《Lost Pup》lost pup 34
Chapter 34
It was finally time.
The day that our futures would be decided as I looked across the hallway I could see all the fighters getting in one last hug or kiss to their family.
Hoping that it wouldn’t be their last farewell, I could see Drew holding onto Gesibelle tightly along with his little girl and their new born son.
I could see the tears in Gesibelle’s eyes she didn’t want him to go but it was like that for everyone who was being left behind they could only wait to see the outcome of the upcoming fight.
I took a breath as I walked towards the room where Alek was with the kids we had already spoken to all of the alphas and the packs fighters going over our attack plan.
There was nothing more we could do to prepare ourselves, know was simply the time too be saying goodbye.
As I looked in the room I could see all the Kids holding Alek close, even though Evan and Elise where in their teen years now they would still always be those little kids I found all those years ago the first members of my pack.
I could see the frightened looks on their faces, I joined in on the hug surprising them all but receiving a hug after they realised who I was.
“Are you kids alright” I asked.
They all nodded their head slightly but said nothing, I could see tears formed in Kevin’s eyes start to fall down his face I hugged him as Alek rubbed his back trying to comfort him.
“Mummy I’m sooo scared you and daddy could get hurts” Kevin whimpered through his tears.
I didn’t know what to say, saying we would be fine would be a lie thankfully Alek replied to Kevin instead.
“Hey Kevin it’s okay don’t cry, all that you need to know right know is that me and your mummy love you very much and would never want to leave you if we didn’t have a choice we will fight to come back to you little one” Alek spoke calmly.
I wished that I could just stand there in that spot and steer at them as Alek pulled Evan and Elise into the hug. I could tell that Evan was trying to hold his emotions together as Elise silently cried.
But we didn’t have the time the battle was fast approaching and we needed to get everyone into the safe room.
“Okay come everyone we have to get you all to the safe room” I said as I led them out calling out through the mind link to all those who were going to be staying in the safe room to make their way to the ground floor.
As we made our way there it was oddly silent the only noise coming from the footsteps of the hundreds of people located in the pack house whether they were fighters or not.
As Mick came forward we opened the large metal doors to the safe room pulling them wide showing what looked like a bunker stock full with food, water and other essentials.
We were able to carefully move everyone into the safe room the only ones left to go inside were Gesibelle and her kids along with Kevin, Evan and Elise.
I stepped towards Gesibelle who wasn’t letting go of her hold on Drew as tears streamed down her face.
“Don’t leave please Drew you can’t what will I do if I lose you, your my everything what about our babies little Sammy and Bella” I could see the pained look on Drew’s face.
“You know that I have to go, I love you baby so much that’s why I’m going to protect our family” He said as he pulled her close with the kids in the middle of their hug.
After a moment or two Gesibelle nodded and was led into the safe room with Drew, I motioned for Alek to take both Elise and Kevin into the safe room after giving them a kiss on their heads and telling them I love them.
I turned to Kevin who looked so sad and pulled him in a hug.
“Evan remember that job I told you about I need you to take care of everyone in the safe room you’re in charge know okay” I said looking him in the eyes.
“Don’t you worry ill make sure that everyone is safe you make sure we win this fight okay” he said as determination flitted across his face before he walked into the safe room.
Know everyone was in I could see them all looking at me expectantly waiting for me to speak as I had Drew and Alek along with Mick standing beside me.
“Everyone I know you are scared but you have to be strong for all those people you care about, the ones fighting and the ones in this room. You must look after one another whilst in here do not fight or quarrel over petty things. I have put Evan and Gesibelle in charge if you need anything ask them and they will try to help you.” I said then turned around not wanting to see the doors being locked but I couldn’t escape the sound of the doors clanging shut and being locked.
I turned to Mick and Drew “Gather the fighters on the lawn I guess it’s time to make that final speech” I said trying to keep the nerves at bay.
As Drew and Mick walked off to carry out my orders the other alphas walked in forming a semi circle around me.
“It’s nearly time whatever happens we must never forget what we are fighting for it has been past down by our ancestors and must be done we must finish what they have started. As we all stand the Ordinem Lupus will need to become one once again to fight of this new enemy. Thank you all for standing by my side.” I said showing the gratitude through my words.
“There is no need to be grateful we have known for some time that you were a special person. The fact that you created the Locus pack from the ground up into the strongest pack shows not only your skill but also your compassion as an Alpha. We are proud to be a part of the Ordinem Lupus and that you are our alpha” Alpha Dane spoke while the other Alphas nodded their heads in ascent.
“Alpha all the pack fighters are ready and waiting” Drew spoke through the mind link.
“Let’s go we have to address our packs” I said to everyone as i walked out to be faced by hundreds of faces staring straight at me. I took a deep breath knowing that this might be the last time I saw all of these faces.
“Hello everyone we all know why we are here today, we have always wanted peace but when our freedom is questioned then that peace becomes questioned. As an Alpha and the leader of the Ordinem Lupus I could not be more proud of all of you. None of you have questioned your Alphas against the motives for this war none of you have tried to hide from the reality of this war that we might not all make it out alive” I took a deep breath before continuing.
“Though there is one thing to remember even though you may not make it out alive the people you care for the ones locked in the safe room will. Your mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, mates and your children those are who we are protecting. I know that this may be the last time I see my loved ones alive but I know that I would rather die to have them live a full and happy life. The one that the hunters and rogues are trying to take away, know when we fight remember who you care about and why you are fighting. It’s for them everything is for them that is why I will not allow anyone to hurt them. Our enemy have declared war on our existence know we declare war on theirs to protect what belongs to us. We may be many packs but as we fight for this common goal we are not many we are one pack, we will fight as one to defeat our enemies. What do you all say to that? “I screamed the last words across the crowd receiving a reaction of screams for war and shouting of “we fight for our alphas” with their fists in the air.
“It’s time” my voice boomed across the hundreds of people who looked determined for their survival.
I was surprised to see the last of the elders willing to fight also I didn’t want to waste my time worrying about it so I put it to the back of my mind but as the other alphas and I made our way to the front to lead the packs I heard Elder Drake whisper “as in the days of old the Ordinem lupus lead the way to battle for the protection and revival of the old ways of the wolf”.
I did my best to ignore it making sure everyone knew their positions before shifting and howled with the rest of the Alphas following my lead causing our packs to shift and fall into formation behind us.
We ran towards the sound of running and came across a large clearing. As we pushed away from the trees the hunters and rogues did as well. I shifted into my human form behind a tree covering myself before making my way out to the front.
“Where is your leader? Show yourself” I shouted across the clearing.
I didn’t have to wait for long before someone replied.
“Well since you asked so nicely I might as well” a deep spine chilling voice chuckled.
I saw the rogues and hunters form a tunnel for someone to walk through. As he walked it was as if a dark shadow was following him he had jet black hair that was greased back, with similar coloured eyes, his clothing followed along the same lines but his top was blood red. As I looked into his eyes they were dead no emotion no care for what was about to take place on this battlefield.
“My name is Bane King and you must be the infamous Leila Van Derbergh I was wondering when I was going to get the chance to see your beautiful face but what my informants have told me does not match up to your beauty” he smirked at me.
I could feel the anger rolling of Alek in waves at his comments but it didn’t affect me much I was used to male misogynistic views.
“King” I asked confused at the last name” he simply leered at me as if undressing me with his eyes at this point I couldn’t care less I wanted to rip his eyes out of their sockets.
“Well I don’t like the last name I was given much and King does have a ring to it seeing as it refers back to my lineage smart ha” he looked so proud of himself as if it was some great accomplishment.
“I couldn’t care less I don’t want to fight but you have given us no choice by attacking our pack members and claiming the lands and packs of those that have refused you it is seen to go against the very belief that the Ordinem Lupus stands for and we will not allow for it to continue” I said calmly.
“I thought you would see it that way but I have a proposition for you my darling I quite like your attitude it looks sexy on you why don’t you join me and become my Queen we can rule over all wolves and you get to have me in bed” his smirk was ever present on his face and only grew more when Alek growled at him in anger.
“You must really be as stupid as you look, I will never join your side your life will end here today by my hand and none of this will ever be repeated” I shouted at him, he seemed shocked that I had rejected his proposal.
“Very well than, such a waste but you will be the one dying today” He snarled as he ordered his wolves forward.
I shouted out a battle cry and started running towards the enemy lines without shifting. Both sides met with a clash I tried to zone out everything else and concentrate on getting to Bane who just happened to be behind his army safely away from the fighting this enraged me and my wolf.
The first rogue I saw pounced at me aiming for my throat but I ducked and grabbed his instead from him into the trees leaving him unconscious. I grabbed a hunter to my right who was aiming his Gun at Alpha Gabriel and twisted his neck snapping it. I could feel the disgust in myself as I killed mercilessly but I pushed it to the back of my mind know was not the time to be thinking of such things.
I felt myself being thrown into the trees realising that I had lost my concentration as two hunters came towards me. I jumped up kicking the guns out of their hands before grabbing one of their arms and snapping the bone forcing him to the ground in pain. The second hunter was more cautious but as I pushed forward I did a round house kick to his stomach causing him to bend over as I thrust my knee into his face leaving him crumbled unconscious on the side.
I quickly surveyed the area I could tell that the fight was quite even it was time to bring out the surprise attack. I mind linked Mick telling him to get his men ready. As soon as he said they were I gave them the go ahead I heard shots being fired from the trees as the rogues and hunters fell little by little as the gunmen from our pack picked them off.
I could see the shock and anger on Banes face I saw an opportunity and grabbed it as I ran through the fight towards him pulling out my knife and stabbing whoever got in my way.
As soon as I reached him I could see the element of surprise was lost. We circled one another “You really are a pain, you just couldn’t let me have my thrown know you’re going to pay” he snarled at me anger radiating from him.
“No more talking lets fight” I said.
I jumped towards him slashing with my knife but I only got in a few good cuts he was able to dodge most of them he was powerful I knew this fight wasn’t going to be easy.
He knocked the Knife out of my hand and sent a kick to my stomach which I was unable to escape from I fell back as the pain radiated through my body. I quickly spun to the side as his foot connected to the ground where my face had just been. I flipped up in front of him throwing numerous punches at his face twisting my body as he tried to stab me with a knife he pulled out. I was behind him pulling my arms around his neck trying to choke him he started scratching at my arms but once he was unable to get me to let go he threw his body back into the tree bashing my head against it again and again until I had to let go.
I shook my head trying to get rid of the dizziness pushing forward I could feel the weariness of my body as it was thrown onto the ground. Suddenly Bane was on top of me strangling me.
“You should have known you would fail going up against me your useless and I’m going to kill every single person you care about starting with your son” he laughed.
I felt anger take over my body no doubt my eyes would be flashing gold as I grasped Banes hands from my neck and pushed him of twisting our position so I was on top of him throwing punches at his face.
He was able to push me off but as soon as he stood up I shifted and pounced grabbing his shoulder in my mouth tearing it from its socket.
Bane screamed in pain and shifted into his wolf that looked to be slightly bigger than mine in size.
We growled at one another but we both knew how this was going to end bane had lost too much blood from his injuries and was barely standing it was time o end this.
He bit at me I was able to move but he was able to scrape my side with his claws I jumped forward seeing an opportunity and grabbed his throat in my jaws ripping it out causing him to collapse in a lump on the floor.
I gasped finally he was dead I felt the pain of my injuries come back with full force I felt light headed from the blood loss but I needed to help the rest of my pack. Pushing my pain to the back of my mind I realised it was silent no sound was coming from the clearing as I stood with my head held high. I found that everyone had stopped fighting there looked to be about thirty rogues and hunters left who looked scared out of their minds.
“Your leader is dead you have five seconds to leave my land before you are killed” I spoke the authority in my voice echoing across the clearing.
They were soon gone a group of wolves following them to make sure they left our land as I looked across the clearing I saw Alek he looked fine apart from a deep gash on his arm and leg I was about to step towards him when I saw slight movement to the side.
I turned my head and gasped.
It was Drew and he was covered in blood from a deep wound on his chest.
As I ran towards him calling for a pack doctor I heard his breathing as he tried gasping air into his lungs.
As I ran towards him I noticed the bodies on the field were not only our enemies we had lost many fighters and there was a big possibility that Drew could die as well.
Could we really say we had won if so many died.
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