《The Vampire Diaries Preferences & Imagines》Kai|First Kiss + Date


I walked downstairs of the salvator mansion. Stefan and Damon sat in the living room. Damon with a drink in his hand.

 I tried to walked slowly pasdt them but nothing.

Damon "Where are you going Y/N?"

Damn it.

Me "out"

Damon "where?"

Me "Grill"

Stefan "With who?"

Me "alone"

Damon "with who?"

I sighed "Alaric already told you, didn't he?"

Damon scoffed "What do you think?"

Me "I can take care of myself"

Stefan *confiused* "What are you guys talking about?"

Damon opened his mouth.

I warned "Damon"

Damon "Our beauty here is going out with her sociopath maniac"

Stefan "Weren't you the on-"

Me "I don't wanna here it. I am going. So knock it off you two"

I walked out of the door. I got in my car and drove to the grill. 

I walked inside and saw Kai at the bar. I walked up behind him.

Kai "You can't scare me"

I sat next to him.

Me"How did you know?"

Kai "A girl with such power like yours.....i could feel you"

I nodded.

Me "I think this is going to be a quick date"

Kai "Why?"

Me "Ric told Damon about the date. "

Kai "and Damon is your....!

Me "Best Friend Forever, Partner in Crime and shit like that"

Kai nodded.

Kai "An Angel, hm?"

Me "A Maniac, hm?"

He smirked.

Kai "You think you are funny?"

Me "I think you think you are funny"

Then i heard something outside and groaned.

Kai "What's wrong?"

Me "Here comes the buzzkillers"

Damon and Stefan enterd the grill.

I grabed Kai' hand and lead him to the back door outside.

Kai "Seriously?"

Me "Sorry"

Suddelny i felt a shock through my body and yelled up.


Me "Kai. Seriously? you are hurting me"

He let go of my hand and i took a few steps back. My back was against a wall.

Me "You seriously got nothing better to do as sucking my magic out of me?"

Kai smirked "Well there is one more thing"

He came closer.

Me "And what's that?"

Kai "i think i'll show you"

Me "I think it's a good idea"

He cuped the side of my face with his hands and kissed me hungrily. I kissed back. 

After a while i heard a disgusting groan and broke the kiss. I looked at up and saw Damon and Stefan.

Damon pretending like he is puking.

Me "What now?"

Damon groaned disgusted "Five minutes" then grabed his brother by his shoulder and pushed him back inside. 

Me "I am srewed"

Kai smirked. 

Me "Stop smirking like an idiot"

I punshed him playfully in the chest.

Me "Need to leave"

Kai' smirk fell. I smirked kissed him quick and got in my car. And drove home.


I walked inside the boarding house and saw the Salvators sitting there with drinks.

Me "Don't even start"

Damon "Show me your wrist"

Me "Why?"

Damon took a sip of his drink and gave the glas to Stefan. He walked to me. Grabed my wrist and there was a burn mark. Kai took my powers by 'accident'.

Damon growled "he is a dead maniac"

Me "no he is not. It's my life, D. "

Damon "As you-"

Me "As my best friend, you should give me advices even knowing that i won't listen and then later when i am crying you should be there for me. "

Damon looked me in the eyes.

Me "please. Damon."

Damon let go of my wrist. Stefan looked at me and signaled me to go to my room. I nodded thankfuly at him and walked to my room.

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