《Pup Star 5:Two Miracles》Chapter 1


Scrappy ran down the alley,the wind blowing her fur back into her face. Doggone it! Ima miss our show! Scrappy said to herself running.She slowed down to catch her breath.She needed to.But there was no point,she was already there.Scrappy perked up her ears and ran inside. "Hey!"A voice stumped her.She looked to see a large brown and black male with a charming red collar. "State your business,pup!" The large male barked. "I'm Scrappy,I'm here to see this season of Pup Star,and I'm also here to talk to my family! Is that enough for ya,pup?" She replied with a bit of sass in her voice. He growled. "I'm a guard here! Now please show your VIP pass or Golden Bone!" He ordered. Scrappy looked around her.Where is my Golden Bone?! She wondered. "It seems I've left my Golden Bone.I'm sorry.But can I still go in? I'm the rapper! I'm Tiny's sister, dawg!" The male growled."Trust me,your not going !" He said. Scrappy got a lump in her throat. She backed away from the huge male. "I'm sorry sir.I-" "Arrest her!" The male ordered.Two dogs,one German Shepherd,the other Pitbull,grabbed Scrappy by her scruff.Her paws dangling in the air.She kicked her paws around. "Ay!Lemme go you flea-ridden-bafoons!" She demanded. "Oh of course we will! Little puppy wuppy!" The German dog said with sarcasm. The Pitbull began to laugh. "Just,take her away you mutts." The large male ordered. "Wait!" A voice barked. She turned,it was Tiny. "Please don't hurt her! She's Scrappy,my sister!" Tiny barked. "Hmm.Put her down.But next time...You'd better have a Golden Bone.'Cause it will get your little puppy rapping—" The male was interrupted. "Hey! Don't threaten Scrappy! She's a good/loyal dog! Let's use friendly language here!" Tiny told them. The German Shepherd put Scrappy down carefully. "Go now dogs!" The male ordered.They walked away.Scrappy ran to Tiny with joy. "Oh thank you sis! That was so...scary." Scrappy told Tiny with joy in her voice. "Of course! Thats what sisters do Scrappy! But are you okay? You almost missed the show!" Tiny asked. "Well.." Scrappy said hesitantly. "I haven't been feeling so good.I've been feeling tired,sickly,and woozy/dizzy.So I went to the vet forgetting your show.Then it was closed!I remembered after then came here!"


"What! Your feeling...sick? The vet was closed? That's sorta...odd." Tiny barked. "Well I'll be fine until next week." Scrappy replied. " If my sister does feel well then she go to the vet!Here,Ciny will take you backstage,an I'll tell Shep to get you an appointment with our private vet." Tiny said. Scrappy nodded. "Cmon Aunt Scrappy,let's go backstage." Cindy barked. Ciny and Scrappy walked away.

"Hey Aunt Scrappy!" Charlie greeted. "Yo pups,how have you been?" Scrappy asked.Pretty okay,ate a few turkeys and Christmas cookies but good otherwise." Brody replied. "Hush Brody! We need to say good things of we want a big audience,I know I do! We must keep our reputation clean!" Rosie demanded. "Like Cindy said,not is bout you Rosie." Charlie replied. Rosie scoffed and went to look at herself in the mirror. Brody rolled his eyes. "Are you feeling okay Aunt Scrappy? Mom said you didn't really feel well." Cindy said politely. "Yeah,im okay,thanks for asking." Scrappy replied. "Puppies your on! So are you P.U.P and Scrappy!" Shep said rushingly. "Hey Scrappy! I saw you left your Golden Bone at my house last time you were there! I picked it up for you! Wait,where do you even live?" Tiny asked. "Oh thanks but uh we're gonna be late heh..." Scrappy said while making an excuse. Tiny nodded and got ready.Scrappy put in her Golden Bone on and followed Tiny.The show began.

"Ladies and gents,pups and puppets,welcome to this season of PUP STAR! I'm Rover,and this is Pup Star! Now to meet your judges for this year's Pup Star! Here she is international pop sensation, Lady Paw Paw! Next up the most gnarliest dog in history,Dog Gnarly! And of course,Simon Growl,the dog everyone loves to hate.And thats this year's judges!"


It was the family's turn to sing,they sang,and did it great.The show was over for now,but they made it to the finals.but were they gonna make it there?

Scrappy began to get dizzy.She was wobbling all over the place! Then she fell. Lou picked her up and held her in her arms. "Oh no! Scrappy! She needs the vet now,please!" Tiny cried. "Aunt Scrappy no!" All the puppies said in unison. "It's okay,she told us about this.Don't worry we're going to a vet right now!Shes okay so just calm down!" P.U.P told the puppies. Cindy cried. Tiny put her paw on Cindy's. "Cindy,it'll be okay." Cindy nodded. They headed to the vet.

Scrappy opened her eyes. She was on a table with her family all around her. She was confused. "Where am I-what's happening?" Scrappy asked wearily. "Your at the vet. They are about to do testing so they need some of your blood." Steve told Scrappy. "Wha-" Her words trailed off. "Ow! Yo dawg,personal space! That really hurt!" Scrappy cried out. "Hey,relax Scraps,he's just taking your blood sample!" P.U.P told Scrappy. "Heh,oh?" Scrappy was still confused. "He's putting a needle in your paw to sample blood!" P.U.P said once more. "Ohhh!" Scrappy nodded. The man put the needle in her paw again. "Ow! I said personal space!" She said while launching to bite his hand. "Ow! I'm only getting your blood sample to run tests!" The vet said. "Oh see he is evil dawgs! He's trying to run tests on who I am!" Scrappy announced. "No Scraps,tests to test for diseases! Scrappy,diseases!" P.U.P yelled. Scrappy put her head down in submission. The man tried to put a needle in her paw again and-she bit him-again. P.U.P looked at her angrily. "Ya know what,let's hold her down." P.U.P ordered.

They pushed her down on the table. "Please stop I-I promise I won't bite him,again!" Scrappy barked. "Promise?" Cindy and P.U.P asked. "Promise! Just,get off of me!" Scrappy ordered.They let her go. "I'm trusting ya." P.U.P Told her. The vet poked a needle in her paw once again,sorta.Scrappy began to yelp.He stopped. "Ah yes,now I understand why it hurt,My name is Dr.Carter." Tiny tipped her head with confusion. "What is it?". "Why she has a cut on her paw,so later we'll clean that up and I'll just get the blood from another spot.It works better If I'd use that spot but I don't wanna hurt my patient." Dr.Carter explained. He poked a needle in another spot and got what he needed.He put the blood into testing and cleaned off Scrappy's cut and put on a bandage. "Ah much better!" Scrappy said happily.

Later,the blood came back into testing. "Um...Scrappy,your pregnant..." Dr.Carter told the family.

"" The family said in unison.

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