《Paw Patrol and Pup Star》Back in town


(Lou) Tiny!

(Tiny) Lou!

(Lou) I am so happy your back.

(Big Ears and Murray) Hi Tiny.

(Tiny) Hi Mr Big Ears and Murray.

(Ruff and Mc. Bite) Hi Tiny and Scrappy.

(Tiny) Hi Ruff, and Mc. Bite

(Charlie) Welcome back kid.

(Rover) Hello Adventure Bay. May I present Emily Rose.

(Emily Rose) Hi I will be singing my hit song broken hearted. With my friend Tiny.

(Rover) Nice job Emily Rose. Next is Charlie.

(Charlie) Hi I am singing both of my favorite songs. The first one is Rock' em Dead. I will need Emily Rose and my dear friend Tiny.

(Charlie) My next song is Rolling Bone

(Rover) Nice job Charlie. Next it's Tiny.

(Tiny) My first song is called Is This For Real.

(Tiny) My next song is Right where I Belong.

(Tiny) My next song is called Wherever You Are it's a duo with my girl Lou.

(Tiny) My next song is called Better Together it's a duo with my sister Scrappy.

(Tiny) My last song is called If you Believe in me. But I need Charlie, Emily Rose, Big Ears, Lou and Murray

(Tiny) Now I want my sister Scrappy to sing with the Dog Pound Crew.

(Scrappy) I can't do that this is your concert.

(Tiny) I am allowing you to do it P.U.P, Ruff and Mc. Bite come on stage.

(Scrappy) My song is called I Got This.

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