《Single Father • Namjoon + BTS!Kids》>Q&A NAMJOON'S WIFE>>">>>Q&A NAMJOON'S WIFE>>


: If you found it was hard raising 6 kids with help then why would you leave Namjoon to raise them with no help?

Wife: Namjoon was handling it mostly by himself anyway. Otherwise, he wouldn't have ignored me. And we all have to look after ourselves. You're going to say I'm selfish. I don't care. I did sacrifice. You thing going into labor is easy? Try it six times. You think that you struggle with self image sometimes? Try walking around with a swollen stomach for thirty-six months. You think you know depression? Try giving birth and then taking meds for your hormones every morning just so you can smile at the thing that came out of you. Then tell me that you wouldn't want to be a little selfish.

: If you didn't want a "bunch of ungrateful kids" then shouldn't you've focused on family planning rahter than "working up late at night"?

Wife: The triplets weren't planned, and Namjoon was mainly the one who wanted kids. I'll be the first to admit that I wasn't prepared. I'd thought that I could just have kids and go back to my life and squeeze in being a mother on the side, but I wasn't able to do it how I thought I would.

: Why are you still breathing? Do me a favor and go suck someone else's ✂️✨❤️💢. Leave my 7 babies alone. CATCH MY FISTS HONEY

Wife: That's rude, and I won't respond to that.

: Why leave? Don't you understand the responsibility you got? I mean, yes, it is hard raising many children, and you didn't get to spend enough time with Namjoon, but don't you consider about your family? Don't you understand Namjoon was taking care of the kids for your family's future? Don't you know you had a ✂️✨❤️💢 responsibility? Why did you ✂️✨❤️💢 leave your husband and beautiful children? And not to mention, leaving him with ✂️✨❤️💢 triplets that were toddlers and pre-school kids! Please, at least think before doing ✂️✨❤️💢, lady. Do you even deserve the title as your children's mother?

Wife: No, I don't. I'm a horrible mother. I did my best, but it never let up. There was never a break for me to be a woman, to be a wife. I was always a mother, first, foremost, and always. There's a certain pressure to that that you, a child yourself, wouldn't understand.

: Do you have any regrets leaving Namjoon? Do you have any regrets leaving the 6 children? Did you think twice before leaving Namjoon that there would be consequences on the 6 children you left behind without a mom? Would you think of your precious children getting bullied at school because they have no mom? Don't you think they'd feel left out from the rest of their peers because they're so-called different and outcasts because you're absent from their lives? Just simply...have you thought about the others involved in the situation and looked through their perspective and how it could have affected them and not just you and yourself?


Wife: Yes, I sometimes have regrets leaving Namjoon. I loved him. Still probably do. But I loved him and he loved the kids, and that hurt. Always coming in second place to the race that I had created. I don't expect you to even remotely understand. You hear one side of the story, you think you've got all of it. You don't care about how I actually felt. You just want someone to hate. Fine, hate me. I don't care. A lot of people probably hate me right now. Just know that you know only a shadow, not the truth, and be satisfied with that small sliver if it's all you have to go on. Your other questions are just stupid. Why would I want my kids to bullied? No, I didn't intend for that, but if I always stop to think about how my actions affect others, I might never be able to do a single thing. Everything you do affects someone else. That's life.

: Why did you make it all sound as if it was Namjoon's mistake all along? If you would've been a helping hand towards him while handling the kids he might've had more time for you and you could've experienced the pleasure of being a MOTHER (which let me tell you, you never were...at least after you started CHEATING on your husband) and you did CHEAT on him you dare not deny that! Which mother looks at her own children as a bunch of CRAZINESS! Why didn't you try to protect your relationship both as a mother and both as a wife? You blamed him for not being a good husband but you were neither a good wife nor a good mother. Why did you give to so-called SO MANY kids if you wanted only a few?

Wife: It wasn't Namjoon's mistake. It was our choice. I just wasn't prepared to hand over my life as an individual in exchange for being a mother every second of every day. And I did help Namjoon, or he wouldn't be struggling right now. There were times that I enjoyed being a mother. Just as time went on, those times came less and less. There was less "Jin looks so cute in this outfit" and more "Yoongi threw up again and Namjoon's at work, so I have to clean it up" and "I think Tae just swallowed something he shouldn't have" and "Where did my matching heel go because I have to be at an important meeting in forty minutes?" I'm not saying I gave birth to kids in order to have fun, but it got harder and harder, and I felt Namjoon growing more and more distant, and I couldn't take it anymore. And I just want to say that I love my kids. All of them. Some more than others, but I love all of them. But if I would have stayed, I think I would have started to hate them, and that scared me more than failing as a mother.


: What was your reason for leaving Namjoon for another man? Why did you cheat? Why did you ask to have custody of Jin, and not the rest because it was too much work for you? They (kids) might have seen you as a mother figure, but were you really? The job of a mother and father is never done, yet you quit. Why is that?

Wife: The man was an excuse to do what I needed to do. I don't think I love him, certainly not the way I love - loved - Namjoon. He was a much-needed means to an end. Being with him made me feel like a woman again, like I was wanted, like I was beautiful. Namjoon had seen me at my worst, and sometimes, I wonder if that's why we grew apart. Because I wasn't a woman to be wooed in his eyes anymore - I was a tool that had served its purpose. Maybe I imagined that. But it scared me just the same. And I tried to be a mother. I really did. I slapped on band aids and sewed on the buttons that had popped off and kissed all the boo-boos. But being a mother is more than that. Maybe I never really had what it took, and it took me all those years to realize it. And like I said. I "quit," as you say, because staying was changing me for the worse. Leaving was the only way I could stay sane, stay me. I didn't want to lose myself for my children. That was a sacrifice I couldn't make.

: Why did you leave him instead of telling him you need him? You want him, why cheat and not tell him you want attention!!!???

Wife: Words don't always work. Our schedules were at odds. He didn't have time for me, and even if I demanded time, it would only have made him more tired. I didn't like seeing him like that, and I know that it can only be worse now. I know it's my fault. But....how long am I expected to sacrifice myself for everyone?

: Tell me your name, address, bank account details, and maybe I'll help you find a mental hospital as a bonus.

Wife: Oh, right, I forgot how you're such a mature adult that you understand everything. Moving on.

: How do you think your parents would feel if they find out you left 6 KIDS without a mother and Namjoon had to raise them all on his own, probably heartbroken that you would do such a thing?

Wife: My parents haven't spoken to me in several years. I don't think they wanted me marrying Namjoon so young or deciding to have kids so early. I didn't want to hurt Namjoon. But he didn't seem to have any qualms about hurting me, either.

: Have you ever tried to love your kids more than finding them as a distraction between you and Namjoon? Have you ever tried to evolve yourself as a mother or understand how dedicated Namjoon was as a parent? Can you give an explanation of how you find yourself right in abandoning your family?

Wife: Yes, I tried to love my kids. I did. I do. But a marriage is equally as important. At least, that's what I believed. I guess Namjoon didn't. And I think you're forgetting that I was also a parent, that I also helped out. Just because I'm not there for my kids anymore doesn't mean I wasn't for a number of years. And I've already justified myself enough. It doesn't matter how much I say or what I say, your opinion won't change. It's like I said. You just want to feel self-justified in ranting at someone. You don't care about making amends. Nobody here asked me to get back with Namjoon to go back to my children, because none of you want me to be a normal human with good and bad sides, with flaws but also good qualities. You all want someone to hate, and you're content with your role. I'm sad that I had to take the actions I did, but I've made myself content with my role as well. Let's end it here.

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