《The powerful hybrid ||Twilight||》•❅──────𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼──────❅•


"You changed my life and make me see things differently, and I owe you everything for that...I love you babe"

¨Hello again brother...¨

¨Rose is the mother that I never had¨

¨Jane is my family, my sister and I will not think twice before torturing and killing someone if I think she is in danger¨

¨You saw my true self, and you didn't care that I was a part wolf... I may be rude to the others but you are my everything and you are the only one that can see my soft side.¨

¨I will not put the love of my life at risk because you fall off a human¨

¨Hello sister....¨

¨You are the only other person besides Jane who knows me and sees my emotional side, and who I consider family.¨

¨She is the sister that I never had, and I will kill anyone who tries to touch even a hair on her¨

¨We are known as the witch triplets for a reason, if you think that Alec and I are bad you need to see Athena in action.¨

¨She is the daughter that I will never have, and she is loyal to me because we are her first family¨

¨Athena is the little happiness that I have in my dead heart¨

¨I don't how but her sadistic side made us understand each other better and helped me to be less angry.¨

¨Athena is my daughter, I may not have her in my womb for nine months but she is the close thing that I have to that, and I will not let harm come to her, because you decided to put at risk our family for a simple human.¨

¨I love you, baby, you are one of my lights in this life you and Emmett make me the happiest person in the world.¨


¨Rose always dreams about a family, and when she is around Thena she feels that she has that with her and Emmett.¨

¨I love Athena like a little sister, she was the first person that I was close to when I came to the family and she understood my past perfectly.¨

¨You look a lot like my angel, are you both related? Because you look like sisters, just that you are shorter and look younger than her¨

¨Im not going to see my mate mad or even worse sad because something happen to Athena, she makes her happy and not only her, she makes Rose feel that she has the family that she always wanted, because your human is like a magnet of problems, Im not going to let anything happen to any of them¨

¨You can have another life, get to know the world, and you can have another family if you want, we could be family.¨

¨Athena can have two personalities the kind and sweet girl or the bad girl the one who can do everything to protect their loved ones, and I love her in any way she was my first adopted daughter .¨

¨Bella you need to understand it's nothing personal or I think but she hates humans because of the way she died and is one of the most strong people that I will know in my eternity.¨

¨Stephen and Athena- they are the same and different at the same time, Stephen is cold but has his funny side that's why he gets along so well with Emmett, Athena one minute can be the most dangerous person in the world, and the next second the sweetest person you will ever see, they complement each other she makes him see the meaning of love and makes him feel loved and he makes her have joy in her life and make her a better person.¨


¨I want to know why do you hate me so much?¨

¨Their love is like no other, the way he looks at her in the moments she doesn't see him as if she is the most important thing in his life, and her eyes sparkle with the sight of him as if everything else doesn't matter, just the two of them and no one else.¨

¨She is the nicest person that I know even after her rough life, she cares for everyone in her way, for me is that she lets me dress her up and she goes with my shopping because she knows that are some things that make me happy, and I am grateful for that.¨

¨Please give her a chance sister, she is going to be family I saw it.¨

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