《She's Ours》A little hope


No ones POV

They all stood there in silence not expecting her to say that she wanted all.

Even Michael was a bit surprised I mean he didn't really give a good first impression.

Silence still stood till Billy broke it "So..I guess we're all together?"

Freddy scoffed and showed a face of disgust "No there's no way in hell im in a relationship with you bozos especially hockey puck over there"He said as he death glared Jason.

"Well we could get her-her own room..this is a hotel after all"Said billy plainly.

They nodded as Y/n just stood there listening as they continued on talking.

"I for one would like to decorate..eh Y/Ns room"Said Penny smiling as Billy nodded thinking it would be more comfortable for her.

"So who's gonna help decorate?"Billy asked as Penny ,Jason,and surprisingly Freddy did too.

Billy nodded as he said he would help as well now they needed to find out where She would stay for the time being.

"Okay..y/n who do you wanna stay with for now?"He asked as she gulped not sure who to choose from.

"Uh.."Is all she could get out before her eyes landed on Michael.

"I'll stay with Michael"She said as everyone was shocked not expecting her to say his name.

Freddy groaned and rolled his eyes wanting her to stay with him.

Billy was a little annoyed but was okay since he knew Michael would really try anything.

Michael was a bit taken back not expecting her to go with him.

She looked at him wanting to smile but..not sure wanting to play her cards right.

Michael noticed this and slightly frowned under the mask..he really didn't give off a good first impression which he kinda regrets.

For once he felt something other than rage....

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