《Single Father • Namjoon + BTS!Kids》xxii.


Jimin took his seat. He, Taehyung, and Jungkook were in the same preschool class, only Tae was supposed to sit in the front so the teacher could keep an eye on him and Jungkook liked to sit by the window so he could stare outside all day.

Of course, since it was a preschool class, they didn't need desks and chairs. Instead, they all sat criss cross applesauce on a big color-coded carpet, where each tile had a color and an object or animal.

Jimin always sat on the blue square in the back with the music note on it.

Tae sat on the red square with the UFO, and Jungkook sat on the purple square that had a bird on it. Jungkook insisted that it was a seagull, but Jimin and Taehyung and everybody else knew that it was a pelican, not that Jungkook ever listened to them.

"All right, class! I'm going to take attendance now," the teacher said. She was young and pretty. She reminded Jimin of his mom. "JiSoo?"










"Please say 'Here' when I call your name. Let's try this again. Hyukk?"








"The triplets?"

"Here-" Taehyung started.

"-here-" Jungkook said.

"-here," Jimin finished.

The teacher smiled. "All right, that's everyone. A few students can't come today because they're sick, but their moms will drop by to pick up their homework. Now that we've finished attendance, though, you can all begin playing."

Jimin smiled to himself. He liked playing with the toys in the playroom. He especially liked the building blocks, but a lot of the boys liked the blocks too, and it was hard to get them sometimes because certain kids (Hyukk and Jongup) didn't like to share.


But, Jimin didn't really like to share either, so he understood somewhat.

Still, he got up and jogged to the back of the room, grabbing the bin of blocks before anyone else and dumping them out of the ground. Hyukk and Jongup came over too, but Jimin made sure to pull some of the blocks closer to him so he could use them.

Then he started building a tower, only when it got up to his knees, Hyukk knocked it down. Jongup laughed.

Jimin pulled his lips in, biting down on them somewhat to stop himself from getting upset. He didn't like it, but he was very sensitive, and the boys in his class always teased him when he cried. The girls said it was cute, and then the boys just teased him even more.

Jimin started rebuilding his tower, but Jongup knocked it down this time. Hyukk laughed.

Jimin swallowed as he felt a little prickle behind his eyes. No! I won't cry! Not today! I'm a big boy. I'll be in kindergarten next year. I can't keep crying all the time. I'll embarrass my brothers. They won't even want people to know that we're related.

That thought made Jimin panick even more, and he had to take several deep breaths to keep himself relatively calm.

"I'm sorry," Jongup said, smiling. "I won't knock it down this time."

Jimin hesitated, looking over at Hyukk, who also smiled.

"I won't knock it down this time either," Hyukk said.

Jimin didn't really believe them, but he didn't want to play with any of the other toys anyway, so he started building his tower again.

Jongup and Hyukk went to push Jimin into his tower, but just as they pushed Jimin off balance, Jimin felt a hand on his elbow, holding him up and stopping him from falling into the tower.


"Oh, no!" Taehyung said loudly, widening his eyes. "Are you okay, Jimin? You almost fell into your tower. Then it would have fallen," he said, staring intensely at the two other boys. "And that would have been horrible, because then I would have been really upset."

Hyukk and Jongup shivered.

Taehyung was something of a mysterious child, and none of the other kids really knew what to expect from him.

"Oh, look, Jimin," Taehyung said, still talking in an exaggerated voice as he pointed to the blocks Hyukk had been using. "There's extra blocks. We can build your tower more." He smiled tightly at Hyukk. "Can I use these blocks?"

Hyukk swallowed. "Of course."

Taehyung's smile widened, growing sharper. "Thank you so much," he said, doing a little bit of aegyo at Hyukk, which made Hyukk even more nervous. Then Taehyung gasped. "Oh, look, Jimin. There are even more blocks we can use!" He smiled at Jongup this time.

"D-do you want them?" Jongup asked quickly, and before Tae could say anything, he added, "They're yours. Take them."

"Aw, you two are just so nice," Taehyung said, grinning. "I'm so glad that two nice kids like yourselves are taking care of Jimin and being so nice to him and sharing with him and playing with him."

"R-right," Hyukk said before looking at Jongup. "L-let's play something else for right now."

Tae smiled. "Good idea."

As the two ran off, he helped Jimin build his tower up.

Jimin smiled shyly at Tae. "Thank you, Tae-"

Tae smiled. Then Tae knocked his tower over.

Jimin couldn't take it anymore. He burst into tears. "Why would you do that, Tae...that's so mean...you're so mean..."

Taehyung smiled gently at Jimin. "I'm your brother. Only I get to tease you." He ruffled Jimin's hair. "And besides, you're so cute when you're crying."

Tae let Jimin cry for a few more seconds before hugging him, and when Jimin stopped, Tae helped him rebuild the tower again.

Jimin hesitated before smiling at Tae, and then Jimin knocked the tower down himself.

At the end of the day, they had to pry Jungkook away from all of his friends (because he was always popular) before they got picked up by Namjoon, who came into their classroom and waited for the three toddlers to run over to him and cling to his legs.

Then he walked them back to the car, carrying Jimin on one him, holding Tae's hand, and keeping an eye on Jungkook to make sure he didn't get hit by a car as he ran ahead.

Then they all got in the car and went home for the day.

Jimin liked getting back in the car because when he was surrounded by all of his brothers and his dad, he felt safe.

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