《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》19. Operation get Spangles a date
This is the mother of all hangovers. Galilea Stark thought when she woke up the following morning. She pulled the covers over her head and let out a loud groan. This is death. She doesn't even want to open her eyes. I can't deal with this right now. Why did I even go out last night?
She threw the covers off her head and slowly opened her eyes. The brightness killed her and her head is pounding. Galilea grabbed her shades and went to the elevator. She leaned on the wall the whole way down and when the doors opened she grabbed the side of her head as she went to the table where she heard multiple conversations going on.
"Look who finally woke up" Tony smirked.
"Never again" Gali groaned. Clint and Natasha are also holding their heads, shades over their eyes.
"How'd it go last night?" Hill asked.
"I don't remember" Gali whined.
"Ah, that well" Rhodey nodded.
"Well I remember plenty" Kami smirked as she had a forkful of eggs.
"Is it just me, or did Clint slow danced with the bartender last night?" Nat questioned.
"He did" Kami nodded "it was quite amusing actually"
"I slow danced with the bartender?" Clint asked sounding surprised yet confused. Thor found it a good moment to laugh which only caused Gali's head to throb even more.
"Quiet!" The three hungover people hissed. Gali grabbed a plate and served herself some food.
"What'd you guys do last night?" She asked.
"Thor, Rhodey and Happy were on the karaoke machine for an hour" Pepper started.
"We played board games. Tony won at Monopoly" Hill said. Ah yes. The game for millionaires. Of course Tony would win at that.
"Oh, guess who we saw last night" Natasha grinned.
"Nick was turnt up last night" Clint added.
"Wait, Nick? Nick Fury?" Bruce asked.
"Director Nick Fury of the Avengers?" Steve who's been quiet the whole time asked.
Why's he so quiet? He was all talkative before, but as soon as he saw me walk in he shut down. The times I got his attention I would smile at him and he would look away like a shy little kid. What's up with him? Did I do something wrong? I hope I didn't.
"You should've seen what him and Gali were doing last night" Kami smirked.
Gali's eyes went wide along with everybody else's. Tony's face went from one of 'Ew' to 'What?' To 'They did what?' Kami saw the looks on their faces and furiously shook her head.
"No, nothing like that!" She laughed "come, I'll show you" she got up and left to the living room.
They looked at each other and followed her. Gali took her plate with her and sat down next to Rhodey.
"The people in the video are not all there... they were so wasted" she laughed before she showed the video.
It starts off with Nick and Gali on the stage, each with a mic in hand, and what stands out is the fact that Nick has a pink wig on. Oh god I can already feel this is going to be bad. Beez in the trap by Nicki Minaj was heard. A groan escaped her lips.
"Oh no"
"Oh yes" Kami laughed.
Fury and Gali sang, and they were we killing it. Halfway through the song Clint and Natasha got on stage. Clint sat on a chair and Nat gave him a Magic Mike lap dance.
The team tried to stifle their laughs but lost it when drunk Galilea joined in and Magic Miked all over Clint, Fury still singing. In the video Kami can be heated laughing and yelling 'Yeah Clint!' And 'You get some!' The video ended and everyone is still laughing.
"That must've been the best night of my life and I don't remember anything about it!" Clint whined. Natasha and Gali send him a glare.
"The pink wig suits Nick" Tony nodded.
Gali shook her head and continued to eat. She felt a little cramped and her head still hurts, so she got up and went back to the table, not knowing that Kamilla is following her.
"Sooo" she dragged the O "you did something else last night" she smirked.
"Oh no, more embarrassing moments?" She could feel a blush fighting its way to her cheeks. Kami's face says it all.
"Let's just say that you... kissed a certain person from the 40s"
"I did what?" The blush came out and she was shocked.
I kissed Steve? Is that why he's acting weird? Oh my god. I kissed a hot man and I don't even remember! I sound like Clint.
After Kamilla informed Galilea about what she did last night she apologized to Steve. Him being his adorable self had no problems with her. They were alone for a few minutes and Steve wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to ask Gali out, but he overthought it and his time ran out when Thor walked back in and engaged in conversation with the Stark girl.
He tried to ask her several other times after that but they were either interrupted or he ended up panicking and ask something like "Do you like trains?"
Gali found Steve's actions kinda weird but didn't think much of them, she thought that's how people in the 40s acted. But every time Steve would try to ask her, she was secretly hoping that he would ask her out. But again she didn't stress out. Must be a 40's thing. She thought.
It's the end of the week and Steve didn't succeed. Kamilla put her plan in action and the group divided. Girls to Gali, boys to Steve. The girls were in Gali's part of the tower. And the guys went to Steve's apartment. Happy was going to chauffeur them around.
"Did I miss the memo, what's going on here?" Galilea asked when she stepped out of the elevator and saw the girls lounging on the couches.
"We couldn't help but notice" Kami started "that you need a boyfriend"
"So we settled you up on a blind date" Jane smiled. Galilea looked at them in disbelief.
"You did what now?"
"No arguing" Natasha jumped off the couch "we have very little time to work with so you gotta hit the shower" she pushed Gali towards the bathroom.
Gali tried to protest but she was being shushed and thrown in the bathroom. She stared at the door as though the girls outside could see her. She finally gave in and did what the girls ordered her to do.
Steve rushed over to the kitchen when he saw smoke. He turned the stove off and looked down at the burned Mac n Cheese. He sighed. There was a knock at the door and he went to open it. The guys stood outside in the hall.
"What's that smell?" Tony walked in the apartment as if he owned the place. Steve motioned the others to come in "How do you burn Mac n Cheese?" Tony yelled from the kitchen.
"Complications?" Steve offered.
"What's so complicated about this?" Tony held up the blue Mac n Cheese box.
"Everything" he said. Tony shook his head.
"Good thing Ga-" he stopped himself before he revealed anything.
"Good thing what?" Steve asked.
"Good thing we got you a date!" Bruce jumped in to save the day.
"A date?" Steve asked "with who?
"Can't tell, it's a blind date" Rhodey answered. Thor seemed baffled.
"Does he have to be blind to go on this date?" Thor asked.
Tony made a 'Is this guy for real?' look. Clint went on to explain to Thor what blind date means. They could already tell that it was going to be complicated to get Steve ready for this blind date.
"I hope you guys didn't set me up with an old wrinkly guy" Gali told her friends who are preparing her for her blind date with Captain Rogers.
"Trust us, he's not ugly" Natasha smirked, saying nothing about the age.
"Why are you guys doing this?" Gali asked.
"Because we love you and want to see you happy" Pepper replied.
"I'm already happy... Happy works for me" Gali smartly replied. The girls gave her an 'Are you serious' look while Kamilla facepalmed.
"Not that happy" Kami retorted "it's just... its been forever since you've been on a date and let's face it, you're not getting any younger" she looked down at her friend who's getting her hair curled.
"Gee, thanks" Gali said in a monotone voice, showing no emotion on her face "Where did you even find this guy?"
"The store"
"Victoria's Secret"
The girls said at the same time but gave Maria Hill a weird look when she said FarmersOnly.com as well as to Natasha when she said Victoria's Secret.
"Really?" Jane raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah Hill, really? FarmersOnly.com?" Natasha asked to try to avoid heat from the others.
"That was the first thing that came to mind" Hill defended herself.
"No duh" Kami commented.
"And what about Victoria's Secret? How do you meet guys there, they're all outside waiting for their girlfriends" Hill inputted.
"Oh! No! Don't tell me you set me up with someone who's already taken. Natasha!" Gali scrunched her face.
"I did not!" Natasha exclaimed "this guy has been single for years. He's perfect for you"
"How's he perfect for me if he's been single for years?" Galilea kept questioning them.
"Shut up and be quiet!" Kami told her best friend.
Gali gave Kami a side look before shutting up. They lost track of time and were practically pushing Gali towards the elevator, all the while giving her advice for the date.
"Happy's gonna drive you to the restaurant" Maria started.
"You got a reservation" Pepper added.
"Blind date reservation by the Avengers" Jane finished.
"Good luck" they waved at her just as the elevator doors closed.
Gali just stood there not knowing what to do. That is until she remembered something Jane told her 'blind date reservation by the Avengers'
Oh fuck.
"Blue tie! It'll bring out his eyes!"
"No red, because Iron Man is red!"
Tony and Clint have been arguing for the past ten minutes about what color tie Steve should wear. Clint wants blue, Tony wants red. Steve wants none.
Rhodey and Bruce agree with him. When Clint brought up the tie thing Steve was about to protest but Tony spoke up and that lead to a small disagreement. Thor decided to put an end to the arguing.
"Enough of this foolishness!" He grabbed Tony and Clint by the shirt "Steve does not wish to wear this thing you call a tie. Behave men or I will hurt one of you two!" Thor boomed. Tony tried to pry himself out of Thor's grasp.
"Come on mean swing" Thor let him go. "Are you hungry? You seem hungry" Tony observed.
"I think he's hangry" Rhodey spoke.
"What's hangry?" Steve asked confused.
"It's when you're angry and hungry" Clint informed "Like Thor here– let me go" Thor let go of Clint's shirt. Clint scurried away from Thor. Tony checked the time and his eyes went wide.
"Oops, you're running late. Did you wash behind your ears like I told you too?" Tony went to check Steve's ears, but Steve smacked Tony's hand away from him.
"I did. Why does it matter?" Steve asked.
"Who said it did?" Tony shrugged.
"I'm hungry!" Thor whined.
"Let's go before he punches a hole through something" Bruce muttered as he made his way to the door.
Steve took in a breath and told himself not to be nervous. 'What can go wrong?' He asked himself. Suddenly his mind was flooded by every possible way things could go wrong. 'Oh no' he thought.
He got more nervous and wanted to call the whole thing off, but he knew the guys wouldn't have any of it so more nervous than he's ever been, he followed the others out of the apartment and followed through with the whole blind date thing.
Happy just dropped Gali off at the restaurant where the blind date is taking place at. She stood outside staring at the building.
Just walk in there and be yourself. I'm sure he'll like you. Why am I doing this?
I'm nervous. No... I'm apprehensive.
What if he doesn't like me? Who's this guy? What will he think when he sees me? Alright Gali, take in a deep breath and go in there.
A girl at the front looked up from the book and smiled when she saw the Stark girl.
"Hello, do you have a reservation?" She asked. Gali nodded.
"Uh, blind date, reservation by the Avengers?" She repeated what Jane had said before the elevator doors so rudely closed on them. The girl looked down at the book and smiled.
"You're second to arrive"
"So you've seen him? How does he look like?" She asked.
"I'm sorry Miss Stark, but your brother and friends told me not to tell you" she replied. Oh shucks. I should've known they were gonna do that. Stupid Tony.
The woman motioned Gali to follow her. Suddenly she got more nervous.
Gali followed her and they passed tables where people are eating and laughing. She spotted a table with a guy sitting there alone. Is that him?
She couldn't see his face because his back is towards her, she can only see his blond hair. The girl stopped, motioned towards the table the lone person is sitting at, and left. Gali slowly got closer to him and something seemed familiar.
"Steve?" She asked. He turned around and locked eyes with her.
"Gali?" He stood up.
They stared at each other for a few seconds. Is this actually happening? Did the team really set us up for a date?
"You're my blind date?" They both asked at the same time. Gali laughed and nodded.
"I guess I am" She went to sit down but he so kindly pulled the chair out for her. So gentlemanly. "Did you know?" She asked after he sat back down.
"No" he shook his head "the guys just showed up at my apartment"
"Same" She nodded. "I mean with the girls. The girls showed up to my part of the tower"
"Why?" She asked after a few seconds of silence.
"Why what?" Steve asked confused.
"Why would they set us up?" She asked.
He seemed to be debating with himself, took in a deep breath and before he could say anything, a waiter went over and handed them menus.
"Thank you" She kindly smiled at the waiter. She turned back to Steve "Were you going to say something?" I asked.
"I think I know why they did this... it's because I... I like you Gali" he said.
Her heart skipped a beat when he said that. Me? He likes me? Oh my gosh this is... This is- I don't know. I like him too. Blushing she looked up at his blue eyes and said,
"I like you too"
"Really?" The look on his face, a look of relief. Why is he so adorable? His blue eyes are sparkling in happiness.
She doesn't even know how long they've been here, once they got over the awkward phase they couldn't stop talking. It's easy to talk to him. Gali thought. It's not that it isn't easy to talk to other guys, it's just different with Steve. I don't know how to explain it, but it is.
"You burned the Mac n Cheese?" Gali held back her laugh.
"Tony couldn't believe it, so he made some to make up for the burnt one" Steve nodded. Gali laughed loudly at Steve's fail attempts of making Mac n Cheese. Poor Stevie.
"I'm sorry. It's funny" She sat straight and cleared her throat. A ghost of a smile on her face.
"No it's okay. I can't cook" he sounded disappointed.
"Of course you can! Everyone can cook. Like in Ratatouille" Gali told him.
"Ratatouille?" He asked. Right, he's from the last century.
"It's an animated film"
The waiter went over to their table and told them that their car is waiting for them outside and that Tony paid for everything. Aww, he's such a sweetheart when he wants to.
Outside, Happy is waiting for them next to the car.
"Ready for the next stop?" He asked.
"Next stop?" Steve and Gali asked.
"I'm just following orders" he opened the car door to let them in. Closing the door he went to the front and started the car drive.
"Where do you think he's taking us?" Steve asked in a whisper.
"Considering that he's taking orders from the others... anywhere" she whispered back.
They were quiet the whole car ride. It wasn't that long, maybe 20 minutes. They came to a stop and again Happy opened the door for them. Looking around Gali noticed that they're in a park.
"Go up the hill. I'll be back in a couple of hours" Happy told them before going back in the car and leaving them behind.
"I guess we climb the hill?" Steve sounded unsure. I guess we do.
Gali took her heels off and Steve gave her a funny look.
"Can't walk on grass with heels" She said. They started their climb to the top of the hill, it wasn't that steep but Galilea isn't really into climbing hills or anything of that sort, so she got tired very fast. My asthma will come back after this.
"I don't like climbing" She grumbled. Steve laughed.
"It's not really tiring" he said.
"You're the last person to talk about this. You're a super soldier, you don't get tired easily. I'm a weakling okay? You don't know the struggle of opening jars" she told him.
They reached the top and noticed a beautiful picnic area set up. Are they for real? We just came from a restaurant and they want us to keep eating? Oh when I get home they'll get an earful.
But Galilea just wants to enjoy it since they did a very nice job. It's giving her a Katherine vibe. She put her heels on the bench and heard Steve say,
"You can see the whole city from here"
Gali turned to where he's looking and sure enough the whole city can be seen from there. Stark Tower front and center.
Suddenly an image of New York flashed through her eyes. It's when she was a kid. There's no Stark Tower, there were different buildings, houses, streets, the bright lights of Times Square but not as bright as now. Then she remembered, I use to come up here with my dad.
"Gali?" Steve's voice brought her back.
"Yes?" She turned to him.
"You doze off"
"Sorry, I just had some kind of flashback or memory... I use to come up here with my dad... I didn't remember until now" she slowly said.
They were quiet for a moment until Gali burst out laughing. Steve turned to her with a confused expression.
"When I was a kid, my dad would tell me stories about you" She smiled. He went red.
"What kind of stories?" He shyly asked.
"All of them" his cheeks got redder. "But I would always fall asleep halfway through the story so he would tell me the same story multiple times" Gali explained to him "...but don't worry, your secret of fondue is safe with me" She put a hand on his shoulder. His reaction was hilarious. Gali laughed.
They went to sit at the picnic table and Steve said something that got her laughing.
"Kamilla made me an account on something called Instagram"
"Did she really?" She grinned.
"And chat... snap?"
"Snapchat" She corrected.
"Yeah, that. She didn't tell me much, only that you take pictures and videos and post them" he seemed confused.
"I can teach you how to use the apps. Kamilla also made an Instagram and snapchat account for me. She said I was 'falling behind on the latest apps' I mean it's not like she runs a company or anything. Either way, I get a kick out of those apps" Gali explained.
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The Preying City
The city calls for you. It spins a web around your vulnerable self. Lulls you into a cozy sleep and tightens its grip on you. There is NO escape from the city. The city of Kindlewich entices everyone with promises of riches and happiness. It harbors supernaturals with unimaginable powers while the masses remain ignorant. The strong prey on the weak and the weak exploit each other. The cover art is by Arnaud Imobersteg, a brilliant architecture visualizer. Please show him some love if you can. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8xlvO
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Paternum: A Superhero Story
When Quinn finds an experimental superpower-granting costume in their parents’ attic, they didn’t expect to be drawn into a web of superhuman intrigue, but their discovery serves as the catalyst for that conspiracy to slowly unravel. At it’s heart, Paternum is an extended coming-of-age story for the main character as they become a superhero, in a world with more reasonable stakes and less powerful heroes than many superheroic worlds. Themes include what art means to different people, and what it means to be a patron, whether as a sponsor, a parent, or a supporter. I consider Paternum‘s primary influences to be the various versions of Spider-Man, J. C. McCrae’s own superhero story Worm, and Drew Hayes’ story SuperPowereds. I hope that fans of such stories can find something to enjoy in mine as well. Paternum is primarily hosted on my website (thevoidwrites.com) where it updates weekly in groups of scenes totalling approximately 2000 words. Here on Royal Road, it will update once daily with one scene at a time, but only after each act is completed on the home site - the next batch of updates is scheduled to begin on February 5th. There is a discord channel for discussion (discordapp.com/invite/QFMM6yA), and you can vote for Paternum on topwebfiction (topwebfiction.com/vote.php?for=paternum) as well. Finally, you can buy the first book of Paternum, The Swift Uplifting Rush, in a couple different ways - as an ebook through Amazon, or directly from me for a discounted price, or as a physical paperback from Amazon. Buying the book will give you access to Drawing Hands, an exclusive arc that won't ever be published on either my site or Royal Road.
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