《Pup Star: The New Pup Star》Getting caught/The Finale


Backstage of Pup Star, Bark was hiding and laughing. "Yes! I'll finally take back Pup Star!" He exclaimed happily. "That's what you think!" Lily yelled coming out of nowhere along with the contestants. Brody and Rosie went up to the seats and sat down. "Brody, Rosie! I knew you could do it!" P.U.P. smiled. "What?! What are they doing here? And most importantly... what are you doing here? Bark asked madly. "Your reign is over, Bark!" Lily said. Lily winked to one of the contestants and the contestant put on the camera backstage that would appear on the big screen of the Pup Star stage. When it was turned on, Bark didn't know so he said, "Ha! We'll see about that! Just because I attempted to dog-nap all the contestants and it didn't work doesn't mean I don't have any more dirty tricks!" The audience all gasped and then yelled, "BOO." Bark gasped and then said, "Great," Kano growled at him. "So no luxury eye patch?" He snapped. Rolland picked up Julio and said, "Let's get out of here!" They escaped, but Kano and Bark got picked up by the police. "I'll never forget you pup!" Bark yelled, "Mark my words, I'll NEVER forget you!" The audience cheered and then Lily ran to find Mia on stage. "LILY! I'm so proud of you!" Mia exclaimed hugging her pup so tight. "Aw, thanks, Mia." Lily smiled as she rested her head on Mia's shoulder. "Well, my producer says that we still have the chance to crown a champion." Rover said. Everyone cheered and Lily gave Mia one more hug and then went on the stage.

After the four contestants were done singing, it was Lily's turn. But she didn't have a song to sing. "Oh, my dog. I can't think of a song..." Lily frowned as she worried. Mia thought for a second and then whispered in Lily's ear. "Are you sure?" Lily asked unsure. "Positive! Mia smiled reassuringly. "OK..." Lily said unsure.


"And now, taking after Tiny, the savior of Pup Star, it is my TREMENDOUS honor to welcome back... Lily!!!" Rover exclaimed.

The whole audience, contestants, and even judges cheered so loud, it made Rover's ears hurt. And not just the exaggerating kind. "Yeah!" Mia yelled from the audience seats.

Lily was panting.

"Now, will the contestants please join me on stage?" Rover asked going back on stage.

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