutes of the walk you immediately feel an awkward tension between the two of you. Both of you remain quiet and walk with a sizable distance between the two of you. You want to say something but for some reason, your mouth refuses to open.
"Hey Y/N?" Suna says suddenly making you flinch slightly.
"Ye-yeah?" You stutter out as Suna continues to look in front of him while you look at his side profile. You can't help but note that he looks beautiful from all angles. How he doesn't have a girlfriend yet is beyond you, then again he's not the most approachable person.
"Do you not like the way I block? Is there something I'm lacking?" Suna asks in almost a whisper as you frown confused. The most Suna ever gets criticized for during practice is being a bit lazy or not putting his all into practice. Everyone knows he's an exceptional player though, or maybe he's harder on himself than you thought.
"What are you talking about? You're an amazing blocker! Your speed, flexibility, and strength are all top-notch. Why would you doubt your abilities?" You blurt out a bit more passionately than intended as Suna suddenly stops walking. You look back to Suna whose gaze is stuck on the ground.
"That's a relief," Suna mutters under his breath as you tilt your head still confused.
"Huh? What are you talking about?"
"You just seem to cheer for everyone else, especially the twins and Aran. You've never really cheered for me though. Even today you comforted Osamu instead of complimenting my block," Suna says as his eyes suddenly look up and lock onto yours.
"Uh well It's just because we're not that close and to be honest I thought that you didn't like me. Your gaze is pretty lethal," You manage to get out with a shy smile as Suna's expression seems to soften.
"Ah so that's it, I don't hate you Y/N. I just don't like wearing my emotions on my face, well at least not my true emotions I guess," Suna says as he takes a step towards you. You unintentionally hold in a breath as Suna looks down at you and smirks. He reaches for your cheek gently as he tilts your head upwards.
You can't avoid his eyes now, but in them, you don't see annoyance or hatred. In fact, they almost appear affectionate. You're almost certain that this is all a dream and any moment you'll wake up.
"If I'm being honest then, I actually get pretty jealous when you're playful with the twins. I guess that's why I get quiet around you and maybe I look a bit pissed. Especially when Atsumu makes those lewd jokes," Suna says lowly as a shiver runs down your spine. Suna's jealous of tsumu? Though in general maybe you indulging in playfulness with him and samu is part of the reason you've never had a boyfriend.
"Is it selfish of me to want you to cheer just for me?" Suna asks to your lips. All the words you've learnt up until completely evaporate from your mind. You're not sure what Suna is getting at, but you do know that you don't mind where it's leading.
"I want you to be mine. Just mine. I mean not in a possessive way or anything but you know..." Suna says before rambling on a bit as you smile in disbelief.
"Re-really? You're not just playing with me here right?" You ask as Suna frowns slightly.
"Of course, I wouldn't joke about something like this. Do you not feel the same?" Suna asks seriously while running an awkward hand through his hair as you burst out laughing.
"Are you kidding me? I'd love to go out with you, I've been wanting to get to know you better for a while now but I never knew how. I've had a little crush on you and..." Your rambling is cut off by Suna suddenly cupping your face and pressing his lips against yours.
Your body responds quickly to the kiss as your eyes close slowly. The kiss starts shy but your hunger for it grows. However, you can tell that Suna's going slow on purpose. You let out a tiny groan as Suna suddenly pulls away and brushes a thumb against your bottom lip.
"You're so cute when you're needy Y/N," Suna says with a genuine smile, one that you've never seen grace his beautiful face before. The sight is so stunning that you're almost certain you could stare at Suna's smile for hours without losing an ounce of enjoyment.
"You little tease! Where do you get off making me all hot and bothered like that?" You ask hitting Suna's arm playfully. You start walking again prompting Suna to do the same. If you guys kept standing around talking you'd never get home. However, a part of you wouldn't mind just walking and talking all night.
"I'll gladly show you, but when the time is right. I prefer to take things slow if that's alright, plus it makes it that much cuter when you beg for it," Suna says in a seductive tone that sends a chill down your spine. You're used to those kinds of comments from Atsumu, but it hits different coming from Suna.
"For now I think I owe you a date first since I already got carried away and kissed you. Tell you what, if we win the next game I'll take you out on a date. Though I'll only do it if you cheer for me loud enough for me to hear it," Suna says as you bite down on your tongue.
You're used to cheering for everyone as a whole, you can't imagine the stares you'd get from the other guys for singling out Suna. Especially considering the two of you haven't spent much time together before now.
"If we win we'll go to nationals and I might just play better if I had even more motive to win. Fair right?" Suna says as you raise an eyebrow.
"Fine, but what happens if you guys lose?" You ask as Suna shrugs.
"You decide. Though I doubt we will regardless," Suna says as you place a finger on your chin and think up a punishment for losing. A sudden thought enters your mind, though it's more a reward for you than a punishment.
"If you lose, you have to kiss me in front of the entire team," You say as Suna looks at you confused.
"That's not really a punishment, even though I'm not that fond of PDA," Suna says calling out what you already knew.
"I know, but if you guys did lose I figure you'd be upset so maybe kissing me would cheer you up a bit," You say as Suna smiles tenderly at you.
"Cute," Suna says as you feel your cheeks blush.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" You say as Suna nods silently.
"Why me? We don't really have that many great memories together. Like there was that one time I accidentally spilled chocolate milk on you before practice. I just figured that any lasting impression of me that you had would be negative." You say embarrassed as Suna looks up at the sky with a distant look in his eyes.
"Hmm. Well, I like how you're kind of the opposite of me. Whereas I'm usually quiet you're bubbly and playful. Plus I've heard you banter with the twins and I'm amazed by how many different ways you've hurt Tsumu's feelings." Suna admits as you listen on silently.
"If it bothers you why don't we just make better memories together? I know our banner's slogan would say otherwise, but I kind of look forward to making memories with you Y/N." Suna says as he looks over at you, his gaze is gentle making you smile and nod.
"I look forward to making memories with you too Suna," You say as the two of you finally reach your house. You feel a bit sad that your conversation with Suna has to end. Especially when you were just starting to see a softer side of him.
"I'm glad you got to walk me home tonight. It was eventful to say the least." You say as you turn to face Suna who nods.
"Yeah, I'm glad I did too. Oh, and if the twins ask where you went could you not mention what happened. I want to see the look on Atsumu's face when you start cheering for me tomorrow." Suna says as you roll your eyes but agree.
"Sure, now get home and rest. Don't stay up too long thinking about me OK?" You say teasingly as Suna chuckles and cups your cheek gently. He leans down but stops a few inches from your lips.
"I think you should worry about yourself Y/N. Especially since I'll be the one invading your dreams tonight." Suna says as you wait in anticipation for his lips to once again press against yours. However, Suna pulls away from you and casually pushes his hands into his pockets.
This guy is a massive tease and it's slowly driving you crazy. You try your best not to show your disappointment as Suna flashes you a mischievous glance.
"Goodnight fox eyes." You say as Suna smirks.
"Goodnight cutie, I'll see you tomorrow," Suna says casually as he walks off in the direction the two of you had just come from. You watch as he turns the corner before disappearing from your sight. Even as you make your way inside you can't wipe away the smile that rests on your lips.
The Next Day
You make your way to the community center gymnasium where Inarizaki will be playing their deciding game. You're unsurprised to find half of your school taking up a large section of the top bleachers. They even got the school band to show up.
(They really were the most extra fan section tho🙄)
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