《Dust ✔️》Chapter Thirty-Five: Hostile
There was nothing I could do to get rid of the purple discoloration under my eyes. Lack of sleep and a lot of booze the night before will do that to you. Miles was looking pretty beat himself while we made simple conversation outside on the front steps of their dreadful house.
Aria opened the door quietly and stepped down the steps, now standing in front of us. Her transparent nylons accentuated her legs perfectly. She was wearing a dress that she normally wouldn't, my guess to impress her parents. I shouldn't be talking though, I was wearing a dress shirt similar to Miles. I hated it. The only one I could find was a half sleeve which gave her parents a perfect opportunity to see my arm tattoos and judge me further.
"How's the hangover?" Miles asked Aria.
Aria gave a cheeky grin. "It finally went away a few hours ago. I've actually got a second wind now, I'm feeling great." Chipper as usual.
"That makes one of us," Miles muttered with a simple laugh.
"It's weird, I don't remember my bedsheets being green..."
I started laughing while hauling on my smoke. Miles smirked at her comment as well.
"What?" She asked.
"That's because they aren't the same one from last night," I said between inhales, then chuckled again. "You don't remember throwing up all over the bed last night?"
Aria's face turned three shades of pink as she gawked at me. "No I did not."
"Oh yes you did. You threw up all over the bed, then when I gave you your garbage can, you threw up in there, then spilled it. On me, might I add. But don't worry, love, I held your hair back," I winked at her with a smile on my face.
Miles started laughing and instigating her while she continued her attempts to redirect the conversation.
"I heard what you told mom last night," Miles raised an eyebrow. Aria shot a glance in my direction and I gave her an innocent shrug in return. "You get ballsy when you've had a few, I'll tell you that."
"Oh, I heard all about it this morning," Aria grumbled.
"How mad was dad when he found the shattered vase?"
Aria laughed. "He was furious as usual. Mom ratted me out and told him all about how I came home at three in the morning, plastered and disrespecting her house with my thug boyfriend." Her arms moved around while explaining herself, air quotes being thrown into the conversation.
"So in conclusion, this is going to be a really awkward dinner tonight," Miles accepted, nodding his head casually.
I sighed while ashing my cigarette. It would be even more awkward considering I took the heat for knocking over their vase last night. Nerves have been battling in my head since I woke up this morning; Hours upon hours of pondering just leaving while we can and avoiding the inevitable.
"It wouldn't be as awkward if we all smoked a joint," I mumbled.
Aria and Miles looked at each other and exchanged a glance, then looked back at me with wide eyes. I raised an eyebrow and tilted my head upwards as a gesture to ask them what they were thinking.
"Do you have any on you?" Miles asked.
"Do you think it's a good idea?" Aria asked the two of us. I had meant my comment more for myself rather than an actual plan but I wasn't against the idea.
"It's brilliant," Miles' lips turned into a malicious grin.
I shrugged and took the joint out of my cigarette package and gave Miles the lighter to go first. It was amusing that just last night he said he didn't even want to smoke a cig but now here he is getting high.
He was free spirited like his sister.
The three of us walked back into the house with red eyes and sly smiles on our faces. I had some pretty strong stuff on me. It felt like the walls were vibrating ever so slightly, it was a weird sensation. The room with the fancy patterns was less repulsing but more stomach turning as it was making my head spin.
The dinner table was a rectangle, perfect for a head honcho and his mistress to sit across each other on the short ends - Perfectly capable of viewing the rest of us. Of course the whole table would be made out of ebony wood - the most expensive tastes.
I sat down beside Aria while Miles sat across from her. Miles stabbed his broccoli with his fork and stuffed the large piece in his mouth which inevitably caused his cheeks to puff out. "Oh man," He gurgled. "This. This is good food." He chewed relentlessly.
"Miles," His mother gasped which caused Aria to giggle. "Show some manners, we have a guest."
"Ma, Eli could stuff his face as much as I can, he doesn't care," Miles smiled innocently.
"It's proper to wait until everyone is seated and ready," Annabella continued.
"Speaking of guests, I feel as though we should address the elephant in the room," Their father spoke up as he entered the room as if he was about to make some big announcement.
With heavy, droopy eyes, I looked up at Terry. I hadn't even picked my fork up before the obsessive authoritative figure decided to instigate. It must be true then, he must recognize me. He must have accessed my medical records while he was at work yesterday.
He knows about all of my drug charges.
"Sweetie, I don't think it's very wise that you become so close with the people you meet where you're living so far away." He spoke as he adjusted his attire while sitting at the table.
Aria looked up at her dad and offered a restrained smile. "Why not?"
I suppressed the urge to look her way and focused my attention on her father.
"It could lead to you getting hurt," Terry said slowly while looking at me.
He could know of my assault charges.
"Hurt?" Aria asked. "Everyone I've met so far has been nothing but kind." She defended our friends and myself.
"I could disagree-"
Aria looked away from her father and made eye contact with Miles who started laughing out loud at whatever stream of thoughts he was producing.
Aria bit her lip and widened her smile as well before she looked down at her plate and started giggling. She was trying hard to not be noticeable but was clearly failing.
I felt a smirk creep up on me while I watched the two of them stoned out of their mind, trying to have a normal conversation with one another. They were both light weights and it amused me. I had plenty years on me with drugs, this was nothing I couldn't handle.
"Sloths are such pointless animals," Miles said while holding back further laughter, then wiped a tear out of his eyes.
Aria laughed and cocked her head to the side slightly, confused and interested in her brothers thoughts.
She then looked to me with a small smile. To calm her state, I held her hand over the table, giving her a firm squeeze.
"That's enough!" Terry snapped at the sight of our hand hold. "You shouldn't be making very close relations with people down there, Aria. Not when you'll be moving back here soon to study."
I narrowed my eyes at Terry and glanced at Aria.
She shot her eyes towards her parents. "Wh-We talked about this already, my home is in-"
"Not when you haven't had a career started yet. Who will support you when your paint brushes don't provide you with your house anymore?"
"I will," I stepped up with an obvious tone.
"Covered in grease playing with cars? I don't think so," Terry sneared.
I let Aria's hand go and placed them under the table, not visible to anyone to see they were balled up and ready to attack.
"Say that again," I muttered a threat.
"This family is so dramatic," Miles said while he set down his fork. "Can't we be happy for one day?"
Annabella looked at Miles who dipped his head towards the table as if his brain weighed thirty pounds slowly and back up. "What is going on?" She asked. "What's wrong with your eyes?"
"It's pink eye," Miles replied with a grin.
"Playing with cars?" I asked.
"Dad, Eli works very hard," Aria frowned, disappointed. "Being a mechanic is a great career."
"People who do jobs like roofing and automotives are people who have never gone to college, let alone high school. Have you finished high school, Eli?" Terry asked with a bite of his food and a raised eyebrow.
"Dad-" Miles interjected, trying to calm the situation before it really started.
"I'm not a moron, I finished high school. I got my GED In-" I stopped myself short. Fuck sake.
"Oh but you did drop out then. Where'd you finish?" Terry tested. "Jail?"
I stayed silent but continued to watch him. I didn't know what was worse, saying I finished it while in a mental institution or lying and agreeing it was jail.
"Does it matter? He has his education and makes a lot of money, enough to support himself and me if anything were to happen," Aria sneered with an ever so slight slur in her words. Not enough to catch the attention of her naïve parents. "I love him," she admit.
She looked up at me for reassurance and I offered a simple smile.
"I love him," she repeated. "I love you. And you can't talk to him that way."
Annabella looked at her daughter with a face of guilt. She wanted to say something but didn't have the power to do so. Pity.
"Never depend on another person, Aria, especially a drug addict low life. You need a real career, not just a hobby."
Aria set down her fork and glared at her father.
"She doesn't depend on me, she's an adult, she takes care of herself. At least she's doing something that makes her happy and not patrolling parking spots giving out tickets," I snapped. Fuck, he was getting on my nerves.
"Oh boy," Miles laughed nervously.
Terry slapped his fork down on his plate and glared at me. "You are a guest in my house-"
"You haven't been making him feel much of a guest, dad. Let's just drop this conversation, shall we?" Miles said with a glance in my direction.
Thanks, Miles.
"Would anyone like some peas?" Annabella held the large bowl out in front of us.
Aria turned to me and I shook my head in disbelief.
I didn't want to come here.
Miles slid his hand towards the bowl of peas and took one out with his finger and thumb before popping it into his mouth. Annabella stared at him.
"Miles," She said.
He turned to her with a cheeky grin. "Ma."
"Are you high?" She asked.
"Just a lot," He laughed like a bobble head.
Annabella gasped and looked around the room. She met eyes with Aria, then turned to me with a distraught face.
"My children are making a mockery out of this family," Annabella scoffed, disappointment dripping from her tongue.
Terry's eyes never left mine. "It's not our children."
I glared at him, staring him down like I did with most people I didn't like. He was trying to belittle me and it was pissing me off. He was tough to crack but I saw his eyes flicker under my watch.
He must know about the public disturbance charges too.
"You show up here one day and get my daughter high," Terry glowered. "Then my son. I could just imagine the influence you have when you're back home."
I didn't say anything, but instead just stared at his figure.
"That's enough of this conversation at the dinner table. Everyone eat your food please and try to enjoy your meals," Annabella shocked me with her words.
Dinner didn't last long before everyone was finished eating and packing up the plates. I barely touched my meal, too annoyed to have an appetite. The conversation fell short quickly and filled with awkward sounds of cutlery touching the plates. I hated family.
Aria made it so easy when she visited Tyler's family. I wish it could have went the same way.
I excused myself quietly, and removed myself from the room. I wiped my clammy hands on my jeans before retreating myself outside. I took a large inhale and and even larger exhale, attempting to calm my nervous.
I hated people. I hated that I was so hated. And I hated how much I disappointed Aria.
Miles met me outside while I hauled on my dessert.
"Hey," He said and sat beside me on the steps.
"Sorry about dinner," I muttered while taking a puff.
"Don't sweat it. Our parents suck. I'm sorry they treated you that way."
I shrugged. "They have a right."
Miles shook his head while he stared in front of us at the nearby nature. There was muffled noises of heat and resentment coming from inside the house and it was making my skin burn. I tilted my head towards the displeasing sound.
"They argue like this a lot, don't worry," Miles said. "Today has been longer than most days though but it always simmers down."
I didn't like that.
"I should go in there," I flicked the ashes of my smoke.
"No. You'll make it worse by interrupting. Let them work it out, it'll calm down soon," Miles asserted. "It always does."
I sighed. I felt useless just sitting here. After a few moments of us not speaking, I couldn't handle the noises from the other side of the door. My leg started to bounce while I twirled my smoke in my fingers. I needed a distraction.
"Why do you sleep with so many women if you're still hung up on a girl you could easily get back?" I asked. Simple conversation never hurt anyone, I guess. It wasn't my preferred choice though but it'd have to suffice.
Miles bitterly laughed. "The same reason why you slept with many women before dating my sister. I'm filling the void in the sake of selflessness."
I nodded slowly. "Many people have a family while the husband is in the military."
"Yes, many people do. But have you seen how miserable they are? Constantly sick with worry, having to move all the time, dealing with their spouses pain? I wouldn't want to put anyone through that."
"You can't be alone forever, Miles."
He sighed then chuckled. "I know. I'm just trying to avoid it as long as I can before I cave. I miss her every day."
I patted his back before standing up. "Go get her back man. It's worth it."
"I don't know, dude. I doubt she'd take me back after I left her like that. I didn't really give her much of an option. I just ran off like a coward. I'm sure she's moved on," He heavily sighed while tilting his head towards the doors of the house.
I attempted to ignore the yelling from the other side. "Maybe she will. Maybe she hasn't. You can't know unless you try. Beats being miserable," I muttered. I was still pissed off about being here.
"You know, Aria has told me a lot about you," Miles spoke after a moment of silence.
I lit another smoke to ease my nerves. "I bet she has," I said with the stick in my mouth.
He chuckled. "I just find it interesting that you're pro love. Compared to what she's told me, I would've guessed your advice would be a lot different."
I narrowed my eyes and peered at him. "Okay..." I dragged out. "I get the sense that you don't have the best image of me."
Miles laughed and shook his head. "No, no. It's not that. You've proved enough that you're a good guy just by lasting longer than a few hours here. I see the way you treat my sister. You're just a lot different than when she first described you."
I smirked. "Let me guess, an inconsiderate asshole?"
"Along those lines. She used the word mysterious a lot. A lot."
"I see," I nodded.
"Something about some big guy full of tattoos, completely out of place, just showing up one day with a big attitude. That you never gave anyone the time of day unless it was Tyler or Lacey. And when you did give anyone your attention, it was to scare them off or be a dick. Her words, not mine," He laughed. "She just described you to being someone who you'd definitely need to stay away from. A big player. And she told me about the rumors about you. Whether they're true or not, I was quite worried in the beginning, I'll admit." He glanced at me.
Miles babbled like her too.
"It's not wrong."
Miles grinned. "That's why I'm confused. Because you're with her. And to me, it seems like you treat her right. I don't know all the details or what you two are like alone. But I see you're genuine."
"She's got a gift," Was all I could really say to that. I honestly couldn't understand it myself.
"Yeah well... I'm glad you're here. Someone's gotta deal with her," he joked.
I walked inside to silence. It was eerie and it brought up a deep memory of walking into my father's house when I was a kid. ghostly, unknown, anxious.
I frowned as I scanned the house, keeping my ears perked for any sudden noises. There was nothing. After walking around the house for possible signs, I bumped into Aria and felt instant relief.
"Hey, pretty girl," I murmured. Her big blue eyes were glossy as she blinked the tears away. She offered a smile in return. "Are you okay? I heard screaming earlier."
My eyebrows lowered as I saw her structure. She was distraught and it made me nervous and upset for her. I hated to see her this way.
She laughed and shook her head, then nodded. "He's just angry with me like usual."
"I'm sorry," I said and tilted her head up. Her cheek was puffy and pink, likely due to her saddened emotion. Her eyelashes were sticking together from the salty water produced in her eyes. "Do you need anything? I can take you somewhere, or I can run to the store and get you something? Anything you want."
Her small voice broke mid sentence. "Can you just stay with me for a bit?"
I nodded and stepped closer to her. "Of course," I murmured. I held both of her hands in front of the small space between us. I brought her hands up and kissed her thin fingers before pulling away.
I frowned as I double took a look at her skin. I looked down at her left hand and turned her wrist over. I analyzed the red discoloration that was forming brown markings on the inside of her wrist and the sides.
"What's this?"
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