
Author's pov

After two days, they finally came back to their house. Jimin and Jungkook are now so much happy to return to their house with their three beautiful angels. Their mothers are also with them and helped them to took care of babies. They stayed with them until the babies got 6 months older.

Time skips.

Jimin's pov

I am currently sitting on the couch with our baby girl in my hand while Jungkookie hyung is feeding our baby boys with baby food. We named the elder one Jeon Jungmin, middle one Jeon Jiwoo and little one Jeon Jikook. The names are given by our parents except the girl. We wanted her to name by us since she is our little version not like other two, they also resembles both of us. But Jungmin mostly a kookie version and Jiwoo is a chimmy version. But Jikook, she is literally a Jikook version so we named her as Jikook.

The boys likes and will eat the baby food but Jikook is really stubborn. She only wants my milk and some water if she gets thirsty. If we force her to eat she will start to cry harder and we don't want to see our Angel's crying face. Doctor also said us that it's okey for only having mother's milk but afjmuìter 6 months we should have to give them anything nutritious plus mother's milk.

Once Jungkookie hyung completed feeding them, they came to us and sat next to me. The boys spread out grabby hands towards me and I took them after passing baby to hyung's hand.

She started to giggle while holding hyung's baby finger with her small one. Hyung is shushing and blowing blue berries on her tummy. Then he started to sing 'euphoria' for her. She really loves his music especially euphoria while our Jungmin always loves to hear spring day and Jiwoo loves still with you. All of them are really loves his music and so me. I love every song he sang and most euphoria like our minni does. Yes Jikook's nick name is minni which is given by tae, Jungmin's is Jimi and Jiwoo's is koo.


Jungkookie hyung's music started to make three of them feel sleepy. Baby boys are started to yawn and buried their small heads on my shoulder while baby girl buried her face to hyung's neck. She loves the chocolate sent of hyung's neck and always does that when hyung took her in his arm. Soon they fell asleep in our arm and we are admiring the beauty of our angels.

"They are really beautiful right hyung."

"Ofcaurse they are."

"I hope we can live this much happy ever."

"I hope too"

We both leaned closer each other for sharing a kiss but someone interrupted our precious moment.

"CHIM, wake up!!!!"

I got flinched and opened my eyes. The confusing situation that I am in my room. The same room that I was used for 21 years. Tae is looking at me with an annoying face. I looked at my hands. There is no Jungmin, Jiwoo and Jikook or even Jungkookie hyung. Then a sudden realization hit my mind that I was fuckin dreaming about them. I looked up tae. I was really sad at that moment. The most beautiful dream that I could have in my life. But it was just a dream?

"Do you have any idea that today is your wedding?"

Said tae while looking at me.

"What!? How?"

Then I remembered what happened yesterday. I was with my friends at the club that owned by us. We had some drinks. Then I don't know what happened.

Flash back.

(We are going to the night that Jimin gave his three friends a bachelor's party.)

Taehyung's pov

We are sitting on the couch while drinking. Jimin is not allowed to drink alcohol so we didn't allowed him.

"Please tae tae, I want one. Only one. Please "


I looked up at him. He have his seducing puppuy eyes that will drag you into a black hole and will never let you away from it. He really knows how to make people work for him. Aish this little brat! How will I get out from it?

"Fine....just one."

I said as his face brightened. I looked up at him. He started to pour some beer and drink it.

"Okey that's enough."

"No. You told me I can have one. That means one bottle."

"No i said one jar. Not one bottle."

"So sorry I am on now."

With that he finished the whole bottle with one minute. I couldn't stop him. Hoseok hyung and Yoongi hyung passed our early. I should have to be in my mind cuz he will pass out in any time since he started to take second one. With no time, he passed out. I took him and hyungs to their houses and Jimin to his.

His parents helped me to open his room . Luckily, all guests gone so no one saw him in this condition. I had to sleep with him since have to wake him up early for his big day. I made him change and slept beside him. All night long, he was whispering something on his sleep so I couldn't sleep properly.

I woke up early that I couldn't sleep. It is morning 5. I made my way to downstairs after covering Jimin with duvet. His parents and relatives are up. I should have to wake him up before 7 cuz the wedding is in 9 am.

"Good morning tae."

"Good morning mom."

I greeted Mrs Park.

"Is Jimin up?"

"Not yet"

"I bet he is really drunk. Why don't you stopped him?"

"I tried but I can't. He had his usual puppy eyes."

"I know something like that will happen. Anyways come have your hot coco."

She knows I only drinks hot coco so she made it for me. I had it and went upstairs to his room for getting him up.

When I came back, I heared him whispering something.

"They are beautiful right hyung?"

He said in sleep. And again something that I couldn't get. I patted him and called him.

"CHIM...wake up."

He opened his eyes and looked around disbelief. I bet he dreamt about something. I was confused.

End of flashback.

"Today is your wedding. With Jeon Jungkook and you are still sleeping how?"

"I couldn't remember anything yesterday night tae. I was at the club with you guys but ended up here. How?"

"Cuz you was really drunk and I took you here. Now get up. Hoseok hyung will be here at any moment for getting you ready for the wedding."



"Will I would be able to love him. Will he love me?"

"Ofcaurse he will. Otherwise I will kill him."

"Yes you will."

He chucked and went to bathroom. Such a stupid. I thought myself and waited for him to come out so that I can take a shower.

To be continued.

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