《She's Ours》Ours



I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed!

But no Michael..I remember him putting his arms around my waist. I must have feel asleep..sadly I didn't get to savor the moment..I noticed how you don't get a reaction out of Michael a lot.

I sat up looking around he left..I sighed and shrugged my shoulders as I decided to take a shower as I grabbed my towel and went to the bathroom.

I stopped in my tracks to hear the shower running..who could be here? Michaels gone isn't he?

Thoughts swarmed my head as I gulpped reaching for the knob.

I twisted it and peeked in only to freeze at the man standing in the shower. A blush formed on my face as he stood there washing his hair..his muscular arms scrubbing his brown hair, eyes kept closed with his mouth slightly open.

Michael was still here..and he is Naked!

My face was probably a tomato by now but I couldn't help but just stare at him. He looked so different without his mask and his body..

He was well built.

I bit my lip looking at him when all of a sudden I was pulled into the shower. I gasped as my clothes were still on and were getting soaked.

I looked up to see Michael looking at me his gaze was sharp as he stared at me. It felt like he was staring threw my soul.

Michael was still staring at me as I didn't know what to do. I just looked at him his facial features..he was handsome his jawline sharp. He was gorgeous!

I couldn't help but smile at him as he tilted his head which I found kinda cute. I smiled not thinking as I spoke "Your hot" is all I said before I kinda blushed at what I said.


I looked for a reaction out of him when nothing happened. He stood there just breathing..I felt a wave of nervousness hit me as I thought I went to far.

"I- '' I was about to explain before his lips crashed onto mine. My eyes widen before they started to close kissing him back. He slowly but hesitantly put his hands at my waist as I put mine around his neck.

We were both to caught up into one another not hearing the door open. As Michael and I slowly parted the curtain went open.

"Y/n?!"I turned my head to see billy there with a shocked expression. I didn't know what to say as Billy looked at me than Michael before back at me.

Billy's expressions changed as soon as he looked me up and down. "Nice"Is all he said before I looked at myself I was soaked but the shirt I went to sleep in was white.


Billy smirked as he looked at Michael who also had the same expression he did. I gulped as I started to think of a way out of this. "I-uh haven't ate yet..how's about we go downstairs hm?"I said as I smiled nervous.

As I was I getting out of the shower Billy pushed me against the sink and smirked "I don't think so..your Ours this morning..I would call this "


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