《Single Father • Namjoon + BTS!Kids》>Q&A JIN>>">>>Q&A JIN>>


: Do you like being the oldest brother?

Jin: Most of the time because my donsaengs have to do what I say. But then sometimes they (Yoongi) don't listen to me and then it's very no fun. Sometimes it's scary because they're looking up to me and I don't want to mess up. But I'm glad I'm the oldest because I get to take care of them all.


Jin: No? Mommy married Daddy but that didn't turn out very well. And I'm only 7 years old.

: Do you miss your mom? Is your mom pretty like you? Do you love your family?

Jin: ...I miss her. But don't tell my little brothers because it will make them sad. And yes, Mommy is very pretty, especially with makeup on. And yes? Of course? I love my family very much? *distressed*

: I know you're the oldest and that you have to look out for your brothers but most people/kids usually follow what their friends do and don't listen to their older siblings. What will you do if that ever happens?

Jin: I'll tell them I won't cook dinner if they don't listen to me. Sometimes, Daddy can't make dinner because he's asleep, so I do it. I know how to use the oven and set it to a temperature, but I didn't teach my brothers so they have to depend on me to do it. But they'll always listen to me because I'm their favorite, most handsome hyung, right?

: I know it must be difficult being the role model for your 5 other siblings, but I know it has many advantages of just being the one they look up to, but being the oldest sometimes holds the most burdens especially in the absence of a mom. How do you feel about life without a mom, just a loving dad and 5 adorable brothers?


Jin: Um...well...it's not too different. I still go to school and everything. But without Mommy, Daddy has to work a lot harder, and I don't like seeing him tired all the time. I want him to just take a nice long nap like Yoongi does. And being the oldest is kind of hard but I like it too.

: Mianhaeyo author-nim but the tradition must go on......Jin.....When's dinner?

Jin: Daddy says not to talk to strangers, or cook for them.

: Seok Jin-ah! Sometimes it's good for you to show that you're weak as well. It doesn't harm your "SANG-NAMJA" image... You can tell your father that you're having a difficulty understanding math because you know sweetie, that if one day your kid brothers come and ask you why 2 x 3 = 6 and not 23, you can't just them them I don't know or make fun of them that they don't know why. If you foundation, i.e. the base of you education won't be strong, you won't be able to keep up your role model elder-most brother image. Okay sweetheart? And 2 x 3 basically means, 3 times 2...that multiplication sign means that many times that number....so try to add 2 three times, so 2+2+2=6. That's why it is 6 and not 23 sweetie 😊

Jin: O-o I'm pretty sure it's 23 and you're just lying to me. And maybe I will ask Daddy for help...eventually. I think he's already upset that I haven't made friends even though I told him lots of times that I did.

: I understand the responsibility of being the oldest child and trying to convince your younger siblings that you're practically invincible. However, why keep up an image you know is not true? In the end, darling, it's only going to hurt you, so tear down that false image, okay?


Jin: But Daddy does it for us, so why shouldn't I do it for my dongsaengs? I just want to do whatever makes them happy.

: Hi lil Jin! Even though you're the oldest, it's okay to ask for help from your dad. It'll make your siblings feel more comfortable asking for help too. Do you think that you could start being more open to your dad about school? ♡

Jin: Um...maybe...I already told him some things...I just don't want him to worry about me when he's already so tired and busy.

: You are doing so well, I am so proud of you. Can I ask you a question? What's your favorite story book?

Jin: Well, it's not really one book but a series...you probably haven't read it...it's called "The Magic Tree House." I don't know why I like it but I do.

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