《Pup Star: The New Pup Star》Meeting Dakota
Once they got to where Dakota was living, they saw that she was the same dog as Bark. "Can I help you?" She asked. "Actually you can," Kano said. "Wait a minute, oh that's right. Your those dogs who got stuck at the North Pole by being jailed there. Embarrassing." Dakota said. "Look, this is serious." Bark said. "The only thing serious about this is that you guys need some serious help," she said again. "Ugh, can you just help us?" Julio asked. "Nope, the doctors need to help you, not me." Dakota said laying down. "WILL YOU JUST HEAR US OUT." Bark yelled. "This better be good." Dakota said stretching. "We need you to help us with a little bad scheme. Kano said. "Pfft, bad is my middle name," Dakota smirked. "Great, so you can help us make none of the contestants on Pup Star win." Bark said. "Wow, wait what?!" Dakota freaked. "Well, if you're bad then you can help us with a bad but great plan!" Bark said. "Yeah, but-" Dakota started but then got cut off by Kano saying, "It comes with revenge on Rover..." Dakota perked her ears up. "Well, I- I suppose I could help you guys. You could use it." Dakota smirked. "Great, now come on. Follow us." Kano said. Then Kano, Bark, Rolland, Julio, and Dakota all went to the Pup Star Auditions.
- In Serial168 Chapters
NPC Code: Red Riding Hood
Red is an NPC (non-player character) villager of the popular game called “Code”. She is living her simple life to the fullest, not until an announcement crashes into the game. A horde of monsters mate...
8 162 - In Serial102 Chapters
A Dream of Wings and Flame
Kobolds cower at the bottom of the foodchain, forced to eke out a meager existence in the most wretched of caves. Most have made peace with their lot in life; one of eating scraps and carrion. They hide and run from predators, delaying the inevitable day when they aren't fast or sneaky enough to make their escape. But not Samazzar. Sam is different from other Kobold pups. Traps and caves might keep him and his people alive, but sometimes, just living isn't enough. The blood of dragons pumps through his veins, and Sam isn't willing to settle for mere survival. Whether by claw, magic, or cunning, one day he will soar above the plains, predator rather than prey. And nothing, be it the mockery of his tribe, the hazards of the deep caves, or even the almost insurmountable difficulty of successfully evolving his bloodline, nothing is going to stop him. Join Samazzar and his boundless optimism on his quest to throw off the shackles placed on his tiny scaled body by fate so that he can claim his birthright once and for all. - - - - - Kobold design by Faewild Coloring/Everything Else on the cover KrazeKode
8 446 - In Serial15 Chapters
The Fourth Faction
The protagonist died, and regained consciousness in an unknown location. He kept some memories, and quickly realise he was reincarnated in an alien life form... A life form which wasn't unfamiliar. A life form full of potential. The protagonist also realise that there will be a lot of trouble in the future with the other races... Another "reincarnation in another world" story, but it's not a fantasy world. WARNING: Mature content of all kind once in a while, and more in later chapters
8 118 - In Serial24 Chapters
Conquer Everything
An ex-chubby guy tries to sit at the throne of his highschool's life
8 199 - In Serial14 Chapters
There was a girl whose feelings changed the world around her, and with every step little smoke clouds emanated from her feet. Her soul pulled right out of her chest like a long, blue comet with a tail, and swirled around her body like a protective blue flame. When she walked in a tight space the very metal itself around her melted and shifted so that she was walking in a cage of blue light, a cage of her own devising. Please read the original Tapas version for the best experience! Updates every day.
8 226 - In Serial22 Chapters
Avatars of Myths and Legends
The king of this godforsaken land has neglected his duties and offended the Gods themselves. The neighboring kingdoms have long started eyeing the alluring lands of Mercai and an invasion seems inevitable. Mankind have been abusing the mythical items from the Golden Age of the Gods. These ancient artifacts holds the soul of brave heroes that have personally ascended to a higher plane of existence and battled the Gods themselves. With a soul of a legendary hero, one is able to exceed the human limits and achieve immortality by utilizing Avatars. The story will revolve around Jin, a seemingly harmless boy who loves to read and does his best to resolve issues peacefully. One day he comes across the fabled artifact that contains a soul of a self-proclaimed supreme God, Prometheus! There has been no written records of a God’s soul used as an Avatar by a human, what will the naive Jin become as the war threatens to destroy everything he holds dear?
8 260