《WHEN YOU BECOME MINE》Our Little Angels.


Time skips

After 5 months

Jimin's pov

It's been 9 months since I got pregnant. Now my belly is very big. Our three Angels are happily living inside of me. Sometime they are really stubborn that always kicks my tummy. That hurts a little but I am always happy for them. Especially when kookie hyung talks to them. Some time he speaks to them and they always recognizes his presence and responses by giving a kick to me. It is very difficult to me to walk properly nowadays. Always mood swings, sometime angry sometime craving, sometime over excitement.(A.N- I don't really know how a pregnant person will behave...lol🤭 stupid me)

The happiest thing is that my hyung is always takes good care of me. Our mothers will always come and give everything that I want while hyung is at office. My craving is the most big problem nowadays. I will crave for anything that I want that time and I am so stubborn for that food. Hyung will always brought me which food that I want at that moment even it is midnight.

Now I am sitting on the couch in the living room.Hyung made me sit here cuz I am not able to walk or move nowadays. My tummy is very large and weight is much more than I could bear.

He is in the kitchen. Doing dishes after dinner. I am caressing my tummy and only few days more to my angels arrival. We are so excited to see them.

"Are you there my babies, this is your eomma. I know you are doing good since I can feel that. Please come soon my little angels. Eomma and Appa are waiting for you. We will spoil you by giving everything that you want. Don't be sad any time okey cuz we will be always with you. No matter what happens. Always remember that Eomma and Appa will always love you and never let you to go in any problems and always protect you. Please come soon."


The babies are started to kick gently. I felt happy at their response. Soon the kick changed to pain and turned to an unbearable crack.

I couldn't bear it anymore. I screamed loudly. I felt my water broke.

"Ah...H-hyung. ...ah......ko....ah........AH......."

Jungkook's pov

I was doing the dish but suddenly I heared a loud scream. I turned back only to see My chim is struggling and screaming in pain. I went quickly near to him

"What baby. What happened?"

"Ah...hyu....ahhh my water....ah...b-ro...ah....."

"Oh my god come baby. We should go hospital."

With that I picked him in bridal style and ran to the car. I gently placed him on the backseat and drove to the hospital as fast as I can. I informed our parents and Taehyung.

I ran through the hospital while carrying the screaming Chim on my hand. Nurses came and got him into the labour room.

Doctor Lee suddenly came somewhere.


I stuttered while sobbing.

"Don't worry. Okey. It is normal to everyone. Now come inside. You have to comfort him. It is a hard job to give birth to a baby. In your case, it is three. Now come."

We entered to the labour room. The nurse is already changed his dress to hospital uniform. I ran to him as he is crying unable to bear the pain.

"Okey Jimin try to push it with your whole strength. It will be alright. Just push."

"Come on baby. You can just push...our babies are coming. Just push."

"I-I am trying...ah...


"Yeah that's it the head is out now. Just push it 1 2 3 push....."


I heared a baby cry as the my one child is in her hand which is covered by his blood. It is crying as we also crying at that moment. Jimin is not able to see it since he is still in the verge of pain.


"Yeah one is out. Jimin, try to push. We should have to get other two to out."

"1 2 3 push now."

He pushed and second baby also came .

Now only one is left.

"1 2 3 push Jimin."


He screamed very loudly as slightly got up from the bed while our last one is out. He fell on the bed again as the scream is now slow gasps. I caressed his hair and gave a peck on his head.

"You made it baby."

I said as kissed him again. He have a faint smile and he must be very tired.

Then three nurse came with our three Angels. They cleaned them up and wrapped them in small cotton clothes. They are now sleeping inside the clothe like a cocoon. They came to us and gave them in my hands. Two of them are in my hands and one is in the nurse's hand.

"The elder two are your little prince while this one is your beautiful prince."

I got teary while seeing them in my hand and looked at my little princess in the nurse hand. Jimin slowly sit up and the nurse gave our third child to him. I am showing our boys to him while sitting on the side of bed. They are sleeping peacefully in our arms.

"They are beautiful right?"

Jimin said while small water drops coming from his eyes.

"Ofcaurse they are baby. Our babies are beautiful."

"Look hyung she got your mole beneath the lower lip."

"But she have your rose lips and cute nose. While him have my nose and lips. Him have have my nose and your lips."

I said as looking at three of them. I placed our two sons to his hand and picked our daughter in my arms.

At that time she opened her eyes slowly and looked at me. I smiled widely and placed a very soft kiss on her forehead. I saw all our babies opened their eyes and looking at us.

"Hey babies...welcome to the world. I am your appa and this is your eomma. Don't you know us."

They just looked at us then widened their eyes to look properly us.

"Your parents and friends are out there. "

"Can I please show them to them."

"Yes please."

I took our princess in my hand while two nurses carrying our princes.

We got out of the room and saw our parents and friends are gathered there. They stood up while seeing me and our children. They walked to us and smiled widely when they saw the babies.

Two nurses placed the two boys on our mothers hands and I gave the baby to Taehyung's hand. The remaining are watching them with adoring eyes.

"He is exactly resembling you Jungkook"

My mother said as I nodded in agreement.

"He is really Jimin"

Jimin's mother said as I smiled and nodded.

"And she is the little JiKook. She resemble both of you at the same time. "

Said Taehyung and everyone looked at the three beautiful sleeping small figures. I am feeling so happy now. I don't know how to explain it. Just some thing is satisfying me. All I wanted to say thankyou to my chim for bringing this beautiful babies in our life.

To be continued.

See ya later.


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