《Rejection - Pernico》Chapter 18


I snapped back to reality, Nico's fingers trailing lightly over my scar surprising me. He stared in shock at the thickly knotted line winding it's way down, as he brushed it gently. Nico was the only person, other than Chris and my mom, who knew about it. I'd told Annabeth I got it when I'd been blown out of the volcano. I'd told the rest of the Seven that too. I hadn't ever told them anything about my past life. Yet why was I telling Nico this? He was probably the person I shouldn't have trusted the most, aside from Octavian. But I felt... different. It was different.

"I...I made a mistake, back then. I made a mistake, and the whole school found out I was...found out about me. They weren't very open about it, I guess you could say... They, the bullies, that is, would...beat me, call me names, taunt me...

I-it became too much, after a while. Two years, to be specific. I was 12 when it started. That was the year Grover got me. I guess being around the other demigods helped a little, but... I was fifteen when I tried to kill myself. And I nearly did.

I was almost dead when Chr- my friend found me. Completely ruined my left arm."

I glanced down at it, at the raised, darker skin.

"My mom saved me, though. She gave me a mixture of nectar and ambrosia, like a smoothie of the gods. Anyway, it saved the limb."

I took a deep breath.

"It took me a while, getting used to this, this feeling. But Chris helped, and...uh, yeah, I finally came to the conclusion that it's just the way I am. And it's nothing to be afraid or ashamed of."


"A-and, Nico, I just... Yeah, I made a mistake, and it had fatal consequences. I'm lucky to be alive now. And I just want to help you. Because maybe if I'm here... Maybe you won't make the same mistake I did.

I want to help you with this."

He stared at me, expression unreadable. But a moment later, his eyes hardened, and he sighed. "I wish it was that easy, Percy. I wish it was."

I growled internally. Why did he have to make this so hard!?

I mean, okay, I hadn't expected it to be all that easy, but seriously, couldn't Nico see that I...

I what?

Frozen, I stared across the table at Nico's face.

That I what?

Liked him?

Did I like him?

Where did that even come from? Liking Nico wasn't even part of this thing. I just wanted to help Nico. As a brother. As a friend.


I grimaced, and Nico's face flashed through my mind.

His laugh, now so rare. How he'd looked at his sister, adoringly, in a way that would make anyone feel special. I knew it was that that had made Bianca hesitate before joining the Hunters. The way he had looked at me when I promised to take care of his sister. Like I was a hero, an actual good guy.


The despair in his eyes, the burning hatred when I told him Bianca had...hadn't survived.

Yet he'd still saved me, and I'd noticed the conflict in his eyes as he ran.

And more recently...

The devastation in his eyes and he shouldered the Athena Parthenos and began his journey. The look that made me want to hug him, and comfort him, and tell him it would be okay. That everything would be okay, that I would follow him to the ends of the earth and protect him forever.


The concern in his voice when I'd fallen in camp. The care he'd shown when I was injured so badly that I couldn't move. The way he'd thanked me.

Nico wasn't perfect, far from it. But then again, so was I. We all are. But he was a caring, selfless person, who was torn and broken by the restraints of his past, his parenting, everything. All the odds were stacked against him.

Imagine it. A son of Hades, one of the most hated gods, living in a time when those of his sexuality were hated. Even his appearance, the dark hair and dark eyes that made him look so threatening.

He had been bitter. Of course he had. The one and only person in your life who loved you and you loved dead, and no way to being her back.

But he had fought, to bring her back.

And then he'd fought off the bitterness, and emerged a good person.

He cared. About others, much more than himself. I'd seen the way he looked at Bianca, the same way he looked at Hazel.

He cared about them, and he loved them.

And I?

Well, I was starting to think that I was seriously falling for him.

Nico's POV yay

I blinked. Percy pulled my hand and I leaned forward curiously. I did not expect what he did.

He hugged me.

I inhaled sharply, staring at him. "What was that for?" Percy Jackson just smiled. "I want to help you. Can you trust me?"

I swallowed. Could I?

I nodded.

He wanted to help me. He actually cared. I felt a lump in my throat as I hugged him back, a slight sheen of tears glazing my eyes.

Pulling back, I looked him in the eyes. "Thank you."

He smiled, but didn't reply. Didn't say, oh, it's no big deal, no problem, it was a small thing.

Because he knew it wasn't. He knew it was a huge deal, a big problem, and the fact that someone was willing to help you, small, broken you, was a big thing.

He knew.

He understood.

And he wanted to help me.

A/N: Hey, bros!

So, new chapter! *dances around* I'm having a sort of long weekend, school holiday, so I'm trying to cram all of season 5 of Doctor Who into it, but with my shit ton of homework...

So yeah, updates might be slower, I have serious writer's block, plus of homework. Seriously.

Okay, that should be all for today, virtual hugs! Bye and have a great day.



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