《The powerful hybrid ||Twilight||》⚡𝓔𝓷𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻,𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓽𝓱⚡


In the next few days, the family did what Carlisle ask and don't call the attention, but of course, Edward didn't do it and went to her house to see her sleep, and give her clues about what they were, one day the two pairs because they were one grade over weren't in the greenhouse excursion, Alice, Jasper, and Edward had to go, but when they came home Athena decided to use Edwards gift, she turns to see him and send him a glare. After some hours they heard Carlisle coming home, Athena sit on the floor talking while Rosalie did her hair for them going to hunt. Stephen, Jasper, and Emmett were playing video games waiting for their mates, after the blondes were attacked they didn't go alone to hunt, Esme was sketching the house of the alpha and her little daughter, they talked with her telling her that they wanted something for them, and she could understand why, and she was happy that they wanted that she did something so personal for them.

-It's nice to see most of you together -Carlisle said with a smile

Athena and Stephen just ignored him, the other gave them a little smile -You are ready baby -Rose said with a smile and gave her a kiss on her hair she loved doing Thena's hair, Athena smiled and run to see her hair and she likes what she saw and run and hugs Rose

-Ok we are ready to go hunting, Jasper you want to come with us? -Thena asked with a smile to him, he nod and speed to change -Ok let's wait for him and we can go

They saw Edward coming to them, Esme smiled and start asking questions since she was so excited about her new project for her favorite pair in the house, that she forgot to ask them how was the institute

-How was the excursion guys? -Esme asks with a smile on her face

The three looked at each other, so Alice decided to talk -Well it was good Jass gave me a flower -the others smiled at that-, and Edward talked with Bella but it didn't end well -the face of Rosalie and Stephen change from being in peace to being mad in seconds, Athena didn't even pay attention she knew that either way the leader it was not going to change his mind

-You talked with her? -Rosalie asked mad

-And not just that, he practically told her that he can hear conversations even when he is far from her -Jasper said with venom entering the living room again

Stephen was ready to punch him again until he hear her mate- Let's not give him the attention that he wants, we were happy a few minutes ago let's not ruin our vibe, either way, it's not going to make a difference what we said before or what we are thinking right now

The others thought for a moment and nodded and start going to go down the stairs until Esme called for the pair

-Stephen, Thena when you come back we need to see the details of the other parts of the house -she said with excitement in her voice

Athena turned with a huge smile and run to hug her and pass her a memory of them both together Stephen turn to the living room and gave Esme a kiss on the head whispering a thank you to her, the alpha had a soft spot for her in his heart she reminded him to her mother in the past, and in the beginning, she prepared him food and it was something that they both share and connect, they loved to cook and talk while doing it, she was the one that takes him to the altar when he and Thena got married, he saw in Esme a mother, just like Athena saw Rosalie. For Esme that simple action that the alpha did win her dead heart, just like Carlisle had favorites she had the little Rose and Stephen, Athena came at the moment that she needed someone, and even when the others came around she didn't stop doing the garden together, and she teaches her to cook more for her mate. Esme smiled at the memory and the kiss, she hug them too, she was the other person that Stephen let her hug.


The five of them leave to the woods and start hunting Athena, Rosalie, and Jasper together, since he like a mountain lions and not bears, and Emmett and Stephen went hunting bears because they like to play with them, the trio was hunting close to the line of the treaty when they hear a growl, Athena and Rose look at each other worried and furious the growl was close to them, Jasper appears seconds later, he put himself in front of her sisters in a defensive position and the others as well, Athena makes a physical shield around them in case, the smell of wet dog came to their noses and they start searching around, Thena starts changing the weather to a storm with bolts of lightning to tell the others that they were in problems. -If a wolf is in our part of the woods I'm going to kill him myself -Athena hissed

-It's like they don't learn their lesson -Rosalie said

The brothers were ending their food laughing at how they did it when the storm started and lightning struck close to them and they knew it meant their partners were in trouble and they started tracking them and Jasper

-Not again with these stupid wolves -Stephen said in the air, sharing worried looks with his brother

In the house were doing their things when the sky changed and another lightning struck in front of the house, they came with that signal when happen the attack against Thena and Rosalie

The face of Esme was in pure horror- Not again my baby's -she start running tracking their scents the others behind her, they found the brothers on their way when they got to the Hale family they could see Athena's physical shield around them, and on defensive positions, they smelled the air and it was horrible. The three of them turn to see the family

-What happens love? -Stephan asked his wife when she put the shield down and went to her side

-We were hunting then a growl came and the scent of wet dog came later but is closed to us

-Carlisle I don't think that wolf is in their part of the treaty -Jasper said

-I agree the scent is too close, let's start searching if he attacks you defend yourselves, let's go in groups -before he could finish a black wolf came out, the men of the family put their mates behind them, Athena put the shield again over the family

Stephan could see something wrong with this wolf -Love don't put the shield down, I think he doesn't know what he is or even where

-He is right his thoughts are everywhere -Edward agrees

-Stephen honey you understand what happened to him -Esme asked in a cautious way

-Yes it looks like is his first time changing, he looks very lost and he is letting his emotions control him, Jasper can you help me calm him but slowly I don't want him to freak out, Athena put another barrier on the shield if something goes wrong he will attack, Edward, pay attention to what is he thinking if you see that he can snap tell me -Stephen explain in his alpha voice, they nod and do what he asked

He started to walk toward him carefully and slowly, Athena knew that he was trying to help him, she tried to be calm and not her anger control her

-What is your name? -Stephen asks serious

-He says that his name is Sam Uley -Edward responds in the name of the wolf, the black wolf turns to see him in annoyance and starts growling, making the family put themselves more worried


-Hey hey, ignore him he is helping me because I can't talk to you that way, I'm just like you or half, I know that you are scared and there are a lot of emotions right now -he starts walking again towards him but talking in a serious tone but in an empathic way too, Thena was not happy with that so she speeds toward him and putting herself behind his mate in case he tries something to hurt him, the wolf saw the movement and growl at her and she hissed at him

-Babe please stay behind me- he whispers to Athena- Hey Sam don't worry she is my mate and she is trying to protect me she thinks I'm in danger, you will understand when you have your imprint

-He is asking what is an imprint? And asking what are we and you? -Edward said

-I'm like you a wolf well half, but I can not tell you about them, you need to talk with your elders, do you know who are they now? -the wolf moves his head to the sides telling him no- Carlisle we need to contact them, he didn't know anything about this, he is the first one to transform

-It should be the Black family, I can try to contact them...- While the alpha and Carlisle were talking the wolf put attention to the others and start analyzing them, first the woman that was behind the blonde one that look like a leader, then a short girl behind a blonde man that didn't look happy, then the other pair, one looks huge with a pretty blonde but had a scowl in her face sending him daggers with her eyes, then his attention to the boy that talks before he was tall, not like the other and was young a little more than the others, and finally saw the pair that was close to him the guy had tattos in his body and had huge complexion just like the other guy, and then he saw the little blonde was way to short compare with the boy infront of her and the others she looks like an angel just like the other blonde they look like family maybe sisters, for him they were the most beautiul girls that he saw before, but the little one had something that called his attention, he saw direct to her eyes and saw her face blank like she didn't have emotions at all, but they share something in common their eyes were golden, but the one that was talking with him didn't have those eyes, he was confused

The mind reader and the empathetic could feel and read him, Jasper felt attraction towards her sisters and growled a little to him, which call the attention of the others, Stephen turns to see Jasper sending him a hate glare and Edward had a grimace on his face

-What is it? -He asked the both of them

-He is thinking that Rosalie and Athena are the most beautiful girls that he has seen- Stephen and Emmet weren't happy with that, but the blonde ones smile a little at that, they can not deny their ego

-Look Sam, I'm here trying to help you, don't look at MY imprint like that, she is MINE -he turn to look at him dead in the eye, Sam did what he said it was weird it was like a command to him, Thena smirk internally knowing how much work took to his mate not to punch the wolf

-Stephen the elders know already they were looking for him a week ago, they are going to see him in his house -Carlisle said

-Do you remember the path to your house, Sam? -He asked the wolf, he looks confused

-He doesn't know where is he right now -Edward explains, Stephen sight at this

-Look the only thing that we can do is guide you to the river and that's it, could you return from there? -he asks in a serious tone

-He thinks that he can do it -Athena responds this time, Sam turn to look at her, her voice was soft and melodious for him and it help him calm down a little bit more and that make him sit down, the others saw it too

-What happened, why did he do that? -Rosalie asked already nervous

Stephen smirk -Athena is my mate my Luna, for other wolves the voices of other Luna's help them calm down is also a sign of respect for them -Athena scoffed at that she didn't like other wolves that weren't her mate

-Then why in the hell didn't help the other time? -Rosalie asked mad

-I tell you later Rose, some of them and I are going to help you to go to the river -Athena was the first one to go beside him, Jasper went next and Alice with him

-I think with the three of us and you is enough -Jasper said -we cover every strategy in case of emergency- Stephen agreed with him, they turned to the family

-Go home we are going soon if we don't get back in one hour something happens -Thena said to the others, Rosalie sped to her side and hug her and kissed her head with love, Esme did the same with Stephen and hugged him -Be careful ok, and get back home, the four of you -They start walking to the treaty with Sam following them

Around thirty minutes later they were in the river, the three vampires turn to see Stephen and Sam -You need to cross the river, just follow your scent- Sam gives him a nod- He says thank you for helping him- Athena translates, Sam, start crossing the line when he stops

-Sam! Just because this was your first time and didn't know anything, know that this was an exception, but you can not come here in this land again, we will kill you if that happens again -Stephen said in his alpha voice, Jasper and Thena smirked at that- You will know why later, and when you tried to come back again in your human forme just imagine yourself like a human -they turn around and speed away, and run to the house and in five minutes they were entering the house, the other could breath normal again, they don't need it but it became a habit for them, Rosalie start searching for injuries in Thena, Stephen and Emmett smiled to that gesture, Athena let her do it because she knew that Rose was worried about her

-I'm okay mom nothing happened -she smiled at that and hug her, Stephen and Emmett knew that Rosalie wasn't going to let her go soon

-Everything went well? -Carlisle asked

-Yes, I told him the warning too just in case, I just can believe that no one told them about the treaty these things are important, what would happen if Edward or Athena weren't there we could have killed him, and then it would be a problem -Stephen said with incredibility

-I talk a little with one elder, Billy Black -at the mention of the last name Athena let out a hissed- I know Athena but it is one of the three, he told me that no one had presented the signs until he got missed a week ago -Stephen frown at that

-Just a week ago?

-Yes looks like this generation is taking them long to have their transformation, and from what I know he is not the real alpha, he thinks that now with him changing the others will come not that late

-That's why your alpha voice works on him -Jasper adds understanding of the situation

-Not just that I have decades now, and my family was way too old and it was one of the original shapeshifters to be in this supernatural world

-So that's why your aura is so strong right? -Alice asked, he nods in answer

-Why does Thena's voice work on him now and not before? -Rosalie asked in worry and madness

-I think it worked because he didn't know anything about this world and didn't have any idea of what we are, thanks to my mark in Athena for the wolves is easy to understand when someone is a Luna, but before the alpha and the pack were too concentrated to kill both of you to pay attention to those details, that's why when I ask for the alphas head no one said anything, hurt an imprint is a law and the most important and is worst when is a Luna

-See they say we are dangerous but look, they let their emotions cloud their judgment and if Stephen and all of you didn't come we would be dead -Rose said with venom

-Rose is right, this was just luck, and wait until they tell him about us being vampires -Stephen answered he was not happy with this

-Well but we need to see the good side on this neither of us is hurt and we have to be thankful for that -Esme explains being relieved that nothing happens to their children

-Esme is right, but now something more important -Emmett said- we need to finish the video game I need to win both of you brothers before we go back to the institute -he finish walking to the TV and connecting the game again, the others laugh about that.

The next week the Cullen-Hale family was in the institute and it was time to ¨eat¨at least just for Stephen but Athena make his lunch so he doesn't have to eat from the cafeteria, the family were already at the table talking and eating or at least pretending, to the relief of the "sisters" Hale, the human was not yet in the cafeteria, but Edward was in a bad mood

-You need to change your expression if you keep doing that face wrinkles will come out, and for us it is impossible -Athena made fun of him, Emmett let out a booming laugh, and the others too

-Thank you Athena -he responds sarcastically, they could smell the human entering the cafeteria and he turn to see her, while the others keep talking when they saw Edward throwing food and his angry face -I can't keep with this, it is irritating not to read her mind

-Edward I'm going to ask this one time and just think don't tell me but for you... Is she just your blood singer or your mate? -Athena asks in a serious tone -Think about the differences you should know it by now

No one else dare to say something else about that because it was true, Bella walked to her human friends talking about La Push and going that weekend they rolled their eyes at that, the human turned to go to pick up her lunch, and minutes later Edward goes to her, the majority of the family send him glares for that, so they decided to listen to the conversation (The conversation will be in italic and the conversation or comments of the family will be normal)

-Edible art? -Edward asks while picking the apple -Hello

-Thanks- she said irritated- You know your moods swings are giving me whiplash

-I only said that it be better if we weren't friends, not that I didn't wanna be -Stephen scoffed at that sentence, the mother-daughter duo send more glares, that Edward could feel in his head

-What does that mean? -the human asks confused -Even I agree with the human on that -Thena said and the others agree

-It means if you were smart, you'd stay away from me- he respond -Athena and Emmett let a laugh at that -She is not intelligent, she is the most stupid human I met -Thena said laughing

-Okay, so let's say for an argument's sake that I'm not smart -the family couldn't stop laughing even Alice had to laugh at that- you tell me the truth?

-No probably not- they stop laughing at that statement- I rather hear your theories

-I have considered radioactive spiders, and kryptonite -the family stares at her in disbelief

-That's all superhero stuff, right? -Emmett was in shock -How in hell he doesn't know about this -he said offensively- What if I'm not the hero what if I'm the bad guy? -He couldn't even hurt a fly only with stupid words -Stephen state, the two pairs agree on that too

-You're not. I can see what are you trying to put off, but I can see that it's just to keep people away from you it's a mask - Or maybe he is just not that interesting -Emmett said letting out a booming laugh the Hale family giggle at that, while the brothers make a hive five -Why don't we just hang out? Everybody is going to the beach- Uhh this is going to be fun, the rejection- Rosalie said with a devil smile- Come, have fun

-What beach? -he asks

-La push -she responded with more energy and hope

-I don't know -he was just already mad he knew that he couldn't go there

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