《Pretty Little Thing | ✓》Chapter Fifteen





He was walking through the hallways, his hoodie covering his head and face as he made his way to the Genetics course hall. His phone chimed and he fished it out of his pocket. It was a text from Marina.

He smiled.

: Oh my God where are you?

: You said your first class is Genetics

: Or am I wrong?

He slowed down his walk as he shifted his supplies and from one arm to the other, his thumbs typing away. He sent his message once he was satisfied.

: Yeah yeah I'm on my way ;)

He turned around the corner and passed the threshold to the hall, his hand pushing his hoodie back as he put his phone back in his pocket, his eyes scrutinising the seats for Maria.

He found a girl at the back waving her hands like an idiot. He shook his head and smiled, making his way towards her and took the seat next to her, his supplies sprawled on the desk.

"Took you long enough." She huffed and crossed her arms, her face sporting a playful annoyed expression.

"Yeah", he smiled in her direction, "it happens when you wake up a little late and need to make sure no one recognises you in the halls."

She punched his shoulder playfully and he groaned, nursing it.

"Ouch woman! What was this for?!" He voiced while rubbing his shoulder.

"For coming late you idiot - and did you just call me woman?!" She asked in disbelief, punching his shoulder again, her face expression of a smug grin.

"I swear if you-"

"Is something going on here?" a girl sitting next to Marina gestures to both of them with her index finger, her hijab wrapped a little loosely.


"Uhh actually Amira-"

"Yes", Shahroz smirked, "your friend over here is a little too annoying. I suggest you take her away." He gave Marina an amused smile and Amira chuckled.

"No way!" Marina's voice was a bit too loud, "I saved you a seat and you treat me like this?!" Her hand went up to her heart to express fake hurt.

"You saved me a seat?" His voice came out surprised as he looked up at her, his pulse quickening and his cheeks reddening.

Never in a million years he would've thought someone would save a seat for him just so he could sit next to them. He smiled at the thought.

"No shit. This seat is just magically empty when the rest of the hall is full." She moved her finger in a circle, gesturing to the people in the hall.

He looked around, and realised he hadn't even noticed how much people were there. He was too focused on Marina to do that.

"Wait ", her friend, which he came to know whose name was 'Amira' decided to speak up again, "Are you the one who was with Marina in our room?" She pointed at Shahroz.

"What? "

"Yeah", she turned her body around fully to explain, "You were grunting and she was saying to take things 'slower'. " She stated with air quotations.

"Oh my God Amira that was-"

"-very inappropriate? Yeah I already know that." She gave a playful wicked smile to her best friend who was glaring daggers at her.

If Shahroz's face was pink at that time, then he was as red as a tomato right now. He remembered that day and how gentle Marina was with him. He remembered how close she was and how she-


'Oh God what am I thinking? ' He mentally scolded himself for getting such irrational thoughts in his head. Marina's voice made way to his ears again.

"No! I was gonna say that was two months ago! And it was nothing I swear!" her voice came out irritated. By now the whole hall was quiet and watching the exchange happening at the back.

Even the professor.

He coughed loudly to get his students' attention ahead, a smirk plastered on his slightly wrinkled face.

"Miss Malik and Miss Khan, thanks for freshening up our day." He wrote something on the smart board then turned around and smiled, his eyes landing directly on both of them.

The rest of the class went on a little bit rough for Marina as Shahroz was bugging her with texts every now and then.

: Is that what people think about us?

She felt a vibration in her pocket and pulled out her phone. It indicated a message from the guy sitting right next to her.

: Not really. She's just like that. It's nothing tbh

She put her phone back and picked up her pen, ready to take notes when it vibrated again.

: Oh.

She wanted to scream for being disturbed repeatedly and checking such an unnecessary message.

: Okay now can you please shut up? I'm kinda tryna listen..

She was about to put her phone away but it vibrated again. She was about to slam it on his face if she didn't have the little ounce of tolerance left in her.

: okay.. :(

She turned her head and looked up at him. He was giving her puppy dog eyes and she punched his shoulder.


And again.

Till the class had finally ended.




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