《Water Lovers》Chapter 7


*Hey readers, just a shout out that Water Lovers story will be daily updated with new chapters so read on and enjoy. Please comment and follow. Thank you=)*

If a person asked me to kill someone, I would say definitely not as I am a good person, but if it is to hurt someone as annoying as Jack can be, well....?

"As much as I would love for a buffy guy like you to do so, I do not want you to." I pat Max right breast.

"I can handle my own problems myself, especially with an idiot like Jack. I also feel like you should keep a heavier eye on him. I am getting a dangerous aura from him and that is never a good thing." Max knows about the sixth sense my family experiences.

When there are people who seem nice or non-threatening but in reality behind a mask they are up to no good. Max was able to get those guys in jail with good evidence on each of them.

"Alright, I will also give a shout-out to the force for an extra background check on him and his activities. Not to worry you are safe." Max reassures me.

Max before becoming a military man he was in the police force for three years and with help of my father's sixth sense of danger got a lot of baddies in jail. My police dad catching bad guys and taking names; keeping this world safe.

"Alright, here we are. Now, do what you do best!" Max gives me two thumbs up. His eyes though aren't on me but something behind me.

"Don't look now but the new creature has come to view your show too." Max points to behind me and I twist my torso to see him.

The merman is in fact looking at me. He is gazing at the tail in confusion and bewilderment. I guess he thought I was human but now I have a mermaid tail.

I will have to explain to him after what I do. Anyway, it seems I am less nervous about this show. Somehow the merman calms my nerves a lot more than Max ever did and it scares me a bit.


I lay on my back and begin to breathe pressing one hand on my stomach to pressure it for the reverse flow of breath.

Instead of inhaling with my lungs expanding along with my stomach, I am inhaling by pressing my stomach in.

It sends better airflow in my body and prepares me to keep some Co2 in my body for a longer period of time. Can actually hold my breath for six minutes.

Usually, a professional mermaid can hold their breath underwater for four and a half minutes. The mysteries and weirdness of my family are getting bigger.

I need to find out about my family, the truth in all these odd aspects and behaviors. Everyone knows my family but nobody says anything. When I return home, I intend on finding out anything I can about my family. No matter the cost.

Also, maybe, I can ask John. My mother has worked here when John took over the aquarium from his father. John must have seen something or been told something from my mother.

Although I doubt it since my parents have always been on edge with allowing people to come over to our home or know anything about us unless it is what we do for work. i guess that explains why I am not a strong social butterfly.

Once my breathing is calmed along with my heart, I give Max a thumbs up and he lifts me slightly and pushes me into the water.

I wave my hands around and look at the colorful fish swimming around. Yellow and Blue tangs, silver-blue forage fish, and a few other small fish pass me as I swim.

Some of their scales rub silky along my arms and their fins tickle a bit at my stomach.

At the corner of my eye, I see the merman's gaze on me. Time to put on a gorgeous show. For him or the people? Both I suppose like hitting two birds with one stone.

I lower my hands and start to move my legs in the tail. The tail moves from straight to back pushing me forward slightly and soon I swim like the pro that I am, toward the glass.

I see some flashing cameras and know the crowd is in front of me. I place my hands on the glass and smile at the little girls I can see slightly from the dark underground cave.


I place my lips against the glass and lift my hand to my lips making bubble kisses come out.

I swim along with the glass to my left and wave to the crowd. I smile some more and swim backward on my back to the right.

Once I am done I move away from the glass and head to the coral. I pick up a seashell and look at it. I then pretend I see the basket on the floor on my left but it is just blurry images to me.

I stretch my arm forward wrapping my fingers on the handle picking it up.

I place my seashell in it and swim to gather some more things. I pick up the clear jar of pearls slanting on a pinkish shade of coral.

I vaguely hear Mike saying it is for accessorizing my hair and for potions. I swim to another end of the tank grabbing the fake green seaweed and wrap it up in my hand like a ribbon and place it in.

Seaweed with salmon can be a great meal if I ever dare to try it. I always keep to smelts which are. So. Good!

My chest is constricting and my head feels like the forage fish is swimming inside. I am nearing six minutes.

I push my hand down and flap my tail to swim above with basket in hand.

I surface taking a deep breath in and Max who stays to help me for the show grabs the materials from the basket.

"The other materials are the blue bottle potion behind the giant orange coral and the last item is the shell necklace in the brown chest on the left of the tank where you swam earlier. Need this shell to dig it up." I nod at Max's explanation and places the shell from the basket onto the metal platform.

Max reaches down to hand me the empty basket again and dip my head back in the water. All the loud crowd noise is muffled and I feel at peace each time I am in the water.

I turn swimming in front of the coral that is in the center. I look about the tank sandy floor and move on to the center of the coral where there is a big hole that fits for me and my tail.

I swim through it and on my right, I see the blue bottle, I pick it up swimming out into the open for the crowd to see what I caught.

I examine it a bit for the entertainment of the people and head to where the chest is buried. We ever have the chest be buried on some special occasion. It must be a child's birthday or something.

You will find the key to my heart,

We'll never be apart

I look around as a male's voice starts to sing. Huh? Where is that coming from?

I look about on the floor and take out the big shell I usually use for digging the sand. I gaze up to the crowd and point to the shell smiling.

I begin to dig and soon I feel the rough texture of the chest.

I let the shell go beside me and with my bare hands dust the sand off the rest. I hear Mike gasp in the wonder of what I have found.

I grab both ends of the chest and haul it out of the sand. I form my mouth into an 'O' in amazement looking at the crowd. I swim further closer to the glass and take off the lock.

I see some little hands on the glass, the children are more curious than I am. Since it is a chest for a surprise I must be equivalently surprised like the children if I am to gain their attention. I am never told what is in the chest so somehow I fear for what I will find but at the same time, I am excited.

There is nothing that can console me,

But my jolly sailor bold

The deep male voice sings at the back of my mind. I open the chest and nearly suck in a breath of water.

*What is in the chest? I wonder!

And who pretell is singing?

Comment down below and follow along for the reveal in the next coming chapter.

Thank you=)*

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