《Water Lovers》Chapter 4


*Hello my lovelies, don't look now but this is a new chapter for the Water Lovers story. Do Comment and follow me to get more interesting tales to read to. Thank you=)*

If my family past ever taught me anything is a mystery, suspense, and myth talking are overly dramatic. Alas, though all that myth talk and magic has now made sense.

It makes even more sense when they talk about how dangerous mermaids can be. I feel like it is my job to prevent that somehow.

The first step it seems is keeping suicidal scientists and scuba divers from feeding the creature bloody appetite.

Sorry Merman but blood is not on the menu in this Aquarium!

"I wasn't thinking but going on instinct. John, I would like to ask the idiots of scientists you brought in this room; how they became scientists." I glare at John when the situation came swirling in my mind.

John doesn't say anything, only opening and closing his mouth like a pufferfish. My glare can't be that scary? I give him a questioning look and he points behind me.

I turn my head and see the merman centimeters away from us hovering in the water. The look the merman is sending to John is scary enough to have me whimper like a scared and beaten puppy.

His eyebrows are narrowed down casting a dark shade of his rusted gold eyes and I see some specks of red in there. His lips are pulled in a sneer showing one of his fangs which seem thin like paper but long like a needle that can rip bones to pieces.

His scary and murderous look screams at people not to come near. I certainly will not go near him when he is that angry although if I don't pull him out of that look then I will be suffering from nightmares all week.

"Hey, you alright?" I place a hand on his face gently hoping the fear that is coursing in my veins doesn't make my hands shake or else I will scare him, I guess? His glare turns soft like a light switch making me almost pull away. Almost!

He gazes up at me and I gaze into those swirling tornados of the sea. I feel so hypnotized and enchanted I don't bear to move from where I am perched at.

He glances down at my lips and back to my eyes. I start moving in but then a cough breaks our connection apart. That was too close and wait...?

Was I going to kiss him?! I just met him and he is a sea creature and I am a human. Geez, I fear this merman is going to change me for the worst or the better?


"Uh, maybe you should go back into the tank," Mike says with a deeper tone in his deep voice.

I wonder why his voice has changed tone...oh wait, he is jealous. Why? The merman and I aren't going to be anything but acquaintances. Right?

The merman glares at Mike but slowly moves back into the tank swimming away. I blink a few times trying to make sense of what went on.

I shake my head and stand up with a towel on my shoulders. This day has gone from smooth and normal to crazy wild confusion.

Time to deal with those scientists and the stupid dead diver. I certainly am thinking of strangling the idiot.

If the public found out the new asset killed scientists and divers all because one of our staff members wasn't informed or better yet weren't present at the scene then we might lose audience and profit.

Don't want that to happen!

"Hey, boys, whose idea was it to send him into that tank without a staff member of ours to watch or for confirmation you can do such things," I ask with venom hinting in my voice but with a sweet smile that hides the swearing sentences in my mind.

My icy glare turns to look at each of the boys in the room, minus my boss John and friend Mike.

"We wanted to take a few blood samples of his body, but you ruined it little girl." The main scientists tell me and my glare increases intensity which makes the boys back away.

"Miss Waver is right, you need me or one of my staff authorization for you to do such things. That merman would have struck for the kill if it wasn't for Miss Waver here. We do not lose our public audience all on account of a reckless decision from you all." John speaks up to the men, they nod and say sorry.

I guess that is why John and I are great friends and business partners because we think alike.

"Why her though? She is just a fish whisperer and a girl, she has no authority here." the main scientist says.


My eyes widen at the strong sound that echoes around the room and shakes the cameras a little. Hopefully, the cameras don't fall and break.

We face the tank to see the merman banging his body at it. His strong silver tail near his hips is the cause for such a strong sound.


I jump startled in fear at the strong sound. I hope he isn't causing himself bruises for that won't be a good image for the aquarium.


Just imagine it Aquarius Aquarium! Abuser to their sea animals even the mythical ones! Yeah, that will be front-page news worldwide.

The merman death glare is on the main scientists and he continues to bang against the glass.

If he continues I fear the glass will crack and break so to prevent it; I walk over to the tank and place my hand on the glass that keeps us separate.

He calms down but still hovers near me, his gaze lessens a bit but still holds that sneer on his lips.

"Seems the merman doesn't like what you saying about Sarah, doctor," Mike says pushing his chest out in pride.

"Sarah is the best we aquamarines have in this facility, no other person in any other aquarium around the world has a Wavers such as Sarah. So please refrain from saying such things about her." John finishes that statement glaring at the men in white coats.

"Well, we still need our research concluded and we will have the blood samples and stuff with or without you, little girl." The main scientist announces directing his gaze from me to John to the merman who is sending darker glares than a vampire can.

Geez, this creature is not only a creature of myth and beauty but one of the nightmare. I guess that is why sailors fear mermaids and sirens, only their looks can kill besides their fangs.

"Fine but still, we will find a way to get what you need but in a gentle way not suicidal." John discloses the meeting and leaves with the scientists behind him out of the room.

I sigh and lean my body against the glass. I see through the light from the tank on the floor a figured silhouette around me. The merman is right in the back of me and I smile a little. I turn and close my eyes while leaning my head on the cool glass.

The cool glass cools down my frontal headache and erases all my thoughts to cool clear air. I open my eyes and look at the creature. He is gazing at me with wonder and worries with care all in that hurricane of watery eyes.

"It is alright." I smile at him and then walk over to the spilled container of fish.

I pick the fish up and walk out of the room to a sink where I clean the fish and then return, heading up the stairs and the merman swims up observing me. I smile again at him and place the bucket down.

I certainly am not a barbarian, if I spill the fish I wash it just like if I drop an apple, I wash it instead of throwing it in the garbage.

I bend placing one hand on the steel railing and swipe my feet out from under me lowering my ass down on the metal.

My legs are dangling and my toes enter the water. I take a fish and show it to the merman, he approaches with that dominating gaze. He flicks his gaze to the fish and then back at me.

"It is for you, you need to eat, and don't worry I made sure there isn't anything in the skin or guts," I tell him trusting he can understand me.

To keep track of the animals that need our medical attention, we sometimes put trackers in the fish we feed the animals. This is a new specimen and isn't injured so there is no need to put a tracker in the fish.

He grabs hold of the fish but his fingertips brush against my skin, sending shivers up my spine. A blush forms on my skin and I watch the merman rip the fish apart swallowing it down. I chuckle a bit but keep handing him fish until there is no more.

He smiles licking his pink full lips and shift closer to his head and shoulders are between my legs. the cool water sends tingles along my nerves.

He turns his gaze at my right leg and caresses his cold touch on my warm skin. Shocks and shivers run like a storming sea over my body, nerves on fire.

His hands trail up my leg slowly enjoying the feeling of soft silk it gives him. Not to worry I always shave my legs before coming to work.

He turns his gaze back at mine and he dips back in the water only to flap his tail downward and ascend his body to my height.

Water droplets fly and spray on my skin. His hands moving past my hips to the metal behind me holding his upper body steady and keeping me in the middle trapped.

His chest touches mine and his face is an inch close to mine. I gasp and had to lean back at the proximity.

His gaze flickers to my lips and back to my eyes asking permission. In response, I lick my lips and nibble on my lower lip in anxiety.

What is he going to do to me?

*Hey reader, so what do you think the merman going to do?

Comment down below and keep on reading to find out.=)*

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