《Forevermore | Hailee Steinfeld》Chapter 29 - My River Runs to Thee


Filming starts soon for Hawkeye, so Hailee and I only have a little bit more time to ourselves before things get too crazy. Today Hailee is visiting set for the first time to try on a few costumes and to get accustomed to where everything is. Eventually I'll be able to go with her but for today, I just decided to stay home.

Right now it's just Martini and I on the couch, watching TV together. Hailee left about a few hours ago, and I find that whenever she leaves life around me becomes a little dull. Don't get me wrong, I love being alone, but when she's around, everything is brighter.

I look away from the TV when my phone buzzes, and I open it to see what she sent me.

Hailee: [attachment: 1 image]

Hailee: on set... this is how i'm hiding myself

I can't help but look at the picture for a little while before typing out my response. There's hardly an inch of her face showing, but I'm still smiling at how cute it is.

Jayden: very secretive, i like it

Hailee: how's everything at home? i'm on a break now

Jayden: just here with teenie watching tv

Hailee: the second i can leave i'm running home!!!

Jayden: good. your spot on the couch is saved right here next to me

Hailee: yay see u soon :)

Jayden: <3

I put my phone back down, looking around to see what I can do to pass the time. My eyes avert to the small dog next to me, and I decide it might be nice to take her for a walk. The weather is really nice today, so I don't want to pass up on the October New York weather.

I attach Martini's minuscule harness to her small body, and we walk together to the elevator. Thankfully there wasn't anyone else in there; I always worry since she's so small. Once we get to the bottom, we have the freedom to go in whichever direction we want.

"Alright Teenie, left or right." I ask as if she can understand me, but she just stays still by my feet.

"Left it is!" I say out loud, deciding for her.

The small dog and I walk down the sidewalk, and while we do, I'm looking around at the different shops, businesses, and restaurants this side of the street has to offer. At one of the restaurants, there is a hostess standing outside handing out flyers for the restaurant she works at. Even though I hate flyers and people who want to sell you things, I take the paper anyways.

"Hi there, care to look at our special package?" She calls out to me, and I stop walking to listen to her offer.

"Sure uh, what is it?" I ask while reading the flyer.

"It's a special dinner for two in our finest area of the restaurant, perfect for dates or a special occasion!"

"Oh wow, um awesome." I reply to her, contemplating in my head about what she just told me.

Would Hailee like this? We've never been to a nice restaurant together before. But it could be nice to go together, to celebrate this new part of our lives....

"When is this available?"

"We have slots open for tonight if you'd like." The hostess responds.

"Perfect then."

"What time would you like to reserve? We have 8:00pm available." She mentions.

"Yeah sure, put us down."

"Awesome! Under what name?"

"Um..." I hesitate, trying to think fast. "Bishop. For two."


"Bishop." She says back to me while she types it in the system. "Alright you're all set! See you soon, thank you!"

I wave back to her as Martini and I continue walking. A few blocks down, which feels like miles in New York, is a small park. We took a few turns along the way, and now that I think about it, we are a little far from home. I didn't expect to walk this much, so I turn into the park to take a break from walking.

Out of my pocket, I pull out Martini's collapsible water bowl, pouring some of my own water into it. I watch from the bench as she dips her pink tongue into the little bowl. While I sit, I just let my mind roam free, thinking about anything that comes to mind. As I listen to the sounds of the city, it hits me that I am in New York, living with the girl that means everything to me.

But I'm quickly drawn out of those thoughts when I hear clicks of a camera. Over the years, I've become very good at hearing for that small click of a photo being taken. Through the lens of my sunglasses, I look around trying to spot whoever it is in action. Just as I thought, I see a man pointing the camera lens at me through the bushes.

With that, I consider it the perfect time to leave and start the walk back home. I pick up Teenie's bowl, shoving it into my pocket as I begin to walk away quickly. I feel bad though, because Martini's tiny legs can only move so fast. I resort to picking her up, so I don't overexert her.

Through the peripheral of my eyes, I can see now a group of people with their cameras pointed at me from the other side of the street. I continue to walk hastily, wishing I didn't walk this far.

Eventually, I make it back to the doors of the building to our apartment. I guess they figured out where I was going, because as I approach the doors, there's an even bigger group of people outside, recording with phones and taking pictures with cameras.

"Is that Hailee's dog?" I hear someone say, but I just keep looking forward.

"Are you and Hailee living together?"

"Jayden are you here because Hailee is filming for Hawkeye? Kate Bishop is from New York! I've read the comics!"

I don't respond to a single one, and I manage to walk through the double doors into the lobby. I let out a sigh of relief once I'm inside, feeling a blanket of safety over me. With Martini still in my arms, I press the button in the elevator to take us to our floor. I unlock the door with one hand, placing Martini on the floor once we are inside.

It's the early afternoon now, so Hailee should be home soon. I look around the apartment, thinking about what to do now while I wait. Hailee has been a little stressed out lately, and I don't blame her. There's a lot going on with the start of Hawkeye production starting soon. She's always getting messages and calls asking about all things related to the show, and about her upcoming schedule.

As I look around our place, I notice it could use some tidying up, and I figure the last thing Hailee wants to do when she gets home is house work, so I decide to take care of it for her and for us.


I start in the kitchen, washing and drying the dishes, as well as putting them away in their respective cabinets. I head upstairs to grab our laundry basket from the closet, bringing it back downstairs so I can start the wash. It seems like we are always doing laundry, and most of it is Hailee's clothes. She's the type to wear something once for a few hours and then throw it in the basket. Nonetheless, I still wash it all for her.

Once the laundry has started, I turn my attention towards the pile of clothes that needs to be folded on our bed. It's been there all morning, so I don't think Hailee would want to see it when she walks into our room since I know she hates folding. I hang up what needs to be hung, and I put the rest in the drawers in our walk-in closet.

I look around for anything else that could be done, but I decide to call it a day. I head back downstairs, for what feels like the millionth time, to get some water. I realized I left my phone on the counter, so I tap the screen and I see Hailee texted me.

Hailee: on the way home now! finally

Jayden: no rush my love, we are waiting for you

About 20 minutes later, I hear the door unlock, and a smile instantly grows on my face when I see her walk in the door. She's still wearing the Hawkeye hat from earlier.

"Hello!" She says, slightly out of breath.

"Hi there Lady Hawk." I reply, pulling her into a hug. When we detach, I grab her hat and I put it on her head backwards, giving me access to kiss her.

"What were you up to while I was gone?" She asks me while putting her stuff down on the dinner table.

"Martini and I went for a pretty lengthy walk." I begin, and Hailee gasps excitedly, looking down to Teenie below us.

"Is that right Teenie? Wow!" She says to the dog in her dog voice, plastering the small pup with kisses.

"We looked around, found some cool places. I think we walked a little too far though." I explain to her while laughing a bit.

"Really? What did you find?"

"Well, funny you ask." I say mysteriously. "We have somewhere to be at 8."

"Somewhere to be?" She replies, extending the "e" in excitement.

"Mhm. Dressed nice and everything."

"Did you plan a sneaky date for us?" She asks, holding my face with her two hands.

"I might have..." I reply jokingly.

"You're the best." She tells me as she brings her body close to mine, pulling me into another hug. I feel warm as she wraps her arms around my neck.

"Everything has been so stressful lately." She explains, her words entering my ear as her head is right by my shoulder. "This is just what I needed, thank you."

"No need to thank me, you deserve it." I remind her, and she smiles.

She heads to the kitchen to grab something from the fridge, and she realizes the sink is completely empty.

"And you did dishes too?" She mentions, looking at me after she looks at the sink.

"And maybe laundry as well..." I continue on for her.

"I see what's going on here." She says, and I look at her confused. "You're trying to butter me up."


"If you want to have sex we can just do it, you don't need to do all these things around the house, or reserve a fancy dinner.

"I hope you're joking." I reply, the two of us laughing now.

"Partially joking. But still, thank you a million times." She tells me, placing a soft kiss on my cheek.


The two of us spent the last few hours getting ready for tonight, since the reservation time was creeping up quickly. I'm waiting downstairs on the couch for Hailee to finish getting ready. It usually always ends up like this when we are going out, since she takes so much longer than I do. But I don't mind, I always give her the space and enough time to allow her to get ready, even though she looks beautiful always.

She finally comes downstairs, and I can hear her heels clacking on each step as she comes down. From the couch, I look behind me to divert my eyes to the staircase, watching her tackle the staircase one step at a time.

"Let me help you." I suggest as I hop up from the couch, reaching out my hand to aid her.

"I got it." She replies, meeting me at the last step.

Since she's standing on the last step of the staircase, she's about my height now, but only because she's wearing heels.

"Imagine if I was this tall." She mentions, and we both laugh.

"That would be really strange." I reply, and she nods in agreement. She steps down from the step and is now shorter than me.

"It was nice while it lasted." She says, faking a sigh as she's now shorter than me.

"Ready to go?" I ask, and she nods.

We decide to walk to the restaurant, since it wasn't too far of a walk anyways. Also, walking at night in New York is a delight. Even though it's nighttime, there are still so many lights and movement around. As we walk, Hailee wraps her arm around mine.

"So, where are we heading to?" She asks curiously.

"A restaurant." I reply, and it's an honest answer since I didn't even look at what the restaurant was called. I pull out the flyer from my pocket, which I brought just incase. As I unfold it, it reveals the name of the restaurant: Minetta Tavern.

"Minetta Tavern, that's what it says on the flyer." I tell her, and I pull the flyer away as she tries to snatch it.

After a few more blocks, we arrive at the restaurant, and a man outside opens the door for us. We thank him as we walk inside, until we reach a hostess at the front. It wasn't the same one from outside, but she still welcomes us.

"Good evening, welcome to Minetta Tavern! Do you have a reservation?" She asks, and I nod.

"Yes, under Bishop for 8pm." I inform her. Hailee looks at me funny when she hears the name I put the reservation under, hitting my side with her elbow.

"Wow, the special package. Right this way." The young woman says, and we follow her all the way to the back.

"Special package?" Hailee whispers in confusion as we walk, and I just shrug in response. We arrive at this private room behind a curtain, the hostess holding the curtain open for us so we can sit. The table is decorated beautifully, with pretty flowers and candles. I hear Hailee gasp lightly as her eyes discover what was behind the curtain.

"Your waiter will be with you shortly, enjoy." The hostess tells us, and we thank her once more before she leaves.

"What is all this!" Hailee says, a bright smile on her face as she takes in every inch of the sectioned off table.

At the end of the day, everything is all worth it when I see her smiling and reacting to everything in this way. Seeing her happy is, and always will be, my goal. I can't help but smile back at her while she looks around in awe.

"Well, I was walking Teenie and there was someone outside handing flyers out, advertising this special package thing so I spoke to her and well, here we are." I explain, and she pouts cutely.

"This is all so amazing, thank you so much." She replies, and I almost corrected her for saying thank you since she doesn't need to, but I just let it slide.

Shortly after, the waiter brings us waters, along with a small cart that has a bucket of ice water on top of it. Inside the bucket is a bottle of wine, and we look at each other in awe. Our waiter is older than the hostess, but he seems like a character. He has a mustache and his bright personality immediately came through when he spoke to us.

"Good evening, my name is Marcelo and I'll be taking care of you guys tonight." He begins. "I see you guys have the special package, what's the occasion?"

"Just taking the lady here out for a nice night, she deserves it." I tell him, and he smiles.

"You're a lucky one eh?" He replies, directing his comment at Hailee and she smiles.

"The luckiest." She answers back.

"Tonight I'll be starting you off with a bottle of Belle Glos pinot noir." He explains, showing us the bottle before he uncorks it. We watch as he pours us both a good serving of the deep red liquid. Once he finishes, he hands us two menus.

"Take your time deciding your course for tonight, I'll be back shortly." He tells us, and we thank him.

Hailee and I look at the menu in silence, but we peer over the menu at each other every once in a while which makes us laugh.

"So, Bishop huh?" She remarks, and I knew she wouldn't let go of that.

"You wanted me to say Steinfeld? Or Carter?" I say back, and she laughs. "Plus, I kind of wanted to go out together to, I don't know, just celebrate."

"You're cute." She tells me as she raises her wine glass, and I do the same.

"To a new chapter of life, and new opportunities." She says, and we both smile as we clink our glasses together.

"Tell me, how was your first day on set today? I know it was just a preliminary day but still." I ask.

"Well, they took me all around set, showed me my tailer, which is so nice by the way." She begins. "I then tried on one of the costumes for the finale, and it looks so good I can't wait for you to see it!"

"I bet you looked awesome." I reply.

Hailee continues on about her day on set for a while, and at that point we forgot we had to have our orders ready. We are quickly reminded when Marcelo comes back through the curtain, and Hailee and I look at each other nervously.

"And what will we be having tonight?" He asks us.

"Sorry, we got carried away." I tell him honestly.

"No worries, would you like more time to decide?"

"Um..." I say, looking at Hailee, then back at the waiter. "What do you recommend?"

"We have a dish that's perfect for two. It's our Dry-Aged Côte De Boef, or Prime Rib in English. It comes with two side salads, and one more side." He explains, and Hailee and I look to each other.

"That sounds wonderful, we'll do that." I tell him, and he nods happily at our choice.

"Can we do the mashed potatoes as our side?" Hailee asks him.

"Of course. I'll go put that in now. If you need anything, I'm here!" He says right before he leaves.

"I can't believe we have been together for this long and we have never done this before, like going out to a nice dinner together. I feel like it's a staple thing to do, you know?" She tells me.

"I mean, you were the one that said you didn't want any fancy dinners when we were planning our first date." I remind her, and she laughs.

"Well, at least we are crossing it off the 'couples checklist'." She jokes, doing the finger quotations.

"Couples checklist? Tell me more." I curiously ask.

"Well...." She starts, and I watch as the gears in her mind turn as she tries to figure out how to tell me about this made-up list she made. "We've done most things on the checklist, but there's still a few things left."

"Oh really, I'd love to hear it."

"I think there's only two things left to do on there." She says vaguely, and I raise my eyebrow in question. "That's all I'm saying, take it or leave it."

"Fine." I reply in a fake-mad tone.

"I almost forgot to tell you!" She suddenly tells me excitedly. "We got invited to the Marvel Halloween party!"

"Really?!" I answer back in disbelief. I always remember Lizzie telling me about the parties but I was never able to go with her. Apparently you could only bring a plus one if you were actually together, so that disqualified Lizzie and I.

"Yeah! It's next Friday, so it will be a perfect way to celebrate the first week of filming."

"Oh wow, I'm so excited. It sounds like a good time."

"We have to do a couples costume! The rules say that the costume-"

"Has to be a Marvel related costume." I say, finishing the sentence for her.

"How do you know?"

"Lizzie would tell me, I never went with her though but I would hear all the stories, and there are lots of crazy ones." I mention, and her eyes grow wide.

"I've heard a few too, but I don't think we will be contributing to those 'crazy stories'."

"Do you have any costume ideas?" I ask, trying to plan out what we could be.

"Well, no one is allowed to dress up as their own character..." She starts off, looking to the side to think.

"What about Spider-Man related?" I suggest.

"Can't. Gwen Stacy, remember?" She reminds me, and I frown as that would have been a good costume. I pictured myself as Miles Morales and her as Gwen.

The two of us contemplate in silence.

"What about Halloween Vision and Wanda?" She throws out, but I laugh out loud.

"There's no way I'm leaving the house dressed as Halloween Vision." I tell her, and she rolls her eyes playfully.

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