《Pup Star: The New Pup Star》Big Trouble


Just so you guys know, Julio and Roland are still bad in this story. So it might be a little confusing at first

Love y'all!

Back at the Bark Easy, Bark was watching Pup Star on the TV. "Ugh, I should be on there, still the Pup Star of Pup star! He grunted. "Well, you're not, amigo. But hey, look on the bright side; at least we aren't getting caught for doing something wrong." Julio said. Bark growled. "You wouldn't understand, you're not used to being a star." Bark said. "Si, whatever," Julio said. Then bark yelled, "You know what, I'm going back on there! I'm gonna be famous!" "How, Bark? Everyone knows your face. "Oh right. Good point..." Bark remembered. But then he got an idea. An awful, and terrible idea. "You know what? If I can't win Pup Star, then I'm gonna make sure nobody can!" Then he started evil laughing. Julio joined in. Then Bark said, "But I'll need some help.

Sorry, guys, this part is pretty short. But I promise the next part won't be. (:

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