《Rejection - Pernico》Chapter 6


Chapter 6

~Percy's POV~

"Alright, here I go." I muttered to myself, striding down the path back to camp. As I arrived, the dinnertime bell rang, and I slid onto the seat at my table, alone as usual.

When the food arrived, I dug in, but didn't have very much appetite, which wasn't surprising considering the situation. I had eaten several bites of food before I realised something was wrong. Glancing up, my eyebrows creased as I saw everyone staring at me. Quickly, they turned back to their own table, except for Octavian, who sneered at me haughtily.


I smiled back at him, which earned me another glare, but I just shrugged and went back to eating, trying to quench the queasy feeling in my stomach.

After dinner, everyone was still shooting me odd looks, when Octavian stood on his bench. "I have an announcement to make. I would like to call a gathering at the auditorium." Sighing, I stood and slowly trudged to the large stands, knowing exactly what this was about. A glance at Rachel and Jason confirmed their worry.

"Today, I was strolling down the path into the forest, I overheard people talking. Although I tried to get away, not wanting to eavesdrop, I couldn't help but hear what they were discussing. The voice I heard was Percy Jackson's, and his confession?" Octavian looked nastily at me. "Well, why don't you tell your adoring fellow campers?" I blinked, unprepared for this, and remained silent, pleading with my eyes for him not to do this, but it only seemed to encourage him on, a smug smirk flashing before he regained his composure, all righteous anger.

"He admitted that he was a homosexual!" There were gasps of shock all around. Slowly, I leaned back against the rough bark of the tree behind me, relief and fear coursing through me. My secret was now out, I didn't have to hide anymore...but who knew what would happen now that it was out?


"He's been leading his faithful girlfriend along-in fact, he's been leading us ALL along! The gods will not condone homosexuals. It is not right! Zeus made man, and Zeus made woman! This is the pairing! Not man and man!"

Looking up, I saw a pair of grey eyes full of confusion meet mine as I gazed into Annabeth's eyes. "Is-Is this true, Percy?"

Now came the final decision. I could lie and say no, and I knew deep inside Annabeth would believe me. Together, we would wear Octavian down and make him crumble, and win again the affection of the camp. Or...or I could admit it. I thought about the free feeling in my chest, and I knew that if I didn't tell the truth, that burden would settle back onto me like an overcoat of lead, wearing me down instead, until I crumbled.

Looking up, I let my silence speak for me. Annabeth gasped,"P-perc-cy! Y-you're..." I nodded once, feeling the eyes of the whole camp on me. The exclamations alone made me feel awful, but I stuck with my decision, and could see Rachel in the crowd beaming at me. Swivelling my head, I could see Jason giving me a discreet thumbs-up.

"Have you...have you known this w-whole t-time?" Annabeth hiccuped, tears running down her cheeks. I could see Leo and Piper smiling at me, looking shocked and slightly confused, but also happy. Kind of. Next to them stood Frank and Hazel, who were staring at me strangely.

Turning back to Annabeth, I looked at her. It seemed cruel, too cruel, to nod. She shook as Octavian crowed in the background amid gasps of shock and horror. She understood though, and the next moment, I was lying in the soil clutching my cheek, which was already swelling.


She glared down at me, her tears dripping onto my face. "I-I hate you!" Turning on her heel, she hurried away. As she drew away, I felt my heart breaking. I had never loved her that way, it was true, but...she was my best friend, and she was in love with me. I felt awful as I watched her stride away, before breaking into a run for her cabin, sobbing.

I got up and looked at all of the camp, staring at me. Nodding, I acknowledged it softly. "It's true. I'm gay." Slowly, I dragged my feet back to my cabin. I knew I should've felt something, but all I felt was an empty hollowness. As if my brain knew I would hurt and shut down my heart.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, how are y'all doing? This chapter wasn't...the best, I know, but I'm trying my best.

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