《She's Ours》You ready



Y/Ns Pov

As the day went on my heart would pound every minute of the day. Michael would often give me glances when I would go by..I tried not to think about it but my face would get flustered.

Billy was basically flirting with me while the others watched in confusion. He would often make cringy pick up lines. "Hey. What's your favorite scary movie cause imma make you scream my name later"He said as he would smirk.

Freddy watched in disgust at the pick up lines saying how bad billy was. I rolled my eyes smiling as I looked over at Michael. "Childish?"I said as he nodded in agreement. Michael was unique about his opinions on everyone. Everything about Michael was a mystery and I feel like that's why I'm attracted to him in a way.

Billy turned looking offended "Im not childish" he said as he furrowed his eyebrows. Michael did his head tilt as if saying ' U sure'. I laugh at the sass Michael does. Freddy also laughed till everyone looked at him. "What?" He said looking at us till he caught on.

"Seriously you guys..I'm not childish!"He said as Billy laughed "I'm a man I tell you..a man!"I couldn't help but laugh at Freddy's defensive words. Michaels chest moved a little...He was laughing..

I smiled and put my hand on top of his before I he looked at me. "You were laughing"I said smiling he grunted and looked away. "Awww..don't be that way it was cute."I said as he sighed.

I laughed till I realized our hand positions we both blushed and looked away. "Heyyy!"Billy said as he pouted looking at me. "What about me?"He said as he sat down next to me and cuddled close. Freddy acted like he was about to throw up and left.


I rolled my eyes and smiled "I give you a lot of attention..Michael needs some too"I say as Billy scoffed. "Hmph...fine"He said as I smiled and rubbed his head. "Your cute when your mad"I said as he brightened up at that.

"Hmmm..so what did I say earlier"He said as he thought while putting a finger on his chin." Billy smirked as he got on top of me on the couch. My chest was rising up and down fast as he put a hand on my thigh going up. "let's finish what we started"He said as Michael joined in too but sat down where my head was.

"You ready princess"

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