《Until I Found Her》VIII. That's a Wrap


I didn't mean to be rude but at the same time, I don't care about what leaves my mouth as long as it's not something that could damage someone's self esteem.

~ Y/n's POV ~

So the movie was set to come out on October 31th, I was pretty excited for it as the fall is my favorite season and Halloween has to be my favorite holiday in the world, the movies and the costumes is what makes me want to have Halloween everyday.

We start working on the movie tomorrow which was really exciting for me as I was so ready to give my all for this movie and make sure that I didn't have any bad blood with anybody, especially with a certain brown haired boy with his gorgeous curls.

Speaking of Mason, he was now talking to a Hispanic boy with his hair in a man bun, he looked over at me a couple of times and immediately I believed that he was talking about me to him and that was why he was looking over at me.

My mom was with the other parents as they spoke and got along really well, I loved seeing my mother happy and talking to people of her age that weren't racist or disrespectful to anyone else.

I was alone in the corner with my airpods in playing my Spotify playlist, I don't know if I looked as if I was trying to be mysterious but in reality I was trying not to look bored or alone, that was the literal last thing I actually needed right now.

To keep myself from triple texting my friends, I looked around allowed my music to flow throughout my ears, that's when the Hispanic boy that kept looking back at me started to walk my way.


Almost as if it was a reflex, I began to think of the worst and began to think that he was about to yell at me for being rude to his friend, I didn't like how scared I was when confrontation was on the line.

How am I supposed to not care what anybody thinks about me when I'm afraid they're going to jump me the minute anything that is the slightest opposite of what they say leaves me lips? It's as if saying your vegan but still going to eat meat because you're scared of others judging you.

"Hey, I'm Miguel and my friend over there, Mason, well he wanted me to talk to you."

The Hispanic boy introduced himself with a smile, I looked over at Mason as he was staring really hard over here, he looked away quickly and began to walk over to Madeleine to talk to her.

I sighed and nodded my head as we walked over to where the prop couches were and sat down on them, he smiled at me and began to explain that Mason was a nice person.

But everything he's said is what you hear right when the person isn't as sweet as what they seem, I just kept nodding my head and listening to what he was saying intently.

"Look what I'm trying to say is Mason isn't a rude guy and I'm sure you're not either."

Miguel gave me a cheeky smile, I smiled back at him before biting the inside of my cheek to keep myself from saying anything remotely rude, I didn't want to have anyone hating me because there's moments I don't think and just speak.

I didn't mean to be rude but at the same time, I don't care about what leaves my mouth as long as it's not something that could damage someone's self esteem.


I responded honestly, Miguel nodded his head and told me he understood what I said as his girlfriend is also like that but she makes sure she apologized if anyone is offended by what she said.

From the topic of Mason, we switched to Miguel's girlfriend.

Iris Hilton, she's a sixteen year old model that has a face that looked like it was made by Aphrodite herself, I gushed at the photos he showed me and instantly became friends with him.

Although Iris and I possibly wouldn't be friends, I followed her on all social medias and followed Miguel as well before got up from the couch and traded numbers.

Even though his point in the conversation was for me to give Mason a chance, I just couldn't.

Like have you ever had a gut feeling that someone isn't as nice as they seem so you're set out on a mission to uncover the fact that they also have flaws and know when to spit venom? That's me at this moment, if I have to be mean to him just to prove that he's not as sweet as he seems then I'll do it.

It's what he deserves after the market thing, I seem childish as hell right now.

But for now, this part of the "movie" is over, I'm done with introductions and I'm ready for all the action that is going to be coming for me, this is a wrap.

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