《Pup Star 5:Two Miracles》Chapter 3


The car pulled up to the house. "Scrappy,I'm so excited,your living with us!" Tiny said with excitement. "Yeah,Yeah,I think I need a minute to ya know,process everything.I'm sure a tired puppy! Where do I sleep?" Scrappy asked. "Here Scraps,follow me."P.U.P told her. Scrappy and the rest of the family hopped out the car. "Follow me." P.U.P told Scrappy. They walked inside. P.U.P walked her to a room with white walls and a bed with green and and blue sheets. "Here.This is where you can sleep.In the mornin' we'll get your stuff from dog pound records. Luckily you tested negative for fleas. But we're still washing what we can from that place,ugh,infested with fleas! But for now just get comfy." P.U.P said. "Thanks dawg,your really good friends. Ima get some shut eye.I'm as tired a a dog,dawg!" Scrappy told P.U.P. Tiny walked in. "Your that tired? You haven't even eaten! Cmon,at least have some dinner!" Tiny begged. "Heh oh right! I forgot about food! Let's go eat I'm starving!" Scrappy added. They walked to the kitchen and sat down at the table.Ida brung 7 bowls of spaghetti to each pup,and for Lou,Steve,and Ida herself,brung 3 hamburgers.

Everyone had finished their dinner and it was time for bed. "I'm more stuffed than a pig,oh my goodness!" Scrappy said laying back in her chair. "Hmm! That was some good spaghetti! Mmmmm!" Brody said licking his mouth. "Oh Ida nice job on the spaghetti." Charlie and Rosie said together. "Thank you for this wonderful meal Ida." Cindy said politely. "I'm full too but it's time for bed pups!" Tiny said. "Aww man no why no!" All the pups said. "Bed.Now!" Tiny said sternly. The pups sat in silence. "Pups." Tiny said agitated. The pups stared for a split second,then jumped down from the chairs and ran to their room. Their paws scrambling across the floor. Tiny smiled. "Ima make sure they're in bed." P.U.P said. He got down off his chair and walked to the puppies room.All the girls were in bed,comfy.But Brody was watching TV. P.U.P growled. "Yo Brody,why aren't you in bed dawg?!" P.U.P said angered.


Brody turned. "Oh um hi,d-dad. I was um..." P.U.P cut Brody off. "I don't wanna hear it!" P.U.P picked Brody by his scruff and put him in his bed.Tiny walked in. "Goodnight pups." Tiny and P.U.P said turning the light off. "Ima go check on Scrappy,you know make sure she's okay." Tiny said to P.U.P. P.U.P nodded. Tiny walked to Scrappy's room. "Yo Tiny,whatcha need sis?" Scrappy asked. "Oh nothing just came to say goodnight." Tiny replied. "Well then goodnight." Scrappy said. Tiny closed Scrappy's door.

Scrappy sighed. "Better get me some sleep." Scrappy said putting her head on her paws. She closed her eyes.

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