When me and Hoseok hyung were heading to the mall, my phone vibrated. I already knew that he would call me so I just put the phone in vibrating mode so that he will not hear it. I chuckled but got a little bit sad cuz he will be disappointed and scared by now. But this is going to be fun and no need for too much to think since Jungkook will surely call Hoseok hyung and he is gonna say that I am with him.
Once we arrived to the mall, he headed to the food section and I went to the grocery section. I had a list of things to buy and I almost done after a whole half an hour. Then I was just passing by, I saw the toy section with full of kids various toys. Suddenly my little angel came up in my mind as a wide smile crept on my face. I walked to there and looked at the teddy bear section. I took a pink teddy which will be triple of her size and it is so soft and comfortable.
She really loves to cuddle something or when it is me or Kookie hyung, she will do whatever to get us. I took all the things and walked to pay. After paying, I waited for Hoseok hyung to come. He came in less that ten minute and spotted me. He also came and payed.
"Chim, why didn't you informed to Jungkook that you were going with me?"
"Why and what happened?"
"He called me a couple of minutes ago and I told him that there is no need to worry cuz you are with me."
"Don't try to lie Chim. Tell the truth."
I said the exact reason to him since I can't hide anything or lie to my friends cuz I am so bad at it.
"When he speak with me, he was really upset and more likely scared. But I made him relax and said him to go back to home since it is already getting dark."
"Thanks hyung."
"Nvm but I think he will be mad at you and I also know that you can make his madness go away very easily."
"Yeah I can."
"Okey so come, we have to go."
Hosoek hyung bid bye to me when he dropped me here in our home. I invited him to inside but he said that he will come Sunday and now he have a date with his fiance.
I sighed and took small steps to house and I ringed the bell and prayed to the God for my goodness.
After five minutes, the door finally opened only to saw a really mad Jeon Jungkook in front of me. I didn't looked at him and walked past him. He didn't stopped me which made me a little confused. I came to the living room and saw my angel sitting on the couch and watching her fav cartoon while cuddling with her fav unicorn pulshie.
"Look who is this baby?"
I asked as she averted her gaze from the TV to me as her face turned to a crescent bunny smile and excitedly jumped from the couch and ran towards me.
She yelled and ran to hug me as I knelt down and widened my arm to capture my little baby.
I squished her tightly and she giggled in excitement.
"Minnie really missed you souch mommy..."
"Ah...Mee tooo baby bun. Mamma really wanted to see you again and hug you like this."
"Then why didn't you came early?"
"I had a small shopping so.. anyways look what I brought for you."
I said as walked to get the bags and came back.
I took out the doll from one bag and she jumped when she saw that.
"Wow! Mommy....It is sooo cute....."
"Just like you...."
"I love you Mamma....."
"I love you more baby..."
I said as I peppered her with kisses.
Suddenly a rough cough hered from behind me as we both flinched a little and turned back to saw a black aura.
"Dada.. you really scared me."
"I am sorry baby. It was not my intention to scare you but I am going to give a small gift to someone who really deserves it."
He said while staring at me. I gulped a little and looked somewhere.
"Mamma, Dada is like this since he came back. He is not smiling like he used to do. But he said that he loves minni so much."
"Mmm. Okey then can you please sit on the couch and watch the TV while Mamma go and take a quick shower and come back then we can together make the dinner?"
"And one last thing. Your daily chocolate gift from your sunshine uncle."
"He is soo lovely. I love him soo much."
Said her as I gave her the chocolate and picked her to place on the couch. I give her a kiss and ran to our shared bedroom before the great JEON JUNGKOOK will follow me.
I quickly went to the closet and took a white t-shirt and black sweat pants and a towel and ran to the bathroom
Before I could close the door, Jungkook came up and stopped me. I looked at him with so done expression. On inside I was laughing heart outly.
"What in the hell Jungkook, let me take a bath"
"Why didn't you picked my call?"
"I really wanted to."
"Why? Tell me what happened to you?"
"What if I don't say the truth? And let me go. I have a little girl to feed after this."
I said as about to close the door but he came inside the bathroom and locked the door behind him.
He then pinned me on the wall and placed his two hands either on my side. I was used to be like this since he traps me whenever he got the opportunity.
But this time, his expression was changed to a mad and dark one.
"Care to explain Jeon Jimin. Why did you ignored me?"
"Because I was really mad and ."
I emphasized the word Jeolus to get his attention more to it cuz that is my plan afterall.
"Wait. But when and what did I do?"
He asked still not know the reason.
"When I was waiting for you outside the company, I saw you talking to the girl who is one of my emplyee and you introduced her to me as your old friend.
You were talking to her and she was playfully hitting on your arm. You were laughing with her. That made me kind of sad and more likely Jeolus."
I thanked God that I really didn't stuttered. But I found that he is not satisfied at my explanation.
"I will never belive you. The Jimin, Jeon Jimin, who is my husband will never get jelous and trusts his husband at anytime. So you are clearly not jeolus. So tell me. What is the exact reason."
I mentally face plamed. He is a well understanding husband and also will never belive at my stupid lies.
"I am also a typical husband Jungkook and also I will be get jelous. It is not like that I told you I will never get jelous."
I said at him acting like I am really mad at him.
He looked at me and got a little bit sad.
He looked at me as loosened the grip on me and backed a little. He sat on the edge of bathtub still staring at me.
"Seriously Chim? Who will get with some random chick when he have the most beautiful person in the world with him."
I could not bear it anymore. It is getting more awkward and I started to laugh like a maniac.
He looked at me more confused and I laughed even louder.
"I won..I won..."
"What are you saying?"
"It was a prank Kookie hyung. It was a jelous prank."
I then explained him what is exactly happened.
"You were really fun Kookie hyung. But I am sorry also if I did wrong to you."
"You know what? You are soo mean and I am soo scared when I couldn't find you."
"Sorry won't work and I think my little Chim chim deserves a punishment.
He said as stood up from the edge and walked to me with a wide smirk and I lost my laugh and stared at him.
Once again I got trapped on the wall before I could move a bit.
"I think it's time to give our Minnie a little sibling."
He smirked and leaned in but stopped when we heared a little bang on the door.
Asked Minnie while knocking the door continuously.
"What is it baby?"
"Did you see Dada?"
"I am here with Mamma baby."
Jungkook cutted me off as I glared at him and face palmed.
"Are you helping Mamma to take bath Dada?"
"Why did you asked baby?"
He again asked while I was a bit shocked at the moment.
"Cuz you And Mamma always helps Minnie to get bathed and now he really need one to help to since he is really tired. Help him to bath Dada like you does to me."
"Sure baby. As you wish."
Then I heared her small foot steps going away as I looked back at the monster in front me and again those smirks.
"Do I really want to help you baby as our Minnie asked her Dada a little favour."
"You perv.."
I said as pushed him away and opened the door and pushed him outside and closed the door. I laughed and he too.
"Baby.....open the door....."
"You will still get the punishment."
He said and walked away.
I blushed and bathed.
After a 15 minutes of bath, I got down to the living room where my hubby and angel will be.
As I walked to there, I saw Kookie hyung is sitting on the couch while our Minnie is sitting on his lap.
He is blowing raspberries on her tummy as she giggling cutely. I smiled at the view and stared at them like that.
When Kookie hyung saw me, he suddenly whispered something on her ear. Then she looked at me.
"Mammaa....come...join us..."
She Exclaimed as I waked to them. I sat next to Hyung and she crawled down from him and came to my lap. I placed her comfortably and she looked at both of us.
"Mamma....why don't you allowed Dada to bath you. He wants to help you so badly. Look how sad he is now?"
She said and I saw a pouting bunny in front of me.
"Mamma doesn't need help in bath baby."
"But you always bath me."
"You are soo little to handle alone. But look at Mamma and Dada. We are big so we don't need help. When you get big, then you will also do your things without anyone's help. Okey."
"Okyy Mammaa. Minnie understood."
"That's my girl."
"But Dada is sad."
"Yes I am. Mamma Hurt Dada so much Minnie."
Said Hyung while acting sad.
"He will be happy. Don't worry. Remember what I said that we will cook together? So come."
"Yaay..Minnie Dada and Mamma.are going to cook together."
She jumped as I took her in my arm and walked to the kitchen as hyung followed us.
I and hyung cooked as Jikook watched us while sitting on the counter.
We were sitting on the couch while watching TV.
Jikook was on hyung's lap and his one arm is wrapped around me and my head was resting on his shoulder.
A scene of a little girl who is playing with her little sibling came up on the screen and Jikook lookd at both of us.
"What happened baby?"
Asked hyung
"Is that her brother?"
She asked while pointing at the screen
"Yes. It is."
"She seems to be in same age as me and she already have a brother. But why I don't have one?"
She asked with a sad pout. I looked at her with really sad face as her little mood change will cause my whole world change.
"Can you give me one brother or sister Dada? A little one?"
She asked directly looking at his face.
"Ofcaurse baby. We will. But can you get your Mamma's permission also?"
"Mamma please......"
"Sure baby. We will give you one if that you want. We will give you everything that you will ask."
I said as she jumped while giggling screaming. I looked at hyung who have a smirky grin on his face as his brown does are staring at me time by time.
I am done now.....
I mentally cursed
"Minnie, if you want your brother, then sleep tight Okey. Dada have a little job on Mamma so that we can give you one."
Said Jungkook hyung while he tugging her on her soft duvet.
"Okey Dada....Good night Mamma, good night Dada."
"Good night Minnie...."
We both said as placed a soft peck on her forehead before closing the door behind us.
When we came out of the room, he quickly turned to me and looked at me with the same smirk
"So what?"
"Shall we start our buisiness?"
I became a blushing mess while looking away from him. He got this as a chance and picked me in bridal style before connecting our lips and walked to our room.
When we came inside he laid me down on the bed without breaking the kiss..
He broked it after some time and looked to my eyes.
"Can I?"
He then started to remove our clothes gradually......
(A/n: why are you guys still here and go away.....I am an innocent soul after all....)
(Sorry guys....bad at S writing.)
Yelled little Jihoon while crying heart outly.
"Oh my God....why are my little bean crying?"
I asked as ran to him before pulling him to my embrace.
"M-min-n-nie s-si-ssy s-aid Ji-Ji-hoonie th-at -you g-ave her -wh-at e-ve-r she as-ks."
Said Jihoon our one and half year old child with his teary eyes
"And Mamma and Dada will also give whatever our Jihoonie wants."
I said while wiping tears from his eyes..
"What happened? Why my Jihoonie crying?"
Asked Jungkookie hyung walking from the kitchen holding Jikook on his arm. She is now four years old soon to be in five.
I told him the reason as he bend down to his level.
"We will give whatever you want my baby Jihoonie..."
"Then I want five siblings..."
He said with really excited tone.
"Sure baby...we will give you what you want."
Said Jungkookie hyung who is staring at the already jaw dropped me.
"So Jimin sii...shall we restart our buisiness?"
He asked to me with a seductive tone.
"WHAT!!!!!! NO WAY......"
"YES BABY....WE WILL. Get ready for tonight that we have to make ."
*** ***
LOVE YA ALL💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
SEE YOU SOON.........
BYE BYE.....
- In Serial89 Chapters
The White Horde (Revised)
The rewritten version of the same ongoing story, recast into Past Tense and lightly edited. Inspired by the intrigue, drama, and destruction whispered to us by ancient history, this story is set in a world where magic is slowly dying, and decadent empires struggle against each other as well as against the barbarian hordes pushing ever westward. The story is told from the viewpoints of three people whose actions will change the fate of nations and empires alike: Amazonia. More than just a female gladiator but a champion of the arena, she will win her freedom at a price: to become a Reaver Knight not seen since the days of ancient Babylonia, with a mission to save the empire that enslaved her from destruction at the hands of a rival empire, the Sasnayams. Wysper. A Celtic priestess stolen away from her homeland by Muzen, high priest of the Sasnayam deity Yun-Kax, she possesses a mana node like a second heart inside her body which Muzen rips out each time he 'sacrifices' her to their god to appease the masses. Despite her strong will, everyone has a limit, and Muzen's actions have driven Wysper close to the edge of suicide. Greywolf. Son of the infamous Shadow-walker, Ghostdog, and the Celestial Asena, who was once revered as the Wolf-mother goddess, but now guards caravans for drinking money. His boring life will change when his impulsive act puts Wysper's life in danger, yet saving her risks his death, or enslavement at Muzen's hands. And all the while, the White Horde sits on the edge of empires, biding its time...
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Surpassed the Gods
Forever alone in the unknown realm without a single being excluding him, he the ruler of all will descend to the lower realms to find happiness. He will go from the uknown realm to the primeval realm to the god realms to the higher realms and finally to the mortal realms. To find happiness he will do all things even if it means slaying millions of gods and destroying a realm. --------------------- on Hiatus because I have exams coming and I need to study ! ! ------------------------------------------- Expect a rewrite on summer or my weekends because I want this story to improve. First novel by me. I will try uploading 1-2 chapters a day. I GOT THE PICTURE IN PINTEREST. I COULDN'T FIND THE CREATOR AS IT REQUIRES YOU TO CREATE AN ACC
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Under the Mask
Elira Bell used to be a hero. Now she works with the villains...and she's quite good at her job.
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Necromacy - Dark World
(Ne-Cro-Mah-See)Isekai meets Dark Fantasy in this tale of a world saturated in decay and darkness. Upon experiencing a strange dream, a young man finds himself in a world of perpetual darkness. For six days and nights the sun will not rise and creatures of the dark move in the abscence of light.Pulled into an unfamilar, hellish place he must now navigate this dark world while trying to make sense of his new environment and all the inhabitants (dead, deadly or otherwise) that he encounters.
8 184 - In Serial19 Chapters
The First Dragonborn
It was Aden’s dream of becoming known around the world, as one of the greatest adventurers ever known! Aden was your average 13-year-old boy who wanted to explore the world and live a life full of freedom. He dreamt of many such things and would dream of him and his best friend, a smart 13-year-old boy named Charles, as they traveled through those dreams and slay beasts beyond human imagination. That was what Aden could ever wish for, but like many other dreams, they are bound to be crushed by a certain person. Aden was still able to continue on fulfilling his dreams, but is now bound as nothing more than an entertainer and slave for the Princess of Destruction, Lilith, who destroyed Aden’s home and turned him into a Dragonborn. Permanently making him part-monster. Now for his entire life, along with his friend Charles, they are to entertain the princess and not bore her throughout their adventures… or else she’ll kill them. Author's Say: You might be wondering why the chapters were released so long ago and why I'm posting them again? All I'm going to say is, "Don't ask." I have gone through so much school, work, depression, and pain that I don't want to think about it anymore. And all of those combined didn't help with the fact that I'm also lazy. So, please, don't mind the time difference. Because I've gone through a lot of pain. PAIN, I SAY! Oh, also, chapters will come out when I believe they are ready. They can come from a few days to months on end. So keep that in mind when wondering when the next chapter is coming out. Alright, peace!
8 208 - In Serial12 Chapters
Astral Reviews Vol. 2
This will include reviews 21 to 40!
8 87