《Pup Star: The New Pup Star》An Excited Pup


"OMD, OMD, OMD!!!" An enthusiastic voice came from a two story house in Australia. "Easy, Lily, you still have to practice your lyrics one more time." Mia, the owner of Lily the Australian Shepherd puppy said. "Yeah, I know. I'm just so happy I get to audition on PUP STAR! I'm so excited!" Lily exclaimed happily. "I can see that. Now come on, let's practice your song once more." Mia smiled leading her pup into the kitchen.

Once Lily was done singing the song she was going to do on the Pup Star stage, Mia said, "OK, now we should get going. I bet the line is full!" "How do I look?!? Is it good enough to impress Tiny?!?" Lily started freaking out. Mia giggled then said to her pup, "You know what? Stay here. I'll be right back." Mia went outside. She came back in with a yellow lily in her hand. "Here you go," Mia put the lily behind Lily's ear. "Better?" Lily nodded and said, "Much," "Then let's go. Come on!" Mia said rushing to the car with Lily by her side. Mia opened Lily's door for her since she couldn't open it herself. "Thanks," Lily smiled, hoping into the passenger seat. "No problem," Mia said, walking across her car and into the driver's seat. Then they drove to the Pup Star Auditions. Mia's car was a whitish silvery Toyota with cheetah printed seats and a gold sparkly steering wheel.

When they got to the Pup Star auditions, boy, was Mia right. The line was cramped and full! It was full of the judges, contestants, Rover, and the audience. "Wow, that's a lot of people. I bet half of them are the audience!" Lily said having her voice sound a bit with fear. Mia looked at her pup. "You sound a little scared. You never had stage fright!" Mia said worried for Lily. "I'm not scared, heh." Lily said. But Mia defiantly knew she was scared about something. But before she could say something else to Lily, Lily shouted, "AHH, there's Tiny!!!" Lily hid behind her owner. Mia rolled her eyes. "And there's her family," Mia said. Lily saw Brody and kinda gazed at him for like five or six seconds. But she stopped when Mia waved her hand around in front of her eyes. "You a little gazy today, Lily?" Mia chuckled. Mia knew she was looking at Brody. "Pfft, not a chance, hey, look! The line is moving up, heh." Lily said moving up trying to change the subject.

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