《The powerful hybrid ||Twilight||》💎𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓙𝓪𝓼𝓹𝓮𝓻💎


The Cullens and the Hale's were now in Canada they had two years in town, the normality for them came back, Thena dint leaves that much in missions, the family had a routine now has a family, Rose and Stephen became more protective of Athena after they saw in London the fight.

It was now 1950, Stephen and Athena were in the woods hunting, he was in his wolf form, Emmett and Rosalie were with them they wanted to hunt together they were running behind a bear, but Thena stopped in her track, Stephen could feel the emotions of his wife, they went from happy to concern, he runs to be at her side and change his form so they could talk better

-Love what happens, are you okay? -he starts searching for threats

-I have two more gifts love... and -she stops talking, and Emmett and Rosalie appear

-What happened to you two? -Rose ask

-Athena just gained two more gifts -Stephen explains but searching for the nomad vampires

-That means there are vampires around here, we should get back to tell Carlisle -Emmett explain he was not serious most of the time but when he had to protect his mate and Thena that was no joke

-I can hear them think -Athena called their attention- oh my god, they are going to our house, move!!

They start running and Stephen change in mid-air to his wolf form, Athena start telling instructions

-We can't let them go too close to the house, Esme is alone

-What are you hearing? -Rose asked

-One of them just sings a song in her head, the other is like expecting a fight it's on edge

-We have to go faster- Emmett said

Stephen saw two vampires when they were getting closed he charged at the little one, they start rolling in the snow he was growling at the girl that was screaming

When the blonde that came with hear with the girl saw her mate, being cornered by a giant wolf, he went straight towards him and when he jumped in mid-air a figure tackled him to the ground, Athena did not think twice and made use of Alec's gift her white mist could not be distinguished from the snow which helped her, the person who was in front of her wanted to kill her to get to her partner, it was until he felt something at his feet that the stranger began to lose his hearing, his sight became blurred and the only thing he could see was something white covering him and his mate.

Rose and Emmett were in the house waiting for them and protecting Esme in case of emergency they knew that was a very little option since she and Stephen were the best at fighting, Athena look at Stephen she knew how he hate nomads he was growling she enters his mind and saw him cursing everyone then his thoughts were that he should reap their heads and she would be safe, she giggled softly

-I'm going to be fine love, after all, I have you by my side -she smiled lovingly at him, he went to her side, she knelt and put her head with his in his wolf form -I love you, but I need that you go for Emmett and you change so we can take them, I'm pretty sure they are going give me a lecture about this -he nods and start running it wasn't that far from the house, maybe 10 minutes in human time, but for them it was nothing. Rose and Emmett heard Stephen coming their way so they relax


-Carlisle came a few minutes ago, where is my baby? -Rose asked, they saw him going behind a tree so they wait

-Thena put them to sleep, is using Alec's gift to contain them, especially the blonde he was ready to fight her, did you tell Carlisle? -they saw how he was trying so hard not to kill the other vampires, they knew his story so they understand

-Yeah he said that we get them inside -Emmett answer -Where are they?

-That's why I came, we need help to bring them she can not carry one using the fog -Emmett nod his head -Tell the others were coming and to be prepared just in case- Rose nodded, she saw that they were not going to have a nice beginning, especially if he saw that one of them tried to attack her baby.

When the two got there, Athena was in the middle using her gift still, they took the vampires to the house, the family was outside, Edward could see that Athena give him access to her mind in case they needed

-Dear what happened, who are they? -Esme asked

-I don't know who are they, but when they were on my radio I acquire two more gifts, then I could hear of theme think about coming here, then it change it was like one of them knew I was listening to her thoughts and start singing a song, the other one was on edge it put my nerves on alarm

Carlisle nod his head -You did the right thing don't worry, so they are gifted, what are they?

-Precognition and pathokinesis

-Edward, Thena keep in check their thoughts, Stephen Emmett please contain them if something happens, Athena just if it is necessary use your gifts -they all nod to their leader -Honey please let them go

Athena start realizing them of her fog, now they could see their faces, the first one to react is the blonde and start searching for his mate a second later the girl sit up trying to breathe even when they don't need, the blonde was at her side then he looks up and saw the others, he saw the little blonde and wanted to attack- Stephen saw that and put himself in front of her wife, realizing a growl that scared every vampire there, his eyes changed to red in a second, he was not letting him get close to her, Athena put herself behind him seeing that his wolf was coming out and she prefer to be close so that Stephen and his wolf could feel her close and that she was with him and safe, he feel Athena in his back so he turns around a little and she smiled to him he put his arms in her waist in a possessive and protective way.

-Let's all calm down, I'm sorry for that but well we don't get a lot of visits and well you were running to our house, my family thought that you were a threat to us, my name is Carlisle

The short girl smiled widely- I know we were searching for all of you, my name is Alice and this is my mate Jasper -he nods his head, Jasper was curious about them, but Athena especially, he could sense all of their emotions, the leader was feeling cautious but relax at the same time, the guy that looks like a bear was protective but happy, the bronze hair was feeling distrust, the taller blonde that looks like the big sister of the little one was with distrust and anger toward him, the taller with tattoos were fulled of anger towards them both but at the same time protective of the little blond behind him, she was like they were controlled he could not even point if there was even an emotion there, only he could feel love when her mate hug her, he never met someone like her in his years of being a vampire


Edward and Athena look at each other, they saw that he was intrigued by Stephen and her, Edward was laughing in his head that the mate of her sister was going to be so mad when he notice her interest in her, and Rose was not happy with the blonde for trying to attack her baby.

-We would like to be part of your coven, we are doing the animal diet, Jasper is new at this but we are doing it together...

-We would like to talk about this with the family Alice, is not a decision that I can take alone, but please come inside while we talk -Of course, she answer

The family and the new vampires enter, the family went to the study of Carlisle to talk

-So Edward what are they thinking is it true?

-Their thoughts are true, Jasper is the one that has more problems with the diet, also that she can not see completely their future - Edward said point at the alpha and Thena -That's why she could not see that they were going to be an attack

-Edward is right they are saying the truth, also that their emotions are sincere, and just like he said their thoughts

-Carlisle can we trust them? -Rosalie asked standing next to Thena, the couples were next to each other since they met, they were a family inside the family

-I think we can, let's vote, Esme?

-I do



-Rosalie, Emmett? -they look at each other before Emmet answers for the both


Stephen, Athena? -Thena know that he doesn't like them and she was not going to turn her back on her mate, he look at her she nods her head to him, he knew that she was going to support him

-No Carlisle, but it's not going to matter, you need to know that I'm not letting Thena go near them

-It's ok son we understand, let's go to them -they left but Thena and Stephen went to their room, knowing that he dint want to be there. They lay down on their bed Stephen hugging Athena

-Love everything is going to be fine, I know you will go accepting them little by little

-Is just too much you know, just a few years you could fix your relationship with Edward and it is not the best because when you two fight you want to kill him, I don't like him he is a problem, and after my fight with Carlisle the things are weird, I love the family that we have with Rose and Emmett, and I know that Esme loves us all, but now with them here, and him almost wanting to attack you I don't like it, and Alice is just too bubbly for me -she nods her head and thinking carefully what to say

-I know that we are not perfect, especially this family, but in some weird way we do it work even your problems with Carlisle and mine with Edward but we work I don't know how but we do it, but if you want to leave or you feel is too much I'm going with you, you are not alone you never leave my side, so I will never leave yours -she smiled and put a kiss in his lips

He smiled lovingly to her -My beautiful beautiful Thena, you saw my true self, and you dint care that I was a part wolf...I may be rude to the others but you are my everything and you are the only that can see my soft side love. I love you -he said smiling at her and giving her kisses on her face making her smile and giggled, for him that sound was like the angels singing to him.

-You changed my life and make me see things differently, and I owe you everything for that...I love you babe -both couldn't be more in love with each other, they were their other half.

They stayed in each other arms the rest of the day, without worrying about new people... while in the living room the pixie girl was a little down to see that the other pair wasn't with the others while they were coming down.

-Welcome to the family guys!! We have to search for another house so you can have your room -Carlisle said smiling at them

-Thank you!! Do not worry we can wait... Maybe you can tell us your names -she said smiling

-I'm sorry I forgot, this is my wife Esme

-Is lovely to have new people, welcome -Jasper could feel the motherly love radiating from her

-Then this is Edward -he nods his head -Welcome

-Then we have Emmett and Rosalie

-It's nice meeting you guys, I have more brothers and sisters now -Emmet exclaimed happy that he got one more brother and another sister, Rose just give them a tight smile, Jasper feel the doubt coming from her, Rose was not that excited it was always she and Thena, and she trusts Stephen judgment she could also see the interest of Jasper in her baby and she dint like it.

-And well I hope you two can meet Stephen and Athena tomorrow -Carlisle explain with a tight smile, Jasper felt the change in Rose when Carlisle said the last name it was more motherly than the one she felt of Esme- We can talk more tomorrow but maybe Rose can show you the guest bedroom. That day and night they make chit chat, Jasper and Alice were wanting to meet the other pair.

The next day Stephen and Athena were in bed, while he sleep on the chest of his wife she was discovering her new gift of precognition, she feel her husband moving which mean that he was waking up, she start caressing his hair, and give him small kisses on the nose and face, he smiled to her loving waking up to seeing her face. They stay in bed five more minutes before going to take a shower together. While in the shower Thena saw that he was getting stressed out so she decided that it was the moment to talk

-Love if it makes you and your wolf feel better I stay behind you all the time, or close to Rose

-I don't want you to feel stifled beautiful, but I just need to be sure that we trust them, I know they follow our diet but for me, they are still nomads

-Baby I know that's why I want to do it, I don't want you to be stressed thinking that I can be in danger

-You are the best my love, I love you

-I love you too, but I'm going out I you need breakfast and I know that Rose is waiting for me to cook together -he smiled at her, that was something that made him love her more, she learn to cook just for him because he was the only one in the house that eat -Do you want something, specific babe?

-Surprise me, love -she nods and finishes her shower, he stays in the shower a few more minutes before heading out.

Thena goes to the kitchen and she dint saw the new family members, so she keep walking, she saw Rose in the kitchen waiting for her to see what did they have for Stephen, she goes and hug her from behind a smile comes to Rosalie's face while she turns around and hugs her too

-Good morning mom! -Thena exclaimed, Rose's face was in shock she called her mom, his dead heart was melting with love for her and her eyes were with tears that will never come out but because of happiness, she look down to see her

-You called me mom -she said with her voice breaking

-Well I never had one, but you are my mom Rose you are the closest thing that I have to that, and if it is okay for you I would like to keep calling you that -Rose nodded fastly that if she wasn't a vampire her head would be off by now

-Of course baby, I would be honored -they smiled and hug again -Ok well, what does Stephen want to eat today?

-He said that we surprised him, maybe eggs with bacon and a bowl of fruits

-Let's do it -they start getting out the things while talking and laughing sometimes also singing

The family that was doing their things in the morning when they smelled the food and start hearing the girls laugh and sing a smile came to their faces, this was a routine for them and they enjoyed hearing them laugh, the new vampires were in the study with Carlisle talking when they smelled human food and saw him smiling, the leader saw their confused faces and laugh softly

-You see that it is a routine for Rose and Thena, Stephen is a hybrid -their eyes were wild open -he was the wolf that you saw yesterday, you see he needs to eat so the girls do they breakfast and all the food, Esme help them with the others foods because Rose and Thena have this routine to talk in the morning so they do it while cooking

-Carlisle there is something that we need to worry about? -Jasper asked curious and serious at the same time

-I don't think so, maybe you need to know that you will not have a conversation with Athena alone today, I'm pretty sure that Stephen is not going to let her go of his sight, and don't make him mad he is alpha is very intimidating seeing him like that.

-They are mates? -Alice asked -Yes they are, and the sweetest that you will meet, Edward said that they look like sugar -he chuckled -We talk later more about more serious topics that we are together -they nod and start heading to the leaving room where the others were.

Stephen start going to the first floor, and he could smell the other two and her family in the living room and could hear Thena taking his food to the back garden to eat there, when he was in the living room he nod his head to the others and not paying attention to the new ones, he bumps fists with Emmett as a greeting. When he was in the backyard he saw Rose with Thena talking while waiting for him, he smiled it was a little routine that Rose had with the two, cooking with his wife and saying good morning to him before his breakfast he walk to put a kiss on Rose head

-Good morning Rose! -he smiled at her

-Morning, how did you sleep? -she asked smiling, she consider him like a son to

-It was fine Rose, but we need to find another cover, I don't like the one that we have now, it's too cold -the girls laugh because even when he produces his heat he prefers to sleep with a hot cover and he has Athena at his side so it's like a medium temperature that he finds perfect

-It's fine maybe we can go later to the town, Carlisle wants to talk with all of us and that you know the others in a better way -she rolled her eyes and the pair laughed -But well I'm going to leave you so you can eat -she got up to find her mate

Stephen starts eating while talking with Thena about their new room because they know that they will move, she also told him about her new gift and that it is a gift that she can control now, and chat about anything and everything. Alice was very curious so she went to the kitchen to see the other mates and how they were, Jasper was searching for her when he saw that she was seeing something so he got close and saw the pair laughing with their hands together and they saw Stephen lifting Athena and sitting her on his lap as the two of them looked at each other. lovingly and spoke in whispers.

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