
"Let me finish this first baby. I have the solution for your problem."

I didn't understood what he said. May be he is going to call my friends or his. I don't know what is in his mind.

We finished our dinner and I am now on the kitchen and doing the dish. Suddenly I felt two strong arms around my waist and it is kookie hyung his head on my left shoulder and breathing my scent slowly and deeply.

"Hyung you just startled me."

"Why? This is usual between us."

"But today I am feeling something really weird about your behavior. Is everything okey hyung?"

"Yeah ok and did your job done.?"

"Yeah done. Why?"

"Come we can go to the bed"

Before I could say anything he grabbed me and took me in bridal style and went up to the stairs.

He placed me gently to the bed and hovered over me.

"What is the new drama kookie hyung?"

"My name is not that baby"

"Really! So you lied about your name right. And now tell me. What is your real name?"

"Oh my Chim baby you... anyways forget about all and now...CALL ME DADDY"

"What is it hyung? I have my daddy alive so why should I call you daddy. I will never do that"

"Because I am going to eat you"

"WHAT!!!! OH MY MOMMY this hyung is going to eat me. Why did you marry me to a man that ate human? WHY MOMMY?"

"I think you are innocent. My innocent Chim. Let me take your innocence from you."

"With that he turned off the light and put a blanket over us

I don't know how to write those thinks and I am a way too young and innocent to write those things gyus😅😂😇

Next morning.

Jungkook's pov

I opened my eyes and looked at the window. The sunlight is penetrating through the window curtains and I closed my eyes. I looked down only to see my baby whose head is on my bare chest. My hand is wrapped around his small body. He groaned and slowly opened my his cute and small eyes

"Good morning my wifieeee"

"Good mrng hyung"

"How you feeling now"

I asked as suddenly the memories of last night came to my mind. He is a bit tired cuz I was a bit harsh on him. The memories, those are the the best memories in my life. The way he holded me tightly and everything...

"Are you expecting me is I am good hyung after you made my body weak? My lower body is no more hyung. I can't feel it."

"Sorry baby. I will be gentle next time. Yesterday I was soo thirsty for you. That's why I made you feel week."


"Why are you saying sorry hyung. You are my husband and we have the rights on us and between I feel good now. A bit pain that's all."

He said while hugging me softly

"I am going to took care of you and you don't have to work for a week. I will took a leave from the company and Namjoon hyung will take the responsibility of the company while I am with you. Is that okey?"

"You don't have to take a leave hyung. I will manage it"

"No you will not. I am going to take care of you. That is final and I love you soo much"

"As you wish and I love you too"

We both kissed each other and went back to the sleep

Time skips.

Jimin's pov

Kookie hyung bathed me and taking care of me very well like I am his baby. Ofcaurse I am his baby. He carried me to the kitchen in bridal style and placed me on the counter. He made the break fast and fed me. I also fed him back and watched some movie. We heared the door bell and hyung got up for opening the door.

It was Tae and his girlfriend Jane.

We greeted them and they sat on the couch opposite to ours.

Me and kookie hyung is sitting on one couch and they on the other.

"Well how are you Jane?"

"I am fine Jimin and how about you?"

"Great. Why didn't you came to our wedding?"

"As I told you, I had a buisiness meeting with the Lee group in Australia "

"Yeah you said that to me and meet my husband Jeon Jungkook"

"Hi Jungkook my name is Kim Jane. Taehyung's feance."

"Oh hi Jane it is nice to meet you"

"No one wants me right"

We three looked at tae who is sitting next to Jane with a sad pout.

"Who said that we don't want you? I want you. You are mine okey?"

I said as his face lit up.

"Ah my chimmy love you so much."

"He said as ran to me and sat next to me and hugged. He kissed my cheek and I kissed him back."

"Aish tae he have a husband"

Said Jane while laughing at her cute fiance behaviour.

"Yes he have. Sorry hyung"

"Its okey tae afterall he is your best friend soulmate."

I wonder how understanding he is. I am soo much lucky to have him in my life.

We talked so much and after lunch they went back to their home.

After one month.

Jungkook's pov

I am in the kitchen making the breakfast while Jimin came to me with a tired face.

"Why are you seem so tired?"

"I don't know hyung but I have these feelings nowadays."


"We need to consult a doctor."

"Yeah we will"

"I will take an appointment and will take a leave today from office that I can also come with you."

"No you have the important meeting with Kim Corporatin today. This meeting is very important for our company's sake."

"Baby nothing is important than you"

"I know love and now please hear my word. Please go to the office. I will go with my eomma."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am"

After an hour I went for the company after giving my baby a peck and warm hug. I hope his is okey. He will call me after consulting the doctor.

Time skips.

Jimin's pov

My dizziness is getting worse time by time. A harsh pain on my tummy while I took something from the ground. I vomited everything that I ate at the morning. My mother will come at any time and we will go to her friend's hospital.

Time skips

At Hospital.

"Hey friend"

The doctor called my mother

"Hey how are you?"

"Fine how about you?"

"Also fine"

"Come sit down."

We both came near to her and sat on the visitor's seat.

"Well why did you come and oh is this is your son Jimin right?"

"Yes he is."

We shook our hand and continued

"He have a tiredness and mood changing nowadays. Today also stared to vomit. Eyes are went back skin got pale."

"Let me check on him. Jimin, come with me"

As she said I followed her to the check up room.

"Show me your abdomen. I will put the cream on there."

"I will"

"I removed my shirt a little up to show my abdomen to her"

"This cream is a bit cold. So please hold up."

She started to apply the gel on me. It was so cold but I could hold that.

She was searching on the scanning monitor I saw my inner abdomen on the screen it was a dark one. I couldn't found anything.

After 30 min, she removed all electrodes that was on my belly and said me to wipe the gell out while giving me a tissue.

We went back to mother and I sat next to her.

"Well what is the reason for his condition?"

"Jimin is married right?"

"Yes with the Son of Jeon company."

"Where is he. Why didn't he came with him?"

"He was about to come with me but I stopped him since he have an important meeting."

"Oh okey and now congrats Mrs Park you are going to be a grand mother. Your son is three and half week pregnant."

My eyes got widened when I heared that I'm going to give birth to a baby.

My mother was soo happy as I

"Thank you so much doctor."

She said to the doctor while eyes got watery.

"It is a good news and you are very fortunate to give birth to a baby. It not a common think to give birth to a baby for men you are really lucky."

"Thank you so much."

"I will prescribe some medicine and some nutrient drinks for the pregnancy period. You will have a check up on each trimester. And now wish you all the best. Go and inform your husband this. He will be soo happy"

"Thankyou doctor."

We brought the medicine and other things that doctor prescribed. I looked at my belly and caressed it smoothly. A beautiful angel is growing inside me. I am the most fortunate person in the world. I will tell this to Jungkook hyung. He will be soo happy for us. With that I took my phone out. Wait this is the most happiest news ever. So I should be tell him directly. How about going to his office. Yeah that's a great idea.

We headed to the house and mother gone after one hour. It was now after noon 2. I went to my car and drove of to our company.

I caressed my belly and whispered to our baby

"Hey my angel. We are going to appa now. I know you will be so excited to see him. I couldn't control my happiness and waiting eagerly to see your appa's happy face. He will be the best father and I will be the best mother. Baby we will give you everything and we will love you all hearted."

I said to my baby as I arrived to the company. It is the first time I am coming to here after the joining of Park an Jeon company.

I walk inside to the building very happily while every staffs after seeing me stood up from there seat and bowed to me. I bowed back and walked to the receptionist.

"Um may I saw Mr Jeon Jungkook?"

"Why are you asking to me sir? You are the owner of the company."

"Yeah now tell me where will be him?"

"He is in his office third floor and the meeting with Kim comapany will be start at 3 pm. So he will be in the preperation for the meeting."

"Okey I will go to him and thankyou"

"You are welcome sir"

I walked to the elevator I can't wait to watch my love's happy face after saying an angel is coming to our life. Oh my god controll my emotions.

I walked to his office and prepared myself before I opened the door.

I felt a deep sigh and opened the door. As I opened the door my eyes got widened when I saw the most bad seen in my entire life.

He is kissing someone?

To be continued

That's all today and I am so sorry my heart is saying to write like this. But at last everything will be alright.

Love ya all💜💜💜💜

'Don't be mad at anything because that will never give you a perfect solution for your problem"

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