《When we meet again》50. Until we meet again


He still held his phone in his hand, but all he could hear was a loud beep, indicating the call had ended. Then he turned around, as Ella had instructed him, and there she was. She was still a few metres away from him, but she was closing the distance between them pretty fast, as she actually was running towards him.

He didn't think twice and started running too, meeting her somewhere in the middle, where they did indeed collapse. Ella fell on top of him, but he didn't care. He finally got to see her again and that was all that mattered at this moment.

"I told you we would collapse," she said with a grin on her face.

"Just like I told you it would be worth it." He smiled back at her. For a moment they just lay there, not fully believing that they were actually seeing each other again after all these years. Then she got up from the ground and helped him get up too.

"Thanks," he said. "I didn't expect you to be that nice." However, before he had even finished his sentence, she pushed her bag into his hands. He didn't mind though, this was just how they were, always teasing each other.

"So where's your car?" Before Finn could answer, she had already started walking towards the exit, her suitcase rolling behind her. He sighed, not even trying to answer, and quickly walked in the same direction, Ella's bag still in his hands.

Once they were in the car, they stayed silent for a while. It wasn't an awkward silence, though. Ella was pretty tired of getting out of bed so early, while Finn was focusing on driving. Normally a forty-minute drive would feel never-ending to Finn, but with Ella in the car it seemed to be over in seconds. Ella had managed to fall asleep somewhere during the ride, so he woke her up, telling her they had arrived.

Ella yawned before looking up. She didn't know what she had expected, but it was surely not this. Finn lived in a small apartment, but that's not what surprised her. When she looked to the left she could actually see the sea. She knew Finn lived close to the beach, but she didn't think it would only take a five-minute walk.

Finn took her inside and told her to put her stuff in his room. "I have an air mattress lying around somewhere. I'll get it all ready for you later." Ella nodded. She had already noticed the double bed and knew that they would probably end up sleeping there together, as they had done when they were younger.

"Do you want to chill for a bit or can we start our adventures right now?" Finn asked, knowing Ella hadn't got much sleep last night.

"Let's go," she said anyway. She was tired, yes, but she was also excited and didn't want to waste any time. She could sleep later. "I just need to change."

Minutes later they were walking outside. Finn decided that a walk on the beach would be a good start for them and even though she didn't know it yet, he knew that their walk would be ending at the local ice-cream shop. He hadn't forgotten.

As soon as the concrete turned into sand, Ella took off her flip-flops and walked further on her bare feet. It had been way too long since she'd gone to the beach and she enjoyed the feeling of the warm sand and the cold water. Finn couldn't help but smile when looking at her like that. "Did you know that you look like a little girl on Christmas morning?" he said, mocking her. At which she stuck out her tongue and splashed some water at him.


After a while they reached the ice-cream shop and Ella's eyes got big. "You didn't forget." It was such a small thing, but the fact that he had remembered meant everything to her. She didn't know much people who remembered the details about their conversations and the fact that Finn did, showed her how close they actually were.

With their ice-creams in their hands, they walked back to Finn's apartment, where they let themselves fall on his bed. For a while they just lay there, because even though they had been together for several hours, it was like only now the realisation sunk in that they really were here, together.

That evening, Finn took her to a small restaurant. It had been his favourite restaurant ever since he moved here and he thought Ella would like it too. He was right about that, Ella loved it here. It was quite cosy inside and they sat near the window, so they could see the ocean.

The biggest surprise of the day, however, was when Finn took her to the beach once more and Ella found herself at a bonfire. There were some other people sitting around it and Finn quickly introduced them to her. Daniel was among them and she recognised his voice from that one phone call, but she didn't know any of the others.

"Get comfortable, I'll be right back," Finn told her and she sat down next to one of the girls. After a while Finn came back, carrying his guitar. He sat down next to Ella and smiled at her. "I believe someone here wanted me to sing. I can't promise that it won't damage your ears, though." Ella smiled back at him and as soon as he started singing she noticed that he was actually pretty good at it. After a while everyone was just singing along and even though Ella didn't know anyone besides Finn, she had lots of fun.

It was past midnight when they ended up in bed. It was then that Finn realised he still didn't get the air mattress ready and would need to do that now, but before he could even leave the room, Ella pulled him onto the bed with her. "Don't be silly, we both know it would only take me a few minutes before I end up in this bed anyway." Finn, not being sure if this was a good idea, protested against it, but Ella wouldn't have any of that. "Come on, it's just sleeping. Your bed is so big, we can still have lots of space between us." And so they ended up sleeping in the same bed together. First on both ends of the bed, but soon they lay next to each other, almost cuddling.

The days went by fast. Most of their time was spent on the beach or somewhere else outside. Finn had even taken Ella on a tour of the city, showing her all the sights. They had done all the things Finn had promised they would do and Ella had to admit it was one of the best weeks of her life. She absolutely didn't want to go back home again, but knew she had to soon.

Friday evening, the last evening they had together, they ended up at what they now called "their spot" at the beach. Ella let herself fall down on the sand and lay her head on Finn's lap, while looking up at the stars. "You know, I actually thought about going to college here," she said. It hit Finn harder than he thought it would. He had never actually thought about the possibility, but now that she said it, he really wished she would have. He imagined them living together and having weeks like this all the time. "It would have been awesome, I think," she went on. "I just can't live without all of my friends and family at home. Sometimes I want to get away, but I'm also too scared to actually leave."


"I understand," was all he could say. All the emotions came crashing down. This was their last night together, he realised, and he wasn't ready to let her go again. "I love you, Ella." It slipped out, without him meaning to, maybe because he was a bit tipsy.

Ella looked at him with big eyes, because sure, they had said I love you before, but not in a way like this. "Finn, you know I love you," she answered. "But not in that way."

Only then he fully realised what he had said and how Ella must have taken it. "Shit, El. That's not how I meant it at all. Maybe I'm more drunk than I thought. I do love you, El, you know that, but I love you like a brother would love his sister." He stroked her hair absent-mindedly. "If soulmates actually do exist, I think we must be soulmates in a non-romantic way."

"I'm glad you say that. It could have got really awkward if you actually did like me. I'm glad you don't." She looked him in the eyes and she too thought that they must be soulmates in some way. Best friends as kids and now once more. She never fully believed in fate, but she definitely believed that it was fated that they met again.

"I wouldn't want to steal you from your boyfriend anyway," Finn said, smiling, and while he didn't notice, Ella stiffened at that. She knew this was the moment to tell him. No better time would come. Even though she was still scared he would judge her, she was also ready to tell him, so she took a deep breath.

"Girlfriend, actually," was all she said. For a moment she wasn't sure if he had heard her, but then he turned to look at her.

"Oh." He let it sink in for a while. It was not that he minded it, he just needed a few seconds to process it. Then all the puzzle pieces fell into place. "It's Piper, right?" She nodded, confirming that Piper was indeed her girlfriend. He had never thought about it, but now that she came out to him, he couldn't not see it. He thought back to all their conversations and felt stupid for not seeing it earlier.

"That's also the thing with your parents, isn't it?" Finn had seen her parents a lot when they were younger and had always thought they were very nice. Lately he had been wondering why Ella had been fighting with them so much, but this explained it. While her parents were very nice, they were also a bit conservative. He could imagine that they didn't like their daughter having a girlfriend very much. "They didn't want you to take her to prom. Oh my god, Ella. That's horrible. I can't imagine what you have been through."

"Yeah, it's been a rough time," she admitted. "When I told them I was gay, they said they would always love and accept me. I've learned the hard way that they don't always accept me. But they're trying. I really believe it will be better one day." Now that she could talk about this with Finn, everything seemed easier. She also liked that Finn wasn't one of those people who asked why she didn't tell him earlier. He didn't ask questions, just accepted it. That's how it should have gone with her parents too, she couldn't help but think.

"I'm proud of you, Ella. I wish I could've been there for you, though." He stroked through her hair once more, because he knew she liked that feeling.

"You have been, Finn, even without knowing. You and Piper have helped me so much." And as she lay there, head still on Finn's lap, his hand stroking through her hair, she felt happy. While the past year had been rough, this week had been great. At this moment she wasn't even thinking about the fact that she would be leaving tomorrow, she was just thinking about right now. And right now, everything was great.

Finn had been enjoying every moment they spent together, but this had to be one of his favourites. He had no idea what time it was and they should probably get back to his apartment soon, but lying under the stars with Ella was definitely more fun. He was sure that he would remember this moment for a long time.

Time, however, could not be stopped and after a while they headed home. They slept next to each other in Finn's bed, clinging to each other as if that could make Ella stay. The next morning was filled with coffee, croissants and packing. Packing was harder than they expected as Ella had managed to leave her stuff literally everywhere. After a while she was sure she had everything packed, so she zipped her suitcase shut.

The ride back to the airport was silent, as both of them were reliving the memories of the past week. Ella couldn't believe she was leaving already. The days had felt so short. And while the flight hadn't seemed that long on her way here, she was sure that on her way back it would feel like forever to get home.

As soon as she saw the airport, some tears found their ways down Ella's cheeks and Finn wiped them away with his thumbs. He walked inside with her, until she had to go through security and he could no longer follow her. Before she went through, she grabbed Finn and hugged him tightly. Bystanders would probably think they were a couple, but that didn't matter to her, because they knew better. She didn't want to ask it, because she knew he didn't have an answer, but she asked it anyway. "When will I see you again?"

He had to admit that he was also crying now. He held Ella even tighter before answering. "I don't know, Ella, but I know that we will. We'll call, we'll text and then one day, we'll see each other again." She nodded, because that was the best answer he could give. Then she let go of him and turned around, knowing she had to go. Before walking away, she looked back once more and she saw that Finn was trying really hard not to cry, but was failing just as hard. Neither of them said goodbye, as that would mean an ending.

"I'll see you when we meet again," she said.

"Yes," he said, his voice thick with emotion, "until we meet again."

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