《Pretty Little Thing | ✓》Chapter Eleven





Two days were left till her results for her end-of-year exams to be released on the internet, and to say she was anxious was an understatement.

Marina and her brother finally reached Pakistan for their cousin's wedding. They were staying at the shaadi ka ghar (bride's house) and she couldn't be more uncomfortable. Staying at a house where no soul is ready to have a peaceful night's sleep after 11 PM was hard for her.

Today was the dholki (dance event) and her cousins had been forcing her all day to dance with them, but she was politely declining every chance she got. She didn't know how to dance for weddings, especially Pakistani ones. All that she remembered were some steps of the partner dancing she learned for her kindergarten graduation.

Her cousins were getting on her nerves now.

"Aw c'mon! Marina you have to dance with us!" Her cousin Zara had been begging her all day.

"Guys I can't, I'm too bad.."

"it's okay we'll teach you." Her other cousin, Rama, said.

"The dholki is in a few hours.."

"Doesn't matter", Rama waved her hand, "it doesn't take time."


"No buts."

Her little cousin, Sarah, was playing with her dolls when she suddenly turned around, her face full of shock when she spoke.

"Zara bagi, you said a bad word! You said butt!" She walked towards her and pointed her tiny finger at her big sister, her face turning into one which showed anger.

"Sarah, I didn't say anything now get out of my face, gadhi (donkey)!" She said loudly, her tone laced with exasperation.

"Should I tell ammi you say words like 'fuck ' and 'bitch'?" Sarah gave a sinister smile.

"If you dare say that I swear I'll-"

"AMMIIII!" She shouted as she ran towards her mother's room, her elder sister hot on her heels but the little thing was too fast.

Marina and Rama shared a look before bursting into laughter, their insides hurting.

As she calmed down from her little gut exercise, she couldn't help but agree with one thing.

This wedding won't be so bad after all.


The house was filled with all her cousins, voices being heard here and there as she sat and enjoyed her time watching her cousins dance. She was glad her cousins finally agreed to give her some rest and not dance after a hectic seven-hour flight the previous night.


The song 'Tera Hero Idhar Hai ' was blaring through the speakers as almost all the females in the room danced their hearts out. She was too busy clapping that she didn't realise someone approached her.

"Marina", her second cousin, Zaynub, came up to her holding her baby, "can you please hold Omair for me? I gotta do some work."

Marina was reluctant on holding babies. They always cry and scream when she holds them. She fears she'll hurt them, as they're so delicate.


"Great! Thanks yar (mate)!" She hugged her in gratitude and left. She looked down at the bundle of joy in her hands and sighed.

She shifted in her seat and held Omair's head by her left hand instead of her right, which lead him to cry. She panicked and held him tighter, his head on her shoulder as she patted his back softly, his cries never subsiding.

He kept touching her wrist and cried so she placed him on her lap, brought her wrist in front of him and took out one of the bangles she was wearing. Her snatched it from her hands immediately, his brown eyes big and his lips pouting while staring at the large loop of artificial gold in his hands.

Zaynub returned and took her son back, his tiny plump hands still holding the bangle as his mother carried him somewhere else in the house. She sighed in relief but it was too soon to do that since Zara came over to her.

"Hey", she tapped her shoulder, "We aren't doing any of the choreographed dances anymore so we thought you'd want to join us.." Zara asked hesitantly.

Marina thought for a moment then finally gave in, her cousins cheering for her as she came up and twirled in her navy blue kurta which contrasted her green eyes. Rama smiled as she came and they all danced freely until their legs hurt the next day.

She finally let herself loose for the first time.

And oh how great that felt.


Her parents had arrived from London on the day of the Rukhsati (sending the bride off to the groom's house) and looked more tired than ever, but they were glad they arrived safe and sound and got another chance to visit their home country, Pakistan.

Marina inserted the second earring in her ear and draped her shimmery green hijab over her head, her earrings shown and her hair covered. Her cousin/bride Waliyha was finally leaving for America with her husband, and she couldn't have been sadder. They grew up together and she'll never take those memories for granted.


"Marina beta chalo (come on child) , everyone's waiting." Her ammi called from the other room as she checked herself out in the mirror for the final time.

"Jee ammi! (yes mother) " She came out and her mother smiled.

They had all reached the hall in fifteen minutes, the guests from the groom's side yet to arrive. She greeted all sorts of her aunts and uncles, though having no idea who they were and how she was related to them. They told her they knew her when she was a child and she just nodded awkwardly to everything they said.

She was passing by the corner of the hall when she heard two aunties whispering, but they were too loud.

"Isn't she Marina, Dr. Malik's daughter?" One asked and her ears perked up.

"As in the Marina?" The other replied and Marina opened her clutch and took out her phone and earphones, pretending to listen to music but instead hearing what they were saying.

"Yes. She's grown up so pretty MashAllah (God has willed it) ! I have to get her to meet my son!"

As soon as she heard that, she stuffed her phone and earphones in her clutch and was going to take a run for it but the auntie caught her wrist and gave her a sickly sweet smile, her wrinkles showing.

"A-assalamu Alaiykum." Marina's voice wavered due to what's going to come next.

"Walaikum Assalam beta. I heard you're looking for rishtas (marriage proposals) my dear?" She could see the devil in her eyes.

"U-uhh actually-"

"Good!" She clapped her hands and dragged her down the hall to the men's side and shouted her son's name.

"Asad!" She shouted and all the men turned around in bewilderment, Marina hiding her face with her henna-covered hand.

A man came out and looked at his mother perplexed and at Marina with the same expression, his left hand running a hand through his hair.

"What's wrong, ammi?"

"Beta I found you a lady finally! She even agreed to the m-"

"I never said that!" Marina stated, her voice a bit louder and laced with disbelief.

"Ammi I told you I don't want to marry right now, and leave the poor girl alone." He looked at his mother's wrist holding hers in a tight grip and then looked at Marina with pity.

"But beta-"

"No ammi! I said no!" She could tell he was on the edge and his mother decided to let it go.

"Ugh fine!" She let Marina's wrist go and stomped off once her son had left.

Marina was left alone to dwell in her thoughts and she only had one wish.

To get out of this wedding as soon as possible.


She finished her Isha (night) prayer and was about close her eyes to let sleep welcome her but her phone beeped. She unlocked the device and immediately checked on her mother lying next to her to make sure her sleep didn't get disturbed.

It was a message from Amira.


: I hid all the belts and shoes before mama comes home

: Anyways, just go check it out and don't forget to tell me your grade! I'm not telling mine until you tell me yours

Marina immediately went to the university website, entered her username and password and went to the results section. She tapped it and her final average came up.


She couldn't believe her eyes. She reloaded the page and checked the average but it was the same number.

She squealed and her mother stirred in her sleep, turning too much that she woke up, her eyes blinking to wipe the sleep away.

"Why are you screaming like this at such an ungodly hour?" Her irritated voice was as clear as day.

"Ammi I got an eighty-nine percent!" She was still jumping and her mother's sleep vanished into thin air.

"What's happening here?" His father entered the room, his right hand rubbing his eye.

One by one, all her cousins entered and they congratulated her, all of their voices groggy due to waking up.

She was happy, and she prayed Nafl (optional) prayer once everyone left.

She thanked her Lord for giving her what she deserved for her hard work.

She thanked Him for everything.


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