《Pup Star: The New Pup Star》The Bark Easy/The Pup Star Rehearsals/The Pound


Hey, guys! Just so you know, this is gonna probably be a long part so for all of you who wanted this story to have long parts... your wish is my command. LOL! (:

Love you all!

So at the entrance of the Bark Easy, Tiny, Lou, and Cindy were shaking. "S-so, who do you-you think is gonna open the door?" Cindy stuttered from being scared. "Don't worry, honey. We can get in a different way." Tiny said smiling to her daughter. "Yeah," Lou agreed. Then Tiny looked up and saw an air vent. "In there," She said. "How do you expect we get through there, Mom? Crawling through vents is just in movies." Cindy said. "Do we really have another choice?" Tiny asked smartly. "Good point..." Cindy said still unsure about what they were getting into. Then Tiny ordered, "OK, so first we need to find a big and tall thing to get up there and then Lou, you'll get me and Cindy in that vent." "Got it," Cindy and Lou said. Tiny looked around for tall and big things that Lou could climb on without getting seriously injured. As she looked, Cindy shouted, "Hey, Mom, look!" Cindy pointed her paw at a long ladder along with a plastic hard box. "Good job, Cindy! Tiny exclaimed. Lou set up the ladder then the box on top. As she climbed on the ladder, Tiny murmured, "Easy..." Lou slowly put Tiny in the vent along with Cindy. Inside Tiny's head, she was hoping that Cindy didn't fall. "I got it now, Lou, you can stay still so you don't get hurt. Cindy said. "OK?" Lou said. As Lou held onto the ladder, Cindy struggled getting up in the vent. When Lou was comfortable on the ladder unharmed, she said, "Be careful, you break your neck and Tiny and P.U.P. will kill me!" Once Cindy got up there, Lou sighed in relief and then got through the vent.


Once they made it though the vent, they were crawling to get to the room where in the past Bark kept Tiny. But they didn't see her. The cage wasn't there anymore. "Huh... I was sure..." Tiny said thinking. As they crawled to find Lily somewhere else, Lou said, "Cindy, you're the loudest crawler I know!" "Could you whisper any louder?! Cindy snapped.

At the Pup Star Rehearsals, P.U.P. found Rover and asked him, "Hey, Rov, have you seen Lily?" "Lily, the pup that got a golden bone? Nope, I haven't seen her anywhere. But it looks like you, Steven, and Ida are looking everywhere for her." Rover said. "Everyone is!" P.U.P. said. "Well I hope you find her soon. She needs to sing her next song in Pup Star Round 2." Rover said. P.U.P. sighed. "Excuse me, have you seen Lily? The pup that won a golden bone?" Steven asked a lady that was a producer. "No, sorry," The lady said quietly. P.U.P. sighed again walking over to Ida and Steven and said, "I hope the others are having better luck..."

But they weren't. At the pound, Brody walked around leading the others. He looked in every dog cage. "It's... sad to see these dogs and puppies... without any homes." Mia said sadly looking down. "Yeah, it is, but life is life for some dogs." Rosie said. "They aren't rich like me." "Rosie, remember what Cindy said? Not everything's about you." Brody said looking back at his sister. All the baby puppies looked at them sadly. The dogs were all starving, dirty, and sad. Some of them had bad injuries like a broken leg. Brody couldn't take anymore so he said, "OK, looks like Lily isn't here. Let's get out of here..." Rosie and Charlie looked at each other confused.

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