《The powerful hybrid ||Twilight||》✨𝓔𝓹𝓲𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓹𝓱✨


300 years later...

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It's been a decade since the battle between the Cullen and Volturi clan, the life in the castle has been calm, and they all became a huge family, in the first hundred years the clan of the hybrids grow, and more wolves came to form part of the pack, the wolves that were already there decided that they wanted to be immortal, so the Athena discover a spell of immortality without them to become part vampire, some wolves decided to live their life's as mortals and live the years that they have to but all of them were accepted just like they were, the clan grows in members after Benjamin and Tia joined them, some others did but only the vampires that Athena and Stephen saw were loyal to them. Rosalie and Emmett became the advisors of the two, Riley became the principal guard of Athena gaining a solar ring, and Benjamin and Tia also became part of the inner circle of the two royals because yes, they became king and queen just like Alec, after 50 years some vampires show more respect to them than the three kings, so Aro, Marcus, and Caius decided to step down and spend their time with their mates since they didn't pass much time when they rule, the coronation was huge and beautiful the majority of vampires were pleased to see them in the thrones and the ones that weren't sure they prove to be perfect for their crowns, and just how the kings predicted the three of them were a deadly combination but they rule with justice, and they apply the law when they have to, of course, we cannot forget that the triplet keep reigning and being the best of the best, Jane was now the leader of the elite guard, being her, Demetri, Felix, ,Angela, Tia, because yes even when Tia doesn't have a gift she show a very good set of skills at the time to fight, she became one of the best warriors there, and Angela also became part of the guard thanks to her gift pyrokinesis and she also had a physical shield.


But if we talk on a more personal level well there is a lot of news, the first one being that when Benjamin and Tia came to Volterra they took the role of parents to little Renesmee that was just as happy as them, Tia having a huge connection with her since the beginning, and Benjamin taking the protective role of a father, Esme of course always present in her life also taking decisions with them for her, Renesmee with time also decided to change her name to Volturi but maintaining the Cullen, Rosalie and Athena taking their roles as the cool aunts, making Stephen and Emmett her uncles being the alpha the protector just like Benjamin, and Emmett being the fun uncle, even Jane and Alec also took roles like cousins and friends when Renesmee grow up in those years. That talking about her she found her mate in no other than Liam, Stephen's first vampire friend, he came to visit when he found out about him being a king, and when they found out that the two were mates Benjamin and he was mad, while Tia, Rosalie, Athena, Esme, and Jane help the girl to be with him, of course with time the two men could pass the jealousy and Liam became part of the family. The boys became a very tight group, Stephen, Alec, Emmett, Benjamin, Liam, Demetri, and Felix were the best of friends, just like the girls Athena, Jane, Rosalie, Tia, and Angela. Renesmee, Scott, and Riley were the best friends being the youngest of them. Esme created a beautiful friendship with Didyme, Sulpicia, and Athenodora, the kings became just a little more social but maintained the elegance that they have.

When the decade ended just like Stephen and Athena promised Jasper, they were there when the witch took the mental prison putting an end to their time in the dungeons, Rosalie and Emmett were also there when both of them came back to reality the tears that the two blondes had in their eyes when Jasper hug them to show how much they missed each other, Alice and the girls make peace and start from zero, of course, nothing was like before but that was better than anything also because the mother-daughter duo wanted to give peace to Esme, the two stay together for another decade with them after the others told them about Esme decision, they also catch up with Renesmee that was jumping in excitement when she saw them again. And when the two decades end Esme keeps her promise and asks for her end, all of them cry and try to change her decision but she couldn't, Esme broke the knowledge of a vampire being alive to become crazy or to take vengeance, just with her willpower she survived another two decades, so Athena end with her suffering but being the most delicate she could, she put her to sleep and then set her on fire so she couldn't feel any pain, they mourned over some months, after that Jasper and Alice leave the castle and explore the new word, with time they came back, and Jasper became part of the guard, Alice was not part of any guard but she helps with the castle and other things, they stay with the animal diet and no one denied their decision over that. Also, Silas and Melissa died on their terms seeing their sons in good hands and being happy and following their path, they died in Volterra with their family at their side.


The years and decades that came after that were the best for the vampire world, and the best for the Volturi family, after all, they had their happy ending just like they needed to pass obstacles in their paths, everyone knew that if anyone try to even go after some of them, they were going to end dead, they protect each other till the end.

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The End.

This is the end of the story guys!! I can't believe this is the end, thank you so much for the support in this story.

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