《She's Ours》Realization and introduction



When I walked in the "abandoned"hotel there was so many familiar faces

The two men with the hockey mask and plain white mask were there playing uno?!

This random clown I've never seen before had a red balloon that was in my face earlier in the day he was doing this weird stunt but he was crooked!


What's even worse is that the man in my dreams popped up and looked directly at me

I just glared at him but he seemed to catch everyone's attention since they were all looking at me and Billy

"Knock it off Freddy" Billy growled it was kinda scary but also kinda hot to see him get mad

At least he defended me

I distracted myself and looked around the room looking at each person my eyes landed on the man with the plain white mask along with the hockey guy

Billy must have saw me staring cause he tapped my shoulder

"It's not nice to stare you know" Billy said as he chuckled I blushed a light shade of pink and avoided his gaze

"I uhm well..." I didn't know what to say what if he thinks I'm weird

"Look how about I introduce you to the others then me and you can go to my room and watch a scary movie"

I smiled and nodded my head in agreement as he lead me to the masked men

"Ok well this here is Michael you've probably heard of him around Haddonfield you know Michael Myers the boogeyman" It's no doubt I know who he is but the way he just kinda slouched back like that made him look hot

I know it's wrong to think that way but I just couldn't help it but of course I didn't say that as I just simply smiled and waved my hand


"Hi I'm Y/N" He just stared at me not a single movement

It creeped me out a little but I guess he's not much of a talker

Billy then continued on to the next masked man

"And this is Jason he's not from here but he's here you know cause..well that's another story for another time but yea this is Jason..Jason Voorhees" He said in an enthusiastic tone

I did the same as I did for Michael and waved saying my name

Though unlike Michael he actually waved at me we told them bye and continued on to the next person

He then led me to the clown which kinda freaked me out

"Hey Penny this is Y/N and Y/N this is Penny"Billy said but this time he had a firm grip on my arm as I said Hello to him

He said as he twisted his body back to normal state and looked at me with a slight smile

I've never been to fond of clowns and this didn't help me at all maybe that's why Billy had a grip on my arm

Though the more I stood there the more the clown stared me down like a hawk

He seemed in like a trance of some sort and all though I wanted to ask what is wrong with him Billy quickly said our goodbyes and left before the clown could protest

"What was that all about?"I asked Billy as he quickly pulled me away

"I wouldn't go near him...he's..not safe for you"He said as he looked me in the eyes seriously

I nodded my head as an OK and we Continued on which so happens to be.....Freddy

We walked towards him and before Billy could speak Freddy just HAD to say something remarkable he said to me as he smirked I gave him a disgusted look "doll" really...


"Don't call me that"I said in a fierce tone h

He just chuckled and stepped close like he did in the dream

He said as he was testing me seeing what I was gonna do about it

As I was about to say something else Billy stopped me before saying he said in more of a deeper tone than usual

Freddy just laughed and shrugged it off and walked away

Billy then turned to me his face changing to a happier one than before

"Well that's all let's go to my room!"He said as he ran towards where it was

I smiled and ran with him

-timeskip to his room-

*huff huff*

"That was the longest flight of stairs I've ever climbed"I said as Billy chuckled

"You'll get used to it"He said as he opened the door

"Ladies first He said"I smiled and thanked him and walked in

His room was filled with anime posters and video games with a play station

"Woah nice"I said as I looked around he smiled and asked "so what movie do ya wanna watch?"

I just shrugged my shoulders and asked him to choose

He chose Scream

"Scream?"He looked at me and nodded quickly

Looks like he likes this movie

-later in movie-

As we watch the movie and the killer Ghostface didn't have his mask on and strangely it looked like Billy

As I stared more the puzzles all connected all at once in my head he is....



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