《Hermitcraft Season 8 and 9 Oneshots》Mad Libs!! - Read A/N (No Season)



Today I went to my favorite Taco Stand called the questionable Pearlescentmoon. Unlike most food stands, they cook and prepare the food in a mine cart while you enhance. The best thing on the menu is the periwinkle gun. Instead of ground beef they fill the taco with cranberries, cheese, and top it off with a salsa made from snails. If that doesn't make your mouth water, then it' just like Xisuma always says: trideskaphobia is the fear of the number 13!

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Hullaballoo Erf! What a(n) Decent phrase

Hullaballoo Erf! Ain't no passing craze

It means no Students for the rest of your Packages

It's our Essential philosophy

Hullaballoo Erf!

Hullaballoo Erf?

Yeah. It's our Comb!

What's a Comb?

Nothing. What's a-Comb with you?

Those -3.104 words will Blunder all your problems

That's right. Take Doc here

Why, when he was a Spicy Space Shuttle...

When I was a Spicy Space Shuttle

Very Demonic


He found his Plan Interrogated a certain appeal

He could clear the/a North Korea after every Waiter

I'm a Superior soul though I seem Experimental

And it Nipped that my Rope never stood downwind

And oh, the shame - He was ashamed

Thought of changin' my Symphony What's in a Symphony?

And I got Protested How did ya feel?

Everytime that I...

Hey! Doc! Not in front of the Padlocks!

Oh. Sorry

Hullaballoo Erf! What a Decent phrase

Hullaballoo Erf! Ain't no passing craze

It means no Students for the rest of your Packages

It's our Essential philosophy

Hullaballoo Erf!

Hullaballoo Erf! Hullaballoo Erf!

Hullaballoo Erf! Hullaballoo Erf!

Hullaballoo Erf! Hullaballoo Erf!

Hullaballoo Erf! Hullaballoo Erf

It means no Students for the rest of your Packages

It's our Essential philosophy

Hullaballoo Erf!

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