
A man who is wearing white shirt, black coat and a black pand standing there in front of our door while holding a flower bouquet. He is really handsome when he smiles, his handsomeness is increasing. That brown orbs really making me crazy and wanting me to stare to it. Those pink and shining lips are really beautiful 'AHH.....you fuck Park Jimin why are you staring at him like this? Just take your damn eyes from him. You are not going to fall for him okey' I said in my mind. He is coming towards us and bowed to my parents and started to speak.

'Well this is our elder son. Jeon Jungkook and Jungkook this is Mr and Mrs Park' said Mrs Jeon as he bowed to my parents. "My name is Jeon Jungkook and nice to meet you all" "Nice to meet you son and this is our son Park Jimin" My mother said as I once looked at his eyes. He is looking at me and smiling coming close to me and stood just in front of me. "Hi, my name is Jungkook" " Hello I am Jimin nice to meet you" He gave me the bouquet and I thanked him. " Well come our dinner is ready " My mother said as we all walked to our dining hall.

I was sitting between my parents and Jungkook and his parents are opposite. While eating I felt someone's stare at me so I looked up only to saw Jungkook is staring at me and when I looked at him, he just smiled at me. 'Oh my God, why I am not able to look at him'

After dinner, we were sitting on the couch and our parents are talking and planning about marriage I was just sitting there and hearing there conversation. Suddenly Jungkook speak up. " Well if you guys don't mind, can I talk to Jimin some time?" 'What he have to tell me' "Yes son you can. Jimin, go and took Jungkook to the garden there you can talk each other" "okey eomma come " I said as we both walked to the garden.

" Hi" "Hi" " Well I want to ask you something" " Yeah sure what is it?" "Do you really like this marriage? I am watching you that you are so nervous and not even just smiling at once . Are you sure that you can live with me? " No it's not like I don't like this marriage. I don't wanted it so early. But now I am willing to marry you. If you give me some time I will prepare my mind for you. I will marry you" " You can take your own time Jimin, I will never force you for anything and you will have your own privacy in our life" " Thank you for understanding me hyung oh is hyung okey?" "Yes ofcourse you can call me anything you want so wedding is confirm right?" "Yup. I guess so" With that we went back to inside. There our parents are still discussing about marriage. "Well kids, we decided that your marriage will be after 3 week. Is that okey" Said my father as we shook our head as approval. "Sure as you wish " said Jungkook while looking at me and smiling. I smiled to him back. After one hour they left as I gave my phone number to Jungkook. They bid bye and went.


" Are you ok babe?" My asked as I node my head as yes. " Well eomma appa, can I sleep over tonight at tae's house it's been a long time since I sleep in his house" "sure you can and come before 10 am. We have some wedding purchase" "Sure I will. Now bye eomma bye appa" "Bye chim" With that I went to tae's house.

Time skips at Taehyung's house.

We are laying on tae's bed while cuddling each other. We used to be like that so nothing is awkward. " Tell me pal how is your fiance? Is he handsome or hot?" "Both and also very understanding" "yeah you are so lucky and do you have his photo that I can see him." " oh yes I have." I showed him his picture that was taken when at our dinner. " Wow he is soo handsome man you are perfectly matching for him. Like made for each other." Suddenly my phone buzz out that I opened the notification and looked at the message. It was from Jungkook. "Who's that" " it is from Jungkook" "Reply to him" "No I not" " Hey come on reply" "Ahh okey"


Hey Jimin


Hi hyung


What are you doing?


I am with my best friend why?


Nothing and what is

Your friend's name?


His name is Kim Taehyung.


Oh say a hello to him


Sure hyung




Yeah tell me hyung


Nothing ah..good night.

Just sleep Well okey


I will and same Good night


Good night

I hung up the phone and looked at tae who is looking at me with a smirk. " Now what for this smirk huh" " He really wanted to say something to you" "What" " I don't know maybe something that happening in his heart like yours....." "You know what alien? You are the worst friend" "But I am your soulmate and don't you dare to change soulmate post to Jungkook otherwise I will ruin your wedding" "yeah yeah you are my soulmate and always will be. No matter what happens love you so much tae tae" "love you chim chim" we hugged each other very tightly and drifted into sleep.

After 3 weeks.

Tomorrow is my wedding with Jungkook. I am going to change my life along with surname and will change to Jeon Jimin. Now me and my friends are at club. This is a bachelor's party. Guests are coming to my home so eomma said to celebrate at club since this is our club. Me, Taehyung, Yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung are at our club. I am not allowed to drink alcohol and Tae doesn't allowing me too. They are drinking so much and losing their concious time by time.

" Finally our little mochi is getting married. I am so much happy man" said Hoseok while wiping imaginary tears. " Shut up hope you are creating a drama" Said yoongi while taking a shot of vodka" " Guys can I have one too" I pouted as they looked at me." No you are not allowed to drink alcohol today. Please don't dream about it" said taehyung while looking at me " ok as you wish" I didn't said anything looking at my friends as they all are enjoying the drinks and I am only drinking some fruit punch. After two hours I carried one by one of them to the car because they all passed out at this time. I drove yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung to their house and took taehyung with me to my home. I laid him on my bed and walked to the bathroom for a shower and got changed to a oversized hoodie and a sweat pant. I also removed his coat and shoes and put a blanket over him. I looked at my soulmates face who is whispering in his sleep like a little baby.' Sleep tight love'I said as I also laid beside him and drifted to the sleep.


The next morning

I got up from the bed by hearing my alarm sound. I woke taehyung also. First he didn't got up so I spilled some water to his face. He stood up while whining. I chucked at his reaction and went to the bathroom for shower. As I came back I saw tae is sleeping while sitting on the bed. I forcefully held him to the bathroom and he also showered. His dress for my wedding is here since he decided to spend my last time as a bachelor with me. We got ready and went to downstairs and my and his family was also there and a few relatives. Yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung will came to the church so we went for their after that.

My father held my hand while walking through the aisle towards Jungkook. I can only see his broad shoulder and facing his back to me. As I approached near to him, he looked back and gave me that usual smile everytime he gave me. My father gave my hand to his hand and he hold it and still staring at me and smiling. He is such a good looking one his eyes, nose, cheek, lip everything was a masterpiece. I do also stared at him when priest started to speak l went back to the reality.

"Do you Jeon Jungkook take Park Jimin as your lawfully wedded husband?" " Yes I do" He said while looking at my eyes " Do you Park Jimin take Jeon Jungkook as your lawfully wedded husband?" " Yes I do" I said and looking at his eyes. "Now I am announcing you as the newly wedded couple. You may kiss the groom" The priest said as my heart started to beat fastly. As Iook he is slowly leaning for the kiss. I closed my eyes when felt a plump and soft lips touched mine. We stranded like that for a few seconds and leaned back. I looked at my family and friends my mother is tearing up and my father is having a proud smile. My friends are cheering for my as I chuckled at my tae's expressions. " Shall we go?" I heared Jungkook say as he hold my hand softly and walked through the aisle while bowing to the friends and family. Finally our wedding is over. We are now talking with our friends. I introduced my friends to him and he also introduced his friends to me. " Jimin, this is Namjoon hyung my friend and also father's secretary." He said as I bowed to him "And he is Seokjin hyung. He have a restaurant near to our company" I bowed to him also. " Well jimin nice to meet you Jimin and we can get know by each other very well soon" Said Namjoon and I bowed at him. "Well Jungkook if Jimin want anything for eat just come to my restaurant I will prepare anything for him." Said Seokjin and they went to their home as the wedding party is almost over. Hoseok hyung and Yoongi hyung are also went but Taehyung is still hear. "So this is your best friend right?" Asked Jungkook hyung. "Yes he is and most clearly he is not a single best friend to me.. he is my everything. My soulmate" I said as tae hugged me. I saw Jungkook is smiling at us and I also smiled at him." Jungkookie hyung..sorry can I call you that?" "Ofcourse Tae you can call me that" "cool. And hyung will you allow me to hangout with Jimin at weekends? I can't live without that." He asked as we eagerly waited for his answer." There is no need for asking it Tae, you can come anytime to our house and don't worry I am not going to take your soulmate away." He said as we chuckled. Finally the party Is fully over and we went to our new house. Jungkook's parents brought a new house for us . So we will live there. I bay wanted to live as a family but what can I do.

Finally we bid bye to my parents and Tae.

" God will bless you everytime. If you want anything just come to us. I hope Jungkook will love and protect you like we do" My mother said while tearing up "its okey eomma I will be alright." "I know" "And Jungkook, don't make our child sad. We never made him cry in his entire life." Said my appa while hugging me and kissing my forehead. " I will appa and I promise you that I will never make him cry and will always be his side" Jungkook said while once again holding my hand. " Good luck man, wish you a happy married life guys." "Thanks Tae" We hoped into the car and bid bye bye to them. I will be always your son eomma and appa no matter what happens. I said in my mind and Jungkook started to drive away.


Well guys this the second chapter. More to come. Please vote and comment. I will try my best to give new to you soo bye...see ya later💜💜💜💜


And one thing " Never lose your time for stupid things cuz the time will never stop for you"

Bye guys love ya alll💜💜💜💜💜

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